A beautiful model girl named Hikari, known as the “cutest in the world,” became a topic of conversation in society. However, in reality, he is a boy and in his daily life, he is a quiet high school student named Hikaru Haruma.
Hikaru has a tendency that worries him. That tendency is “there’s no girl cuter than me (when dressed as a girl).” Whether it’s the classmate who is the school idol, the sharp-tongued junior, or the polite and gentle senior, he always thinks, “Aren’t I cuter?” It’s like a disease for him.
However, one day, he discovered the hidden side of his classmate, Amamiya-san, who is plain and unremarkable…
“Believe me, Amamiya-san! You’re cute! Very cute! Cuter than me! It means you’re the cutest in the world!”
“Eh, eeeh!?”
This is a battle between a man who likes to dress as a woman with excessive self-confidence and a girl who is genuinely earnest despite lacking confidence, with the theme of “cuteness.”