Six years after reincarnation, I turned 11 years old. I estimate that it’s has been three years since my brother Randolph left for the royal capital.
At the training grounds inside the castle, a fighting tournament (that doubles as practice) is held once a month; in it, there are sword fights and unarmed combat, but the real highlight is the joust. The weapons used aren’t real, and highly lethal techniques are also prohibited, but still, it’s treated like a live battle where you wear armor, hold a shield, and fight opponents on horseback, so everyone gets serious, and above all else, it’s exciting!
“Take this…!” I cry.
“Well done!” the announcer cries. “Victory goes to Lady Rosalind!”
“This is her first ever victory!”
“I wonder if we’ll ever get to win one of these days…” another competitor mutters.
“My parents are disappointed, yes—but I’m sure they’ll get over it in time!”
The competitors are divided by age, because physical constitution and fitness are affected by it. I’m participating in the adolescent’s bracket for squires 10 to 14 years old.
“I heard you’ve won your first tournament, Rosalind,” Father said over dinner.
“I still can’t believe my ears…” Mother murmured.
Father’s eyebrows rose, his expression grew troubled.
“For an eleven-year-old girl to become a squire with just one tournament win in the adolescent’s bracket…” I muttered.
“I understand,” Father said. “You want to be told that you’re late. Your brother had several notable achievements at this age, after all.”
I wanted to make my first victory last year. There are already quite a few squires who are over-aged who’ve never won, so a tournament victory was just a bonus to them. However, I have a position and responsibility as a daughter of the Stanley family and as Randolph’s little sister so I have to work harder!
“No!” Mother cried. “Look at the other noble’s daughters! There is no one like you who’s so devoted to military training with the boys!”
“Mother, as I said from a long time ago, I would like to stay at the Stanley family as an assistant to my brother without having to be wed to another family, and do my best for my house. Aren’t there women who choose that way of life?”
Some people, even noble’s daughters, do not become brides and live a life of supporting their birthplace for their brothers and their children. As to be expected, there are rarely girls like me who choose to go into the military.
“If you were a daughter of another family, you could do that, but you–” Father suddenly cut off.
“Father?” I asked.
“Come to my bedroom later,” he said. “There’s something important you should know.”
“Ah…? Yes, Father.”
After finishing dinner, I headed to my father’s bedroom as I instructed. Father dismissed the maid, sat us down on the sofa, and said, “You seem to be actively studying politics and military tactics. Then can you see why the Arch region is of geopolitical importance to both the Kingdoms of Amelia and Valhalla?”
“Yes, Father,” I said. “If you try to attack Amelia from Valhalla, you must control the Arch region. If you suppress Arch, Valhalla will be able to attack Amelia all at once. Amelia wants a closer relationship with our family, the Marquis of the region, because after the death of the former King Cyrus, the power of the royal family weakened, while the power of their Lords has only become stronger.”
“You are studying really hard,” Father said. “Oh, if you were only born a boy–“
“I was born a boy, I might have been fighting with Randolph over who becomes your successor,” I cut in. “I’m glad I wasn’t.”
“Hrm, maybe so,” Father said.
“As a sister, I can help my brother without being involved in the battle for heritage.”
“So it seems.” Father sighed and put me on his lap. “Our family will be succeeded by your brother Randolph, and you are likely to be married to the second prince or the grand prince of Amelia, because the fiancée of the crown prince has already been decided.”
“… Political marriage?” I asked.
“As expected, you learn fast,” Father said.
“Yes, that’s what it is,” I said. “It’s not a matter of our will, it’s a problem between our houses.”
Father nodded somberly.
The Kingdom of Amelia is a feudal country. The Lords swear loyalty to the King, but that loyalty is not always absolute. If the relationship between the royal family and the Lords deteriorates any further, there are fears that a coup may be on the horizon.
The Arch region is vast, with productive and profitable territories. Due to it sharing a border with the Kingdom of Valhalla, its Lord and their House are given much autonomy, and are even allowed to have its own standing army. In other words, there is enough potential to become independent of Amelia.
With the support of the Arch region, the royal family of Amelia retains its influence and authority over the other Lords. With the support of the royal family, you will be more likely to be able to request strong reinforcements in an emergency, especially since House Stanley’s relationship with Valhalla has been fraying.
In other words, it is a win-win relationship for both parties.
“But the official story hasn’t come out to the public yet?” I asked.
“That’s right,” Father said.
“Then I’m right to talk about this so early,” I said. “Prince Glenn and the Grand Prince may find good wives elsewhere.”
If I continue with my military training and tactics and grow up to be an unfeminine woman, I may be judged as an unsuitable wife. There’s even the possibility that I’ll be excluded from the outset, as the royal family is more particular about marriages than the Lords. I hoped it would happen, it’s my best bet for the future I wanted.
“Hey, Father,” I said, “may I stay in House Stanley unless someone tells me otherwise?”
“Hrm, you may,” Father said.
“Hooray!” I cried. “Let’s continue our conversation—or rather, rather you tell me about your work! Didn’t you visit Fort Horns the other day? Tell me about it, please!”
Fort Horns is a military base built on the Arch side of the border.
Relationships between Valhalla and Amelia had been deteriorating ever since trade began between them. Citizens of Valhalla people attempted to break through the fortress and repeatedly performed actions that could be seen as military demonstrations near the border, leading to anti-Valhalla sentiments in Amelia.
It all came to a head when an armed group from Valhalla appeared over Fort Horns and came to blows with the Amelia Kingdom, specifically the Knights of Arch. Fortunately, it was a small battle, but relations only deteriorated even further. That was about three months ago, and as the Marquis, Father had fortified the defenses at the fortress and was in command of the front line.
“I don’t think you’ll like it,” Father said. “I’ll deal with Valhalla via diplomacy. We will stand down for the time being.”
Certainly, the fighting was long over. But the tensions were still simmering. And though I expressed my doubts, Father was still quite confident.
Above all, I knew what was going to happen in the future. When Rosalind turned 18, the war between Valhalla and Amelia began. “Hey, Father, do you remember what I said before?” I asked. “When I turn 11, Amelia’s relationship with Valhalla will deteriorate, and when I turn 18, war breaks out.”
“Did you say such a thing?” Father asked. “I don’t quite remember. Either way, you can say what you will after all is said and done.”
Father didn’t believe me from the beginning. On the contrary, I know he remembered. I even confessed to my brother, but Randolph just smiled. “It’s not that I don’t believe you,” he said, “it’s just that if you say something so strange, nobody will believe you.”
I don’t want to be Cassandra, the tragic prophet of Greek mythology. Ever since Randolph began helping me, I started to talk about the future. But as I’m a child, the adults don’t take me seriously. They believe it’s better to keep up appearances than to risk being seen as strange.
“I apologize for that, Father,” I said.
“Hrm,” he said.
As Father warned, there were no more interesting stories. Now that the armed conflict was over, all that was left to talk about was politics. Using the excuse that it was late, I got permission to return to my room and laid down on my bed.