Arc 1 – Chapter 5
“Jing, you brat, you called at just the right time. Uncle Dong’s got something to tell you too,” Old Dong’s tone was prudent as if he had something important to say.
Gu Jing slowly withdrew his smile as he lowered his voice. “Tell me, Uncle Dong.”
“Remember the guy who was sent to shoot you?” Uncle Dong’s eyes grew shrewd. “I’ve already caught him, but do you know what symbol was on his left hand?”
Gu Jing had only caught a glimpse of the hand in question and faintly recalled some marking. “A lightning bolt?”
“That’s right,” Uncle Dong said, tapping the table with his index finger. “Remember how you saved this old man’s life from a bunch of men in the past? Those men had the same lightning bolt symbol.”
“You’re saying they still haven’t given up?” Gu Jing knitted his brows. In a flash, he recalled a critical point about the situation. They’d not only moved against Old Dong, but himself as well. That means they weren’t simply out for money or profits. It was down to revenge killing now. When he thought about it deeper, he realized they wanted to kill him because he’d saved Old Dong’s life. Would that mean they’d kill everyone else related to him as well, just so he could suffer?
An image of Shen Diyu’s face floated up in Gu Jing’s mind.
Old Dong sighed as a trace of shame crept into his voice. “This old man blocked their progress in the past, so it makes sense that they’d want to kill me. But I’m worried that it’s implicated you this time as well.”
Gu Jing pursed his lips. “Uncle Dong, don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to me.”
“Mm. Uncle Dong’s telling you this so you can keep on guard. Don’t worry, I’ve already sent men to protect the hospital you’re staying at. Once you’ve gone past this period of time, things will improve.”
“Thank you, Uncle Dong, I understand.”
Before he hung up, Old Dong remembered something and asked, “That’s right, what did you want your Uncle Dong to ask that old Shen fellow again?”
“Nothing,” Gu Jing smiled bitterly. “It’s better for Uncle Shen to keep hating me. This way he’ll keep Diyu away. The further he is, the safer he’ll be.”
Just what’s all this? That Jing brat’s finally willing to spend his days with the Shen boy, but now it’s all a mess because of this old man? Old Dong was ashamed. “It’s all Uncle Dong’s fault.”
Gu Jing was quite pragmatic about it all. “Uncle Dong, it has nothing to do with you. If both of us still hold feelings for each other, why do we need to see each other morning and night? Once everything’s over, I’ll explain things to him. You don’t need to worry about me. Just take good care of yourself.”
Uncle Dong burst into laughter. “That’s true. You’re both young and have a long life ahead of you. Then that’s it, I’m hanging up.”
On the other side of the equation, Shen Jiayan was studying hard to learn how to cook. Thick white smoke billowed from the kitchens and drifted into the parlor, making the whole scene look like some divine, mist-covered fairyland. Unfortunately, both Shen Qiran and his father were in no mood to enjoy the scene from their seats on the sofa.
“What’s ol’ second[1] doing to make such a spectacle?” the Shen father covered his mouth to suppress his coughs as he strove to keep a stern expression.
“I don’t know,” Shen Qiran coughed a few times. “Judging from the smell, it might be stir-fried onions with green peppers .” Otherwise, why would we be choking?
Nanny Wang stood on one side with a sour expression. “Old master, eldest young master, just then second young master said that he’s simmering tomato and pork liver soup. Apparently it’s good for enriching the blood.”
“Then why isn’t second young master asking you to help him instead of going to the kitchens himself?” the Shen father glanced towards the room. You’ve just gotten back from the hospital. Please don’t make yourself ill again.
Nanny Wang had a woebegone face. “I want to help second young master too, but he said it’s more meaningful if he cooks the soup himself. He wouldn’t let me help and chased me out.”
Now she was worried about the state of her kitchen. Was it still alright? Her pots, her vegetable knives, her bowls

The Shen father used his walking stick to smack Shen Qiran. “Eldest, go check on ol’ second by the door. Why is he taking so long to cook something?” And he’s even making it for that bastard Jing, hmph!
Shen Qiran’s face was stiff. “Dad, why don’t you go yourself?”
“This smoke is too stifling,” his father said with another jab. “Maybe ol’ second hardly listens to me these days, but you’re following in his footsteps, too? Is that right?”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Shen Qiran said before standing up and heading for the kitchens. He was about to open the door when someone pulled it open from inside, leaving him in full view of a dirtied face and a pair of bright peach blossom eyes.
“Big bro, this smell is too stifling. Help me look after the pot while I get some fresh air!” Shen Jiayan blurted out before leaving the mess in Shen Qiran’s hands.
..” said Shen Qiran. Why must I be the one who always suffers?
On the sofa sat the Shen father on one side and Shen Jiayan on the other. His father couldn’t see the black cat that was stretched lazily in between them.
“Ol’ second, you’re planning to visit that stinkin’ brat Gu Jing today, aren’t you?” his father said as he slammed his walking stick on the floor a few times. Veins were popping out of his forehead.
“Mhm,” Shen Jiayan replied.
“And if dad won’t let you?” his father asked calmly.
“Dad, I really do like him,” Shen Jiayan bit his lip. “One year ago, you told me to break up with him and I did as you said. But I wasn’t happy at all this past year until I saw him again in H City. Dad, I’ve listened to you once. Then how about you listen to me once this time?”
His father’s words seemed to be torn out from between his teeth. “No. My Shen family can afford to cast him away!”
“Then if that’s the case dad, my answer is that I’ll go too,” Shen Jiayan decided. Since he had to fulfill the client’s dreams, he would naturally expose his true desires to his father as well.
“Fine, on your knees!”
Shen Jiayan did as he was told. His father whacked him hard with his walking stick. He hadn’t cared how wild Shen Diyu have been in the past and only reserved his cane for beating his eldest son. This time it landed on Shen Jiayan’s left shoulder with a hot thwack of pain. It was obvious that the hit would leave a bruise.
“Still going?” his father’s lips trembled slightly as he purposely raised his voice.
Shen Jiayan glanced at him as he knelt on the icy floor. His left shoulder seemed to have lost all feeling from the smack, but his lips were still insistent. “I’m sorry, dad.”
Another hit struck him on the stomach, then his arms, legs, etc
 His father avoided any vital parts on his body to smack his meat until it turned numb with pain. Shen Jiayan only whimpered once before biting his lips. He neither begged for mercy nor cried out in pain. In the end, his father collapsed back on the couch. He knew how much his son feared pain, but the boy still managed to keep silent in the face of his beating.
Still, that didn’t mean Shen Jiayan wasn’t complaining at all.
‘System, it hurtshurtshurtshurtshurts, I’m about to die from the pain. Lighter, tell him to smack me lighter, or else I’m going to revolt. I’m seriously going to rebel. Sobsob, isn’t this mission only worth 5,000 points? Why does it hurt so much?!’
Shen Jiayan was only able to hold out because of the system’s words. “Your Excellency Host, as long as you make it through this, I’ll award you with 1,000 points.”
Thus, Shen Jiayan gave it his all.
“Fine then, just go!” his father said helplessly. The more you loved someone, the more you were at your wit’s end. Shen Jiayan staggered his way to his feet before enveloping his father in a light hug.
“Dad, thank you. No matter who I end up with in the end or what I choose, I’ll always love you.” These were words the original host had wanted to say as well, but never got a chance to in his past life.
His father turned towards his, his eyes sparkling slightly. “In any case, your dad can’t control you anymore. Just do whatever you want!”
Shen Jiayan headed towards the kitchens in enough pain to grit his teeth. His face was all scrunched up by now. His older brother was currently leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. Once Shen Jiayan passed him, he reached out to touch his face. “Little brother, you look a little ugly right now.”
After a pause, he added with a sigh, “But you’ve grown up.”
Shen Jiayan tilted his head with a chuckle. “Big bro, you’ve been beaten a lot more times than me, right?” And then he entered the kitchens in a cloud of smoke. His pot of tomato and pork liver soup had just about boiled dry. Shen Jiayan quickly added in more water. “System, the soup should be done by now, right?”
The black cat swished its tail as it circled the around the pot of blackish “soup.” It looked at Shen Jiayan with doubtful eyes. “Can you really drink this?”
“Weren’t you the one who told me just to add tomatoes and pork liver with water and simmer them slowly?” Shen Jiayan asked guilelessly.
Well, it seems like that’s what Xu Chenle did in the past too, the black cat mused to himself. Although his own host’s end product looked a little different, the process was still the same. It shouldn’t
be too much of a problem, right?
“It should be fine,” the black cat puffed up its chest with confidence.
“Alright, then I’ll go find Gu Jing now,” Shen Jiayan placed the soup into a box to keep it warm before setting out.
[1] ol’ second (老äșŒ) – lao er, nickname for Shen Qiyu as he’s the second oldest son.