Married Woman Seeding Club
Married Woman Seeding Club
By Kuraan Nedriski
34 Chapters
3 Reviews
A young man named Shikii Tomoya is sexually aroused by married women, loli, and his immediate family, all of whom he is morally and ethically forbidden to touch. Then he receives an email from a club that satisfies his twisted desire. In addition to the convenient story, a m*sturbation video of himself is attached to the email, and he decides to join out of fear of having the video disseminated and the hope that he might be able to satisfy his desires. Then, after joining a married womenโ€™s seeding club, the ordinary life of Tomoya changes completely. He has relationships with beautiful women one after another, sometimes impregnating their wombs with his own children and building a harem. This is the story of Shikii Tomoya cuckoldry.

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