The Natural Flag-raiser and the Saviour and the Prince (2)
ā€œI didnā€™t expect that Mako would become a guy~!ā€
ā€œI was surprised about that too.ā€
After separating from Soutarou, Kaname and Mitsuki, I forcibly brought Subaru, who was giving an unpleasant smile, to a family restaurant.
Though Subaru ordered a morning set and ate her meal elegantly, thereā€™s no way that I would have an appetite, as I didnā€™t sleep at all yesterday. I could only drink hot milk like a puppy.
I took off the contact lens to prevent my eyes from getting swollen.Ā Hence, ever since this morning, Iā€™ve become a glasses guy. As I thought, even though I came to this world, my eyesight didnā€™t get better. Before changing my gender, please improve my eyesight first.
ā€œSo? Who are you planning to capture?ā€
ā€œNah, I wonā€™t do such a thing. I became a guy, you know. Isnā€™t this the world of an otome game?ā€
As of now, the current me has reluctantly become male. Iā€™m the brother of Mitsuki, who should be the one enjoying romance.
Until we can return, as an older brother, I plan to support my cute imoutoā€™s love. Though, itā€™s rather painful for another guy to take away the Mitsuki who calls out ā€˜Mako-chan Mako-chanā€™ while sticking to me.
ā€œThatā€™s fine, Iā€™m also okay with BL.ā€
ā€œNo one asked, okay.ā€
Do something about this fujoshi who speaks such ridiculous things with a straight face!
As a student of the prestigious Atlas Academy, please donā€™t voice out the bad things in your head.
Iā€™ll definitely not enter into a romance with anyone. Well, itā€™s true that everyone are nice and there are times when I thought they were cool. However, Iā€™m a guy. I donā€™t plan to stayĀ in this world for long, and I want to support Mitsukiā€™s love story. And like I said,Ā Iā€™m a guy.
Moreover, regarding matters of otome games and boysā€™ love, I can be considered Ā a complete outsider. Remaining rowdy with Soutarou and Kaname like how weā€™ve been so far isnā€™t too bad either.
ā€œRather than that, letā€™s think of a way to return to the original world.ā€
ā€œEh~, I still want to enjoy it more. The love of the main supporting character, Makoto.ā€
She looked at me with a pointless twinkle in her eyes, as though she was having fun. Even if you look at me like that, Iā€™ll definitely not do something like participating in a romance, okay.
ā€œDonā€™t speak such nonsense. Didnā€™t I already say I wonā€™t have a romance with anyone?ā€
ā€œEhćƒ¼, how disappointing.ā€
Although her regretful tone is kind of worrisome, Iā€™ll take it as a good thing if she stops making pointless retorts.
ā€œAt any rate, how do we get back? This is a game you made, right? Any ideas?ā€
ā€œIā€™ve no clue. I got a shock too when I became Yurino Tamakiā€™s imouto.ā€
I understand what Subaru is trying to say.
I, too, was confounded when I became Mitsukiā€™s older brother. As Subaru also came here unintentionally, she was definitely on the same boat. However, I want to return to the original world.
For that reason, I thought I had to get Subaru to think of a solution. Unfortunately, she didnā€™t know a way either.
ā€œThatā€™s rightā€¦ā€¦ā€
Noticing my obvious dismay, Subaru folded her arms and,Ā u~n, let out a groan before finally raising her voice.
ā€œIf we head towards the ending, wonā€™t we be able to return? The story hasnā€™t advanced towards the ending yet.ā€
Having a slight premonition that thereā€™s a chance of returning to the previous world,Ā my body leaned forward unconsciously.
Subaru cleared her throat triumphantly, raising a index finger beside her face.
ā€œItā€™s fine as long as Mitsuki-chan is attached to the Prince.ā€
ā€œI see, but who is this ā€˜Princeā€™ youā€™re referring to?ā€
ā€œGee. You didnā€™t listen to what I was saying at all, huh. Itā€™s Kiritani Riku. Heā€™s the glittering ikemen whoā€™s a second-year in Izumino Gakuen and in the same class as Mitsuki-chan. By the way, his attributes areĀ straightforwardĀ and cool!ā€
If heā€™s in the same class as Mitsuki, that means heā€™s in the same class as me. But was such a guy in the same class? Nothing comes to mind.
ā€œKiritani, Riku ā€¦ā€¦?ā€
ā€œIt seems you havenā€™t met yet~. Kiritani Riku doesnā€™t attend school much.ā€
ā€œEh, despite being a Prince, he has the character of a delinquent?ā€
If the Prince is really a hoodlum, I canā€™t say Iā€™m thrilled to have Mitsuki dating him. Onii-chan wonā€™t allow the cute Mitsuki to go out with a delinquent.
ā€œRather than a delinquent, he has a more absent-minded character.ā€
Even though heā€™s not a delinquent, just because heā€™s absent-minded, he wonā€™t come to school? I donā€™t quite understand.
ā€œWell, but if that Prince dates Mitsuki, I might be able to return. If so, Iā€™ll work hard. Iā€™ll cooperate so that Mizuki can head towards a happy ending with the Prince.ā€
Although I feel bad for Mitsuki, for my sake she has to go out with the Prince.
However, for the current plain-looking Mitsuki, itā€™s not at a level where anything will happen. It could be that if her specs are lacking, she might not even get to meet the Prince. First of all, it appears I have to raise her specs.
ā€œBefore that happens, you must be careful not to capture any characters yourself, alright.ā€
ā€œAfter all, Makoā€™s so popular.ā€
I donā€™t understand what sheā€™s saying. Ever since I met Subaru, was there ever a moment when Iā€™m popular?
Even if 1 in a 100 chance Iā€™m popular, I have no plans to capture anyone.
ā€œYouā€™re so noisy. Iā€™m not popular.ā€
ā€œIs that~so.ā€
Subaru had the eyes of an onlooker as she put on a creepy smile while draining the cup of hot milk which had become lukewarm.
Iā€™ve no choice but to do it. Iā€™ll become a more remarkable male high school student than the current me, becoming an ikemen onii-chan who supports Mitsukiā€™s love life. Itā€™s that. Iā€™ll become the siscon ikemen who often appears in the otome games Subaru makes!
ā€œFrom now on, Iā€™ll put all my efforts into becoming an onii-chan. And then, Iā€™ll assist Mitsuki in pursuing her love.ā€
ā€œOhćƒ¼. Mako-chan, so dashing! Kyaćƒ¼kyaćƒ¼ā€
ā€œThanks. ā€¦ā€¦ And so, Iā€™ll be going back, Subaru.ā€
My sleepiness had far surpassed my limits long ago. I no longer have enough energy to keep up with Subaru who was unfathomably excited.
I stood up from my seat while trying to suppress the drowsiness which threatened to make my eyes close.
ā€œIā€™ll send you home. Which direction is your house?ā€
ā€œItā€™s just next to yours. Itā€™s been arranged so that the Heroine-chan can easily bump into the capturable characters.ā€
What Subaru says is true.Ā Itā€™s good that sheā€™s staying next door. If thereā€™s any emergencies, I can immediately consult her.
By the time we madeĀ the payment and left, the sun was already high up in the sky. If I sleep now, Iā€™ll probably not be able to sleep at night later. But for now I just want to go back home and relax. Though if I do that Iā€™ll probably just fall asleep, I feel that that in itself is the right way to spend a Sunday.
ā€œOi, what are you staring atćƒ¼?ā€
While paying no attention to Subaruā€™s love for BL, I rushed home.
As we approached a bustling street, I heard from the back alley the voice of a man who, no matter how you think about it, is up to no good.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you say something? Hey, isnā€™t that a mouth you have there?ā€
When I glancedĀ towards the direction of the voice at the speed of light, a group of hooligan-looking high school boys were surrounding a slender and beautiful youth.
The school uniform the youth was wearing seems kind of like Izumino Gakuenā€™s. If I looked at them any longer, we might get tangled into this matter so I quickly diverted my eyes.
ā€œWasnā€™t reallyĀ ā€¦ā€¦ looking.ā€
Hearing the youthā€™s voice, I involuntarily came to a stop.
What a lovely voice. The moment it came out, a shiver went up my spine. It was a sweet voice Iā€™d want to listen to all the time.
ā€œHaćƒ¼a? You, what are you looking at? Are you this guyā€™s friends?ā€
ā€œEh?! ā€¦ā€¦ Ehhćƒ¼ā€¦ā€¦ā€
Because I kept staring at the youth, even I got involved.
What should I do. I, am not particularly good at sports and of course Iā€™ve never fought with high school boys before. I who am unable to rescue this youth and can only run away with all my might, what should I do?
ā€œHeā€™s not related. The one you have a beef with is me, right?ā€
The hoodlum grabbed the nape of the youth, who remained expressionless except for the increasing wrinkles between his eyebrows.
If I neglected this and returned home, the painful ache in my heart would be no joke. Even though he appeared unemotional at first glance, that boy totally had a face that looked like he wanted to be saved.
The delinquent high school boys walked languidly towards the youth and seized his arm. The young man scowled at me with a pointed gaze. Isnā€™t it because you make this kind of expression that you get involved in strange things?
ā€œMaa, maa, how about you stop there? This is a high-traffic area. If you start a disturbance here, the police might come.ā€
ā€œIt has nothing to do with you, right.ā€
ā€œIt has nothing to do with me, but, since our eyes metā€¦ā€
The delinquent high school boy caught hold of the back of my collar.
Fortunately, because I was comparatively taller than him, it became that I was looking down at his face. Being glared at by someone smaller than me isnā€™t very frightening.
ā€œSomeone, please helppp!!ā€
I shouted with all my might.
If this were a BL game or something similar, I would be able to easily trash these hoodlums. But even though I look like this, Iā€™m actually a frail girl. Iā€™ll be troubled if you were expecting something like that.
ā€œKYAAA!! Iā€™m being surrounded by strange peoplećƒ¼!!ā€
Likewise, Subaru also let out a high-pitched scream.
The passerbys who heard our cries stopped in their tracks. The high school boys became fidgety and swiftly left the scene. Alright. We should also leave before this grows into something huge.
I walked while pulling the hand of the youth. When I turned my head after a few minutes of walking, the youth was staring at me with an expressionless face. Looking at him like this, heā€™s really a beauty. With that soft black hair, distinctively clear eyes, a light and delicate complexion, he resembles a girl. His height should be around 175cm. Slightly shorter than me.
ā€œWhy did you, save me?ā€
ā€œEh, wellā€¦ā€¦ . Perhaps because I saw that you looked like you wanted to be saved.ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t make such a face.ā€
Seems like heā€™s a little odd. While thinking that allā€™s well now that heā€™s safe, I examined the youth. Even though itā€™s slightly annoying, he has a good voice. Also, he smells really nice.
While wondering what perfume he had on, I noticed that blood was coming out from his cheek. Was this done by that chap just now? I stretched out my hand and touched the wound gently.
ā€œYouā€™re injured, here. Are you okay?ā€
The instant I touched his cheek, his body trembled in surprise. His behaviour is like that of a stray cat.
This fellow doesnā€™t seem to have any serious injuries, Subaru and I are also safe. Now I can return home comfortably.
ā€œSubaru, Iā€™m leaving.ā€
ā€œWait. ā€¦ā€¦ name.ā€
ā€œEh, me?ā€
The youth nodded.
ā€œIā€™m Sakurai Makoto. Like you, I also attend Izumino Gakuen.ā€
ā€œSakurai Makotoā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m Kiritani. ā€¦ā€¦ Kiritani Riku.ā€
ā€œEh?! Kiritani Riku?!ā€
Kiritani Riku, Kiritani Riku. Could he be the Prince from怌 Heart-Throb Love Revolution 怍?
Turning around towards Subaru, she was looking at me with a smile.Ā This girl, she must have knew right from the start.
Just when I decided to support Mitsukiā€™s romance, I ended up meeting the Prince even before she does. I donā€™t need such a BL-like development!
Even though Iā€™m reluctant, I raised some sort of flag with the Prince. Itā€™s fine. Itā€™s still okay.
Itā€™s fine, rightā€¦ā€¦. rightā€¦ā€¦ ?