Arslan Senki
Arslan Senki
By Tanaka Yoshiki
112 Chapters
3 Reviews
After an unexpected and devastating loss at the Battle of Atropatene, the Crown Prince of Pars must gain new strength and make new allies to retake his lost kingdom. The 14-year-old Arslan has been sheltered for most of his life, but now must face the challenges of warfare, betrayal, politics and something even more sinister looming on the horizon. With the help of a few loyal followers, Arslan quickly learns that nothing is ever as it seems on the surface. His own family history, the identity of the masked stranger trying to kill him, and the cause of increasingly strange supernatural events are all mysteries to be solved. Set in a fictional representation of ancient Persia, this classic story (from Japanese author Dr. Yoshiki Tanaka) combines political intrigue, military tactics, and fantasy.

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