Arc 1 – Chapter 4
Gu Jing stood in front with Shen Jiayan held tightly in his arms. The bullet went straight into his right chest. He groaned, but still managed to kick the gun out of the shooter’s fingers and backhand him onto his knees.
“Hurry and call for help!” he shouted at Shen Jiayan.
Shen Jiayan’s face was ashen white, his lips pale. Sweat had broken out across his forehead as he ran towards the hall. “System,” he said to the black cat, “I’ve suddenly discovered something.”
“Could it be that you’ve fallen in love with Gu Jing from what just happened?” the black cat grew flustered. “But you know that’s against regulations.”
“No,” Shen Jiayan’s breathing quickened. “This body gets weak at the sight of blood.” He felt a wave of dizziness as soon as he spoke. Fortunately, he managed to grab the hand of a person heading towards him. “Quickly, in the hallway, Gu Jing is…”
By the time Shen Jiayan woke up again, it was to see his father’s stern expression. Next to him was a younger, handsomer version of his father’s face, wearing an identical glare. Shen Jiayan blinked before he said meekly, “Dad, big brother.”
Both faces softened at the sound. Big Brother Shen clumsily handed over a glass of water and gently helped his brother drink despite the irritation on his face. “Is there anywhere else you feel uncomfortable?”
Shen Jiayan shook his head. Silently, his father expelled a sigh of relief before he started to scold. “Dad’s already told you to keep your distance from Gu Jing. Nothing good happens when you’re with him! It’s just in one ear and out the other with you, isn’t it?”
Shen Jiayan nodded subconsciously before he saw his father knit his eyebrows. He quickly shook his head and murmured, “Dad, I was taken hostage this time. Gu Jing got shot trying to save me.”
If Gu Jing hadn’t held back, he could have easily overpowered the man. Worse comes to worst, he could have fled the scene with plenty of time to spare. But he’d gotten shot for Shen Jiayan’s sake, and now he was being disliked by his father. Even the scatterbrained Shen Jiayan felt that it was unfair.
But his father was more focused on something else and roared, “You’re talking back to your dad because of him, aren’t you?”
Shen Jiayan was left speechless and forced to remain silent. His older brother noticed his still pale complexion as he sat there listlessly and felt a twinge of regret. “Where were you hurt? Why did you faint? The doctor couldn’t tell anything wrong.”
Shen Jiayan quickly looked towards his brother, his eyes somewhat bright. “I wasn’t injured. I just got lightheaded at the sight of blood.”
“……” said his father. He was supposed to curse that Gu Jing fellow, but now he was lost for words.
“……” said his brother. Does little brother need nutrients after fainting at the sight of blood? I think so! Should I go ask the doctor? Mm, I’ll do it one day for sure!
Shen Qiyu’s father coughed to break up the awkward atmosphere. “Is there anything you want to eat? I’ll have Nanny Wang make it for you and deliver it here.”
Shen Jiayan immediately sat up, ignoring the glucose IV still stuck in his hand as he counted off a list. “I want to eat sweet and sour spareribs, scrambled eggs with tomato, Coca-Cola chicken wings, and seaweed soup.”
“Then son, you stay here with your brother. Dad will take a trip home,” his father said, before adding, “Keep an eye on him. Don’t let him go off searching for that damned bloke.”
His elder brother’s face was stiff. “Don’t worry, dad.”
Once their father left, Shen Jiayan immediately jumped off the bed. The sudden motion ripped the IV needle out of his hand. “Big bro, which room is Gu Jing in? I want to see him.”
His elder brother only stared at the blood pouring out from the IV incision on his hand with an unhappy look. He knew much more than their father, including just how much his little brother was infatuated with Gu Jing. He also heard from Gu Jing’s secretary that his brother had been crying out for Gu Jing’s safety moments before he fainted. Despite this, why was he still unhappy to see his brother behaving this way?
“Take care of the wound on your hand,” he said as he handed over a cotton swab. “Press on the inury.”
Shen Jiayan sat on the edge of the bed and pressed on the bleeding spot, his eyes dancing with hope. “Look big bro, it’s stopped bleeding.”
His brother rubbed his hair before falling silent. Finally he relented. “I’ll go with you, but leave as soon as you get a glimpse of him.”
“Fine,” Shen Jiayan agreed without a second thought. He was feeling extremely guilty right now because Gu Jing didn’t get hurt originally. It was because he stirred up the original plot of Xu Chenle blocking the bullet, then had Gu Jing block the bullet for him. Now he had to make sure the guy was still alright. But his urgent actions only gave a different impression to his older brother.
Elder brother Shen’s lips curved up mockingly. Gu Jing, is it? You want to steal my little brother away again? Then I’d like to see your determination this time.
Currently, only Xu Chenle was standing outside of Gu Jing’s sickroom.
“Chenle, this is my…” Older brother, Shen Jiayan trailed off before his brother cut him off.
“Hello,” his brother said as he offered a hand. “ Shen Qiran. [1]”
Xu Chenle stuck out his head blankly and shook it. “Urk, hello. I’m Xu Chenle.”
Shen Qiran nodded his head before grasping his little brother by the shoulders to enter Gu Jing’s room. Xu Chenle stood dazed for a bit before following after them.
There was a thick layer of bandage over Gu Jing’s right chest, stained with faint spots of red like plum blossoms in snow. He was currently lying on the bed, looking a little weak from excessive blood loss. But his aura was the same. When he saw an unknown man pull Shen Jiayan into the room, he leaned forward unconsciously. Then, as if sensing his movement, he forced his right hand to relax and showed an easygoing smile. “Diyu, who’s this?”
Before Shen Jiayan could answer, his brother interrupted. “His most intimate person in the world.”
Shen Jiayan blinked. Suddenly, he understood and muffled his mouth to laugh, but was quick-witted enough to keep quiet.
“Heh,” Gu Jing chuckled. Ignoring the comment, he looked at Shen Jiayan with eyes full of warmth. “Qiyu, didn’t you say in the past that you liked me and you’d be with me no matter what?”
Shen Jiayan nodded. “Right, ah! I-is there anything wrong with that?”
Gu Jing changed his position on the bed and patted the empty space next to him. “Then why don’t you spend some time with me? It’s so boring being by myself in this sickroom.”
Bastard, he’s actually acting like a spoiled child here?! Shen Qiran wanted to yell at him, but saw his little brother agree and prepare to walk to his side. His heart gave a jolt. “……”
Shen Jiayan had no other choice. Looking at Gu Jing’s current state gave him nothing but guilt. No matter what the man wanted, he wanted to agree. Shen Qiran grabbed him by the wrist and warned, “Did you forget our agreement before you came? Leave after just a glimpse. Now you’ve seen him, so come back with me.”
“But…” Shen Jiayan trailed off.
“No buts!” Shen Qiran was firm. “Go back with me this instant and you’ll have more chances to see him later. Otherwise, don’t even think of finding him again.”
Gu Jing narrowed his phoenix eyes, which flashed with a moment of rage. “Diyu, come over here. I’ll protect you.”
Shen Jiayan hesitated before taking his brother’s hand. “Gu Jing, treat your wounds first. I’ll come back to see you again, so wait for me.” His last few words were spoken very clearly.
Gu Jing stared at him before suddenly lying back down. He sneered before half-shutting his eyes. “Whatever you want.” So this is what you mean by “I’ll do my best.”
Once the two were gone, Gu Jing told Xu Chenle in a cold voice, “Get out.”
Xu Chenle hesitated before recalling young master Shen’s clear, pure eyes. In the end, he chose to speak up. “Boss, after young master Shen confessed to you, he came to give me a warning.”
“Hm?” Gu Jing didn’t expect that. “What did he say?”
“He said you’ll definitely like him by the end, so I shouldn’t think of chasing you,” Xu Chenle left out his part in the conversation to summarize Shen Jiayan’s views.
Gu Jing’s lips curved into a grin despite himself. “And then?”
“And then, young master Shen was so worried about you that he fainted. When he ran over, one of his hands was bleeding. He must have come as soon as he woke up,” Xu Chenle never expected that he’d speak up for someone else without being prompted one day.
Gu Jing knit his brows, feeling a little worried. But when he recalled the other man, he pursed his lips. “Who was that other man just then? Why does Diyu listen to him so much?”
“Boss.” Xu Chenle couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “That man’s name is Shen Qiran.”
Gu Jing suddenly understood as his eyes lit up. After some thought, he went to make a phone call. “Hey, Uncle Dong, there’s something I need to trouble you about. It’s what you said before about saying a few words in front of that Uncle Shen…”
Xu Chenle softly shut the door behind him. Tsk, tsk, people in love really do have negative IQ.