6th year since Reincarnating.
Today’s the monthly fighting tournament! I headed to the arena with a spring in my step. Those who have won in the previous adolescent’s bracket are disqualified from participating again; however, since this is the young men’s bracket, I’m free to join!
“My Lady!” one of my servants cried. “Maybe you should refrain from taking on the young men’s bracket because you’ve already won the adolescent’s bracket!?”
“Oh… but the others are trying so hard, should I just give up?”
“N-No, not at all!” he stammered.
The servants continued for a while, but in the end, they admitted defeat.
The tournaments cycle between swords, unarmed combat, and spears from month-to-month. The adolescent’s bracket last time was a joust, and fortunately, this young men’s bracket is the same. Armed and mounted, I rode into the arena.
“Wooooww!” someone cried. “Rosalind! How adorable!”
“Don’t be fooled by her appearance!” someone else snapped. “Even if she looks like a noblewoman, she’s still the champion of the adolescent’s bracket!”
The squires are not only ones in the arena, but servants who come to watch the game also. I am the only female contestant, so I stand out, but I don’t hate having the distinction. “So then, who is my opponent?” I cried out.
I check the match table. The opponent of the first match: Aaron Carlisle—one of the capture characters in the Otome game.
“Remember, the first character you captured was Aaron,” I thought. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much because it was so long ago. All I really know is that as the heroine’s childhood friend, it was easy to win him over.
What kind of person is Aaron like at this time? I saw a squire nearby and asked. “Aaron?” the squire said. “He wasn’t an aristocrat from birth, his father was knighted for his military achievements.”
“But knights with one-time titles can’t be succeeded by their descendants,” I said.
“Yeah, that’s true, but Aaron’s father allowed him to join the Order as a squire.”
“I see,” I said. “Well, I wonder about him since he’s four years older than me.”
“That’s right,” the squire said. “Starting this year, we’ll all be old enough to join the young men’s bracket.”
“But I have no experience playing against him in the adolescent’s bracket,” I said. “Wasn’t he attending the fighting tournaments until last year?”
“Until last year, his family lived in a town near Fort Horns,” the squire said. “However, his father died in the battle with the Valhalla kingdom, and they came back to live at his grandparent’s house. Now her mother’s the one earning a living. I hear that’s all they have, as far as money goes.”
“I see… that sounds rough,” I said. I gradually remembered that after losing his father, the other squires were quite cold from to him from then on.
“I hear he’s a good squire,” I said.
“He is,” the squire said. “But he’s a commoner, and only good for combat.”
I raised eyebrows at that. “Oh, yes,” I said, 'since his father was a first-generation knight, their prestige died with him.”
“Right,” the squire said, “they’re not even close to the worth of the knight and noble families that have been around for generations.”
“But why is that?” I snapped. “It’s not your family name but your ability that should matter. Our relationship with Valhalla is uncertain, especially in these rocky times time. There will be a demand for strong knights over family names!”
“S-Sorry!” the squire said before he left in a hurry, terrified that he’d angered me.
“Ha… introducing myself is always so awkward,” Aaron muttered.
I turn around and see Aaron.
As he’s the son of a first-generation knight, he was more likely to be neglected compared to those born to families with generations-long histories. It seemed to be a terrible lot in life; after all, when people of the same age gather in a closed environment, pecking orders form and problems begin, even if they are training to become “honourable” knights.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said. “You are Aaron Carlisle, yes?”
“Yes, My Lady,” Aaron said. “It’s an honour to be facing you today.”
Aaron has bluish hair, blue eyes, and a fearless look. In the game, after undergoing severe training, he was awarded a position in the Knight’s Order, and at the start of the story, had risen to the rank of Deputy Secretary. The position gave him the authority and the experience to handle any trouble in the surrounding areas. He was amazing, and honestly, I wanted to be like him.
“I’m sorry, my Lady, is there something the matter?” Aaron said.
“What?” I ask. “Oh, no, nothing! Ohohohoho…!” I went, trying to play it off.
He stared at me with a suspicious look. This is bad, very bad. And there’s such a strong aura about him as he’s the first capture target, too.
In the game, Aaron was not able to easily open up to others because of the constant neglect he experienced after his father’s death. However, if you went down his route, he would open his heart up to his childhood friend Eugenie after reuniting with her years later, and eventually dedicate his life to her as a knight.
By the end, he was recognized for his valiant service, given a title and territory. It’s such a wonderful story, and I aspire to be courageous and powerful like him… but right now that doesn’t matter! Because now I face him as a fellow squire!
I face Aaron, my lance drawn.
“Begin!” the announcer cried.
I charged.
The crowds cheered.
Aaron avoided my attack. There was an opportunity to counter in turn, but he didn’t take it.
“—Hah!” I cried.
“This doesn’t count!” he said.
Aaron’s attacks are all completely predictable. I heard that he was a trained squire, but this was more like sparring. “You’re treating this like a game!” I cried. “I didn’t come to play around!”
We go on and on like this, until finally, my anger boils over. “Aaron, why don’t you really hit me!” I cried. “This can’t be your true strength!”
“… I will not, my Lady,” Aaron replied. “There’s no way I can get serious with a girl like you.”
“What was that?! How ‘honourable’, Aaron!” I say sarcastically “I’ve been fighting you as an equal in this match! It’s an insult to my honour for you to hold back, just because I’m a girl! “
“Insult…?” Aaron asked.
“If you’re truly a knight-to-be, you know how serious that is! Come at me with all you’ve got! No holding back!”
Aaron’s face changes as he charges, each impact suddenly getting heavier.
“Fufu, I’ll win this match!” I yell.
“My Lady…” Aaron growls, “don’t make me laugh!”
“Kuh!” I scoff. “But this time it’s my victo—ah!?”
Aaron avoided my attack again, but this time, he took the opportunity to strike back. “Hah!” he yelled.
I was knocked off my horse. I didn’t get seriously injured because I had become so relaxed, but the crowds went silent. Then, they went wild.
“We… we have a winner!” the announcer cried. “Our champion, Aaron Carlisle!”
“My Lady!” my servants cried.
“Lady Rosalind!” the crowds scream.
“I’m alright!” I cry out to the crowds as I get up by myself, laughing as I walk towards Aaron. “You’re as strong as I thought you were,” I say over the din of the crowd. “You’ll be a good knight. Please, hone that power and use it for the future—
“–Quiet!” I yell at the stands. “I’m okay, alright? This person did not dishonor me! He gave me the utmost respect and fought with all his might! I lost the match, but because I was outclassed! It is not this person’s fault. Again, I feel totally fine!”
Aaron was more surprised than anyone else as the stands calmed down again. I smiled at him once more then walked back to my servants.
“My Lady, today’s tea,” a maid said.
“Thank you!” I said. “Mmm, it smells delicious.”
I was waiting for someone in the drawing room and picked up the teacup prepared by the maid. This world seems to have a cultural standard of about the 15th to 16th centuries, but at least the food culture is more advanced than the original medieval Europe.
“Today’s tea is delicious,” I said after taking a sip. “The scones on the side are not bad, either.”
“Thank you, my Lady.”
It is said that the tea culture flourished in England in the original world around the 17th century, but tea already existed in this world. Of course, the names are different. Darjeeling and Keyman are brands derived from the locations they originated from, so even if they have the same taste, the names in this world are different.
However, it seems that the way tea is enjoyed has not changed much: hold the teacup with your right hand and put your left hand on the tea saucer to avoid making noise.
“Lady Rosalind,” a servant said. “Mr. Carlisle is here.”
“Let him inside,” I said.
One month has passed since I lost the young men’s bracket. This month, I won a championship the second time, and the next day I invited Aaron to my family’s drawing room.
Aaron entered the reception room and remained standing, clearly uncomfortable. The maid served him tea, but he doesn’t touch it, probably because he’s still figuring out why he’s been called.
“It’s been a while, Aaron,” I said.
“It has been, my Lady,” he replies.
“Please, take a seat,”
“I’m fine standing, my Lady. Thank you for your concern.”
“The tea has a wonderful scent,” I said, “bergamot with citrus. It’s named Marquis Stanley. So far it’s only available here in the Arch region.”
“… It is very calming,” he mutters.
The tea used to be Earl Gray in my original world. I have heard that it is a flavorful tea, named after the British nobleman, Count Gray, in the 19th century.
It was a tea that doesn’t exist in this world, but the tea culture itself existed, so I tried to reproduce it based on my memory. Then it quickly became popular and started to appear in the Arch region. In this world, the brand of Marquis Stanley is familiar instead.
“I did not call you in today to reprimand you,” I said. “Instead, I have a proposal for you.”
“A proposal?” Aaron asked.
“Are you planning to go to the royal capital and train with the Royal Guard?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” Aaron asked. “Are you trying to drive me out of your territory?”
“Not at all,” I said.
“Aren’t I responsible? For all the nasty rumours floating around about me.”
“That’s a different topic altogether,” I said.
It seemed that the other squires had a scheme involving Aaron losing to me that day—but then Aaron won.
Of course, that’s what I wanted, and I told my parents and subordinates not to blame Aaron. So there is nothing to worry about from them, but Aaron became even more of a pariah. Even for the ruling House Stanley, it is difficult to intervene in such matters.
“I’ve said it before: you’ll be a good knight, so I want you to use that power for the future,” I said. “I want you to expand your knowledge and gain experience. Have you always been in the Arch region? The Royal Guard gathers talented knight apprentices from all parts of the country. I want you to hone your skills there.
“The Knights of Arch are strong. I believe that wholeheartedly. But, I also believe we need new blood to survive the coming times. Don’t you?”
“Aaron, I want you to be that new blood. At present, my brother Randolph is in the royal capital. From now on, I will train and support him and eventually become a pillar of the Knights of Arch. I’ve spoken about this with my father, so don’t think this is just a little girl’s fantasies. “
“My Lady… it’s an honor for you to have spoken with me thus far, but I cannot because…”
“Your mother, right?” I asked.
“… Yes,” Aaron said.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “As long as you go to the capital with me, House Stanley will take care of your mother.”
“My Lady…”
“I’m not saying you need to reply right away,” I said. “Go home tonight and talk with your mother. It’s about your future life. But if you feel embarrassed about being taken care of by House Stanley, I’m telling you now that if you refuse it will be a scandal. Listen to me, Aaron because I’m talking about the future, not just the immediate things.”
“Thank you very much, my Lady,” Aaron said. “I would like to speak to my mother first.”
Aaron returned home that night, consulted with his mother, then accepted my proposal. Preparations for their departure began immediately.
Aaron’s mother decided to work with my family. Her salary jumped up many times and their standard of living has improved dramatically, too, since food, clothing, and housing are provided free of charge. “We are so grateful to you,” she said. “We appreciate your kindness, and words just can’t express how much.”
“Think nothing of it,” I said, “It was not an unreasonable request.”
Aaron’s mother is a nice-looking middle-aged woman, and I immediately took a liking to her. She seemed to on good terms with the other servants, too so I patted myself on the back—though, it would be my fault if Aaron’s mother ever becomes unhappy again.
Thankfully, it didn’t happen. Aaron agreed to travel to the royal capital after seeing his mother in good hands. Eventually, it came time for me to head there myself.
“So, my Lady, it’s time for you to leave,” Aaron said.
“Yes,” I said. “Please wish me well.”
“My Lady…” Aaron said. “You want to study with Randolph in the royal capital, as well”
“I wasn’t allowed because I’m a girl,” I said.
“That’s why I thought about your offer again,” Aaron said. “Not everybody has the opportunity to study at the Royal Guard… I will do my best not to waste the kindness of the lady who recommended me. I will join you.”
Eventually, when Aaron retired, I returned to Castle Stanley.
As I looked out the window of my room, and I quietly murmured: “There are quite a few boys who leave their hometowns for training there. The familiarity of a shared home exceeds their differences in status. The others from Arch will welcome you, regardless of origin. If you’re from their country, you won’t get bullied.”