Reincarnation year 3. I was 8 years old, and onii-sama was 13 years old. Until now, onii-sama had been receiving schooling with the Stanley family, but from this year on, he was to go to the royal capital to study. As heir to the Stanley family, while receiving basic training for the Royal Chivalric Order, he was to deepen friendships with royalty and titled nobility. My brother himself also said that he wanted to assertively deepen his views, and amazingly, he was leaving home for 5 years!
“No no no no no! Being apart from onii-sama for 5 years- I hate that!!”
“Rosalin, don’t cry. It isn’t goodbye forever.”
“Until now, I’ve always been together with onii-sama! I don’t want to not be able to meet you for 5 years!!”
My parents gave up on me who was throwing a tantrum, and it became that onii-sama was to persuade me. I threw myself onto the bed in onii-sama’s room and flailed my limbs. No matter what, I wouldn’t be able to accompany onii-sama to study this time. I would be left at home and continue living as I had been.
Before onii-sama left home, he convinced our parents to allow me to study combat, politics, and military affairs as I had been till now. I was thankful for that. However, I hated parting with onii-sama!
“I’ll definitely come home if I have a holiday. Besides, I’ll also write letters to you, Rosalind, okay?”
“There’s no way I can lie to my adorable little sister.”
“Will you write to me everyday!?”
“Everyday is impossible. Hahaha!”
Onii-sama was kind to me no matter what. Even in the game, he was kind to Rosalind.
“Geez, when it comes to you, you’re usually mature, but sometimes, you’re horribly childish.”
Well, that was because I was a 17 year old high school girl in my past life. Since I had reincarnated for 3 years now, in total, my mental age was 20 years old. In my previous life, I would be considered a splendid adult, so what would me making a scene like a child be…… As expected, I got embarrassed, so I quieted down. Onii-sama, who saw that appearance of mine, seemed to have understood it as me giving up.
“Since I’ll be gone, don’t slack off on studying, okay?”
“If onii-sama promises to send a letter 3 times a month, I won’t slack off!”
“What an unreasonable kid. I got it. I promise.”
“Thank you! Onii-sama, I love you!”
That night, we slept in the same bed with our pillows lined up together.
I, unable to really fall asleep, observed onii-sama’s sleeping face. Long eyelashes and smooth skin. Even to me, his sister, onii-sama was quite handsome. In the game, he was set to be 23 years old. The adult onii-sama would surely be even more wonderful a man than him now. I wondered if he would win the hearts of many women.
Why was such a cool brother the most unpopular in the game? The answer was simple; it was because he was a siscon.
Onii-sama wasn’t the type to put the heroine, Eugenie, before all else. Of all things, as the brother of the villainess, he treasured the protagonist, Eugenie, and the villainess, Rosalind, to the same degree. That was a point that otome game players didn’t support.
(Hey, then this is no good! Right now, no matter how I look at it, I’m leading him to be a siscon, aren’t I!?)
To enter the onii-sama x Eugenie route, my brother had to leave his little sister.
If I thought about it, him going to the capital was a chance to leave his little sister. In the capital, there would be many stimuli different from things here. Maybe, while living a fun life in the capital, he would gradually also forget about me.
(But he promised to send 3 letters every month…… Umm, Onii-sama has to leave his little sister, or…… But of course I don’t want onii-sama to forget about me…… Aah, p-pass me my handkerchief to wipe away my tears……)
That night, I continued distressing and worrying and was unable to fall asleep well. Besides me, onii-sama peacefully breathed while sleeping.
……For brother and sister to part, I also had to be like that.
Finally, the day for onii-sama to depart for the capital came. Father and I also went to the capital with him, and we arranged to stay for a few days.
“Rosalind is also 8 years old. It would be good for her to have an audience with the king soon.”
Just like that, I was at the royal palace. I was having an audience with royalty. With the first prince, Prince Lazarus. He was the next king, but depending on the game route, he would die during the war. In that situation, the second prince, Prince Glen, would become king.
Incidentally, Prince Glen was Rosalind’s fiance, but he would fall in love with the heroine, Eugenie, at first sight upon coming to the Arch Territory. The game’s Rosalind was a traitor who snuggled up with the enemy country and sold them information, so breaking her engagement was reasonable. Under the 2 princes, there was a princess called Princess Ann. At this time, Princess Ann was still a baby, so she was being held by a nurse maid.
“Long time no see, Randy. I’ve gotten tired of waiting for you to finally come to the capital.”
Onii-sama and Prince Glen were acquainted. There was such a thing that their ages were off by one year ――the prince was older. It seemed that they saw eye to eye. Each time my brother came to the capital, he met with Prince Glen, and they cultivated a friendship.
“Hah, Prince Glen. Thank you for your kind words.”
“Don’t be so stiff. From today on, we’re companions learning from the same teacher.”
Prince Glen came down the stairs of the throne. When he came before my brother, they shook hands.
“So this is the rumored little sister.”
The prince looked me over. In that moment, something cold ran through my body.
(He’s making such cold eyes…… It’s like he isn’t looking at a human being!)
Rather than a prince’s gaze towards a human, it was closer to the gaze of a merchant looking at goods. Those eyes seemed to be looking at not a human but a thing. I felt so.
However, that was also for only a moment. The prince quickly showed a refreshing smile on his face and extended a hand to me.
“I’m Glen Justin Ray Amelia, the second prince.”
“I am the daughter of the lord of Arch, Marquis Stanley. My name is Rosalind Stanley.”
The prince put strength into his hand. I also showed a slight smile and shook his hand back, putting strength in and shaking his hand up and down a few times.
A marriage proposal was possibly further away if I was thought of as hard to handle rather than easy to deal with. From one glance, I had a hunch that I wouldn’t like this person. In the game as well, Prince Glen and Rosalind’s hearts did not unite. Of course, it seemed that the manners of engaged parties had been exhausted, but… Speaking of this, I thought of what he said to the heroine in the Glen route.
‘Holding endless ambition, my heart that burned with passion to expand my influence was soothed. In that barren ice field, the only flower that bloomed was you. Eugenie.’
Although he expressed it in a roundabout way, in the long run, he meant that he didn’t think anything at all about Rosalind.
Prince Glen was called the ‘Ice Prince’ in the game. Although he had a handsome appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes, his long slit eyes were sharp and cold. That coldness was hidden by his princely conduct, but to me who knew the fate of the future, I felt it somewhere false.
“Hey, Rosalind. Your brother, I’m borrowing him for a short while.”
When the audience at the throne ended, we left the royal palace and quickly headed toward a holiday house owned by the Marquis Stanley nearby. After a number of days, leaving my brother and servants in the capital, we returned to the Arch Territory.
From then on, as promised, my brother sent me 3 letters each month without fail. The days where I also quickly wrote my reply to send back continued.