The NaturalĀ Flag-raiserĀ and the Saviour and the Prince (1)
ā€œMako-chanā€™s cooking, it was insanely deliciousćƒ¼! See you tomorrow!ā€
In the end, Kaname and Soutarou broke into my house for dinner yesterday. Even when I told them to go back home, Kaname remained with a smile on his face. I made curry rice with whatā€™s left in the fridge, in this way showing some hospitality.
Because Kaname continued to maintain the tension one would have on the night of a field trip, last night we couldnā€™t sleep a wink. Itā€™s troubling if heā€™s this tense for the training camp next week. I may be a man on the outside, but as the inside is a youthful maiden, I want to have enough sleep. Lack of sleep is bad for the skin. Even though my face is that of a manā€™s, having bad skin makes me feel awful. Sorry for that.
ā€œIā€™m sorry for coming over to stay suddenly. Am I bothering you?ā€
ā€œEven if I say youā€™re a bother, youā€™ll still come, right.ā€
As though trying to entreat me, the ends of Soutarouā€™s eyebrows lowered and he looked at me with upturned eyes. Really sly. This reminds me of him at the family restaurant yesterday.
With an uneasy expression, Soutarou did his classic head tilt. I suppose this is a habit of Soutarouā€™s. Whenever Soutarou hears words of denial from others and feels scared, heā€™ll make this face. I feel that somehow or other Iā€™ve grasped his personality.
ā€œThatā€™s not it, because Makoto is very niceā€¦ā€¦ even if youā€™re unwilling, I thought that you wonā€™t hate it.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t say such strange things. Iā€™m not as good-natured as Soutarou, if I really donā€™t like it, Iā€™d have already said it.ā€
As though he was shocked by my words, Soutarouā€™s already large eyes grew wider by a size.
Whether is it Soutarou or is it Kaname, Iā€™ve already come to think of them without any ill feelings.Ā In fact, Iā€™d say theyā€™re very likable. I hope that weā€™ll get along even better from now on.
ā€œI had fun too. A lot.ā€
Itā€™s been a long time since I behaved like an idiot, merrymaking without any concerns.
I really had fun.
Arriving in a completely unfamiliar otome game and for some reason turning into a guy, Iā€™ve been feeling very anxious. This feeling, I certainly canā€™t tell these two and even if I do tell them, they wonā€™t understand.
Even so, these few days, Iā€™m filled with nothing but gratitude for these two. Iā€™ve had so much fun that I was able to forget my anxiety. Although Kaname, Soutarou and I have only met for a few days, I can already feel a friendship forming with them.
Hearing me say that I enjoyed myself, Soutarouā€™s face was full of smiles as though flowers were blooming.
Oh, as expected of an otome gameā€™s capturable character. Itā€™s possible for flowers to fly in the background. If this was a game screen, it would be the appearance of a CG.
ā€œThank goodnessā€¦ā€¦ Can I, stay over at Makoā€™s house, again? Of course, together with Kana.ā€
ā€œAh. If itā€™s once in a while.ā€
ā€œUn! Iā€™m glad. Mako.ā€
Suddenly, Soutarou hugged me.
As expected, even if itā€™s me, being embraced by a guy taller than me by about 5cm will make me lose my stability. I wonder what would be the right action to take now. For the time being, Iā€™ll just put my arms around Soutarouā€™s body. Un? This is also strange. Two guys embracing each other feels rather stifling.
ā€œLet go already. Itā€™s embarrassing for two guys to be hugging in front of the house.ā€
ā€œOnly Mako-chan and Souta, thatā€™s unfair. Me too, me tooćƒ¼!ā€
ā€œOi, didnā€™t you hear me? Let go.ā€
In addition to the Soutarou and I who were hugging, even Kaname joined in. Somehow the situation has evolved and became even more confusing. With the current circumstances being three high school boys sticking to each other, I already have no idea what I should do.
Even though itā€™s April, sticking together feels hot. Whatā€™s going on in the heads of these guys?
ā€œMako-chanā€¦ā€¦ and, Fujisaki-kun and Tsubaki-kun?ā€
Hearing a female voice, my shoulder reflexively trembled.
No matter how I think about it, and how much I donā€™t want to think, this voice definitely belongs to my cute imouto, Mitsuki.
ā€œMi-Mitsukiā€¦.. This isā€¦ā€
I must say something, otherwise she might think her onii-chan is a homo. Itā€™s a misunderstanding. Wait a moment, is the me whoā€™s embracing guys a homo? Since the contents is female. But on the outside, the family register states that Iā€™m male. If I really date a male, would I become a homosexual? Eh, I really donā€™t know.
While worrying endlessly, what entered my ears was the voice of that girl who Iā€™ve been calling for help for in the depths of my heart.
ā€œEh, ā€¦ā€¦ Mako? Are you really Mako?ā€
ā€œEhā€¦ā€¦ Subaru?!ā€
Next to Mitsuki stood an intense beauty with long black hair who lookedĀ astonished.Who-sama, Him-sama, it wasĀ Subaru-sama.[1]
ā€œMako, eh, male? Eh?? Mako is Mitsuki-chanā€™s onii-chan?! No way!ā€
For some reason, her shocked expression quickly became a face full of smiles. However, I personally cannot bring myself to smile at all.
ā€œItā€™s true. I have a mountain load of things to ask you, Subaru.ā€
ā€œNo way~, itā€™s really Mako, you became an onii-chanā€¦ā€¦ Moreover, youā€™re already friends with Kaname and Soutarou.ā€
Kaname and Soutarou finally let go of me.
ā€œMakotoā€™s friend?ā€
ā€œUn, well, something like that.ā€
ā€œNice to meet you~, Iā€™m Makotoā€™s girlfriend! My name is Yurino Subaru.ā€
While spouting outrageous words, Subaru put her index finger on her cheek. She gave such a bright smile that it seemed to enunciate a ā€œe eā€ sound, as she inclined her head.Ā Itā€™s a different cunning pose from Soutarouā€™s.
Really, Subaru, this powerful beauty. Sheā€™s become quite a sight to behold.
The dumbfounded Mitsuki and Kaname abandoned Soutarou and approached Subaru and I.
But just now, what did Subaru say her name was? Yurino? Yurino Subaru? Yurino, this surname, Iā€™ve heard of it before. Yurino Tamaki, isnā€™t it senseiā€™s surname?
ā€œCould it be, Subaru is Yurino-senseiā€™sā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œOh, youā€™ve done well to notice. I, ever since coming here, have become Yurino Tamakiā€™s imouto. By the way, I study at the private Atlas Academy, pleased to meet you~ā€
Atlas Academy is a prestigious mission-based institute situated beside Izumino Gakuen.
I would have never expected that Subaru would be in a place like that. However, itā€™s very encouraging to find that Subaru is also here. After all, Subaru is the writer of this game. Even if she doesnā€™t have a way to return, sheā€™ll play a key role when we try to find a way back.
ā€œBy the way, is Mako on the Soutarou route? Or the Kaname route?ā€
ā€œBecause, your relationship is so goodćƒ¼.ā€
The contents of what was whispered in my ears were so unexpected, that I got a shock.
What do you mean ā€˜Soutarou routeā€™ and ā€˜Kaname routeā€™. I am, to the end, the heroine Mitsukiā€™s onii-chan, and a supporting character. I have absolutely, completely no intention of capturing anyone.
ā€œMako-chan, is that cute girl your girlfriend?ā€
ā€œNope, sheā€™s not. Weā€™re just friends.ā€
If Subaruā€™s my girlfriend, itā€™d be unbearably troublesome.
Even if by chance I end up having to live as a guy in this world for the rest of my life, feelings of love will never surface between Subaru and I. Absolutely.
ā€œIs that so. Nice to meet you, I am Fujisaki Kaname. Pleased to meet you. The big guy over here is Tsubaki Soutarou. Cā€™mon, Souta, greeting, greeting!ā€
ā€œAh, nice to meet you. I am Tsubaki.ā€
ā€œUn, nice to meet you. Iā€™m Yurino Subaru. I am Yurino Tamakiā€™s sister and Makotoā€™s friend.ā€
Subaru gave such a splendid smile of a beauty without any trace of her otaku and fujoshi side, that even I felt slightly fearful.
Transforming her true face into a lovely one can be said to be her special skill. Coming here, Iā€™ve fully realised this. Being a beauty, in oneā€™s lifetime can obtain 100 million yen[2], someone came up with this wise saying.
However, Soutarou, isnā€™t your facial expression kind of stiff? Although a smile is a smile, the usual dog-like feeling isnā€™t there. Normally, when Soutarou smiles, his ears and tail will spring up like a golden retrieverā€™s, but they arenā€™t appearing now. Is it my imagination that he seems kind of despondent or downhearted?
ā€œAre you okay, Soutarou? Are you feeling unwell somewhere?ā€
ā€œEh, no, Iā€™m fine.ā€
For an instant, Soutarouā€™s face became red, then he shook his head left and right, with enough momentum to create a humming sound.
Could it be that he has a fever? Yesterday, he didnā€™t sleep at all. His physical condition might have worsened.
ā€œDonā€™t force yourself. You can act spoiled once in a while. Or could it be, Iā€™m that unreliable?ā€
ā€œAh, eh, no such thing! Mako is dependable. But Iā€™m really okay. Thanks, Mako.ā€
What happened, why is Soutarou acting so panicky? Itā€™s really strange.
When he coincidentally looked at Subaru for some reason his face turned red, his thumb pricked up and he thrusted his hand directly towards me. Whatā€™s the meaning of this? I didnā€™t do anything to deserve a good job sign.
On one side, Kaname shrugged while giving a wry smile. Were you such a character? Itā€™s precisely now that you should say something and liven up the atmosphere. This is getting uncomfortable, what should I do?
ā€œSo Mako-chan and Subaru-chan were friends~ā€
I unconsciously let out a smile towards the happy-go-lucky Mitsuki, who, in such a confusing situation, spun our conversation up until now a complete 180 degrees.
ā€•ā€•ā€¦ā€¦ Soutarou who for some reason had misgivings about the fact that Makoto might have a girlfriend, and Kaname who noticed that and somehow followed up, and Makoto who didnā€™t notice but was pleased to have found the key to leave the otome game. And Subaru who perceived all their heartsā€™ movements. And the heroine Mitsuki who noticed nothing but drove at full speed on the highway anyway.
The tripartite confusion and happiness and the various feelings that were added into the mixā€¦ā€¦ how will the story continue?
Makato is still unaware. That the focus of this story, is none other than her.