Arc 1 – Chapter 3
“Your Excellency Host, you’ve scared away the target,” the black cat remarked as it leaped onto Shen Jiayan’s knees. Then it observed the stunned crowd in the hall and added, “Oh, he wasn’t the only one you scared.”
“Mm,” Shen Jiayan replied lazily. He found a more comfortable position on the chair and relaxed. The black cat exposed just enough of its claws to hook Shen Jiayan by the shirt without hurting him. “Then host, what’s your next step?”
“I’ll sit on this sofa for awhile first,” Shen Jianyan said as he pinched the cat’s paw to expose the rest of its claw. Then he released and pinched it again, toying with the paw.
The black cat glanced at him. “And then?”
“And then, when Gu Jing comes back, we can sit on the sofa together,” Shen Jiayan replied instantly.
“…..” said the black cat. My host is extremely lazy. All he does is think about completing his missions while sitting down all day. What should I do? Seeking for help online, emergency!
Perhaps its accusatory gaze was too obvious, but Shen Jiayan  actually rubbed his nose with a guilty conscience. “Well, what do you suggest?”
The black cat stood up and shook itself before pointing a paw at Xu Chenle with a commanding air. “Go take care of him first. The strategy guide says it’s mandatory to say cruel things to the love rival.”
Shen Jiayan gave a noncommital response before rising to his feet and walking towards Xu Chenle. In all fairness, Xu Chenle didn’t look very remarkable, but he was a clean type who gave off a good impression to everyone. Currently he was holding a serving tray with a small plate of salmon sushi and a glass of champagne. Both were Gu Jing’s preferred foods. But thanks to Shen Jiayan’s sudden confession, he was still spacing out.
Shen Jiayan drew close to him and said, “You’re about to drop that.”
“Oh.” Xu Chenle quickly set the tray aside before giving his hesitant thanks. The black cat scratched Shen Jiayan in displeasure.
“Your Excellency Host, you’re supposed to threaten him.”
Shen Jiayan pressed the cat’s head with a finger to comfort him, then turned to face Xu Chenle. His lips smoothed into a line before his expression turned serious. “I like Gu Jing.”
“Mm, I know,” Xu Chenle felt awkward. He didn’t know why Shen Jiayan was suddenly telling him these things. He thought he’d covered up his feelings towards his boss quite well.
Shen Jiayan raised up his fingers as he continued to speak. “First, we were each other’s first loves. Second, we didn’t break up willingly, but was forced to by our parents. Third, I still like him, and I’ll make him like me too.”
Xu Chenle could admit that he was gay. When Jing Xiu Group was nothing special, he was willing to stay on because he had an interest in Gu Jing that he wanted to develop. But nothing had happened between yet. They were still in a boss and subordinate relationship. He had no experience dealing with his boss’s ex telling him these things. “Then why are you telling me this?”
“Because I know you like him too, but he’ll end up with me in the end. So I’m asking you to stop liking him. It’ll just be a waste of time, anyways.”
Xu Chenle’s heart sped up when the other exposed his feelings, but he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry by the time the man finished speaking. He should be angry, but he suddenly felt that this young master was actually a little cute. What to do?
Xu Chenle couldn’t resist reaching out to rub Shen Jiayan’s hair. Instead of losing his temper, he felt like speaking to a spoiled younger brother. “Alright, then I’ll stop liking him.”
Just like that?
Man and cat exchanged glances,  both of them feeling at a loss. To Xu Chenle, it only looked like Shen Jiayan had blanked out before glancing foolishly towards his left, then back at him again.
I feel like I’ve been attacked by cute again!
In any case, he only had positive feelings towards his boss, not love. He wasn’t the only man in this world. If they didn’t work out, he could simply switch to someone else.
Shen Jiayan continued to probe. “Then what if I ask you to help me woo him and tell me his work schedule?”
“Tell me your cell phone number and I’ll text you what the boss is up to,” Xu Chenle seemed to have come to a decision, because he broke into a brilliant smile and turned amiable at once. Shen Jiayan thus exchanged numbers with him in a haze. Then Xu Chenle wished him luck and the two left each other like old friends.
“System, that Xu Chenle really is a good guy,” Shen Jiayan couldn’t help but remark.
“So?” the black cat asked, licking its paws.
“I think he really did want to share the joys and hardships of life with Gu Jing. They’re a good match. Now I feel like the big villain,” Shen Jiayan said upon self-reflection.
“Then Your Excellency Host, are you still planning to gather points?” the black cat stopped licking itself to blink at him innocently.
Hearing this, Shen Jiayan’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Of course! Forget it, Xu Chenle can find his happiness elsewhere.”
“…….” said the cat. I knew it.
To complete his task, Shen Jiayan walked around with a glass of wine while sniffing out his surroundings for anyone carrying the scent of gunpowder on them. With his sense of smell enhanced, he was akin to a hunting dog. As long as he got close enough, he could tell which person was carrying a gun on them. But he was planning to expose the man and have him captured, not sacrifice himself for Gu Jing to block some bullet.
Shen Jiayan’s plan was sound, but the saying went that even the best of plans couldn’t block all exceptions. Standing in the corner of the hall was an unremarkable man dressed in a large gray coat. He suddenly rushed over and grabbed Shen Jiayan before pressing the barrel of his gun to his waist.
“Hurry and take me to Gu Jing,” he said in an icy voice.
What miserable luck. He was originally planning to take Gu Jing down in a crowd, but didn’t expect this brat to pull a publicity stunt and draw everyone’s attention. Now his plan was ruined. But he could still use the man to find Gu Jing personally!
Shen Jiayan gave a start. Why isn’t this man sniping from a distance and taking hostages instead?
Sensing Shen Jiayan’s hesitation, the man assumed he wouldn’t cooperate and jabbed him with his gun again. “Quickly, or I’ll kill you first.”
“Alright,” Shen Jiayan murmured back before heading towards the restrooms.
There are so many hallways here. I wouldn’t just run into him by chance, right? Shen Jiayan mused as he inadvertantly raised a flag for Gu Jing. Thus, it was no surprise when they ran into Gu Jing first thing. From a distance, Gu Jing could already tell that Shen Jiayan was walking a little strangely. It seemed like something was pushing him instead. Only then did he notice the man wearing a face mask behind him. He wasn’t very tall, but his eyes looked bloodthirsty. A thought flashed through Gu Jing’s mind, but his expression remained unchanged. He simply knitted his brows and grabbed Shen Jiayan by the arm.
“Shen Diyu, get over here.”
The man had no interest in Shen Jiayan and pushed him straight at Gu Jing before pointing the muzzle of his gun at his target. Because it happened so quickly, Gu Jing didn’t have time to do anything besides catch Shen Jiayan. A ferocious smile painted the man’s features.
“Die!” he shouted.
There was a bang as a bullet flew out of his gun.