The Transfer Student and the Dad and the Mum (3)
ā€œHey, mum.ā€
Itā€™s already about one week since that shocking huge development and my transfer. It was a succession of surprises.
First of all, regarding my body, there were this and that that were unacceptable.Ā Although Iā€™ve been able to avoid them directly, for a young maiden, there were a lot of exhausting events. Speaking of which, the menā€™s toilet and menā€™s locker room. Where would it be okay to look while changing?Ā For now every time I change, I stare at Soutarouā€™s and Kanameā€™s face.
Also, the thing called a ā€œboysā€™ schoolā€™s glueā€[1] was somewhat painful for me. Getting sprayed by the hose in the schoolyard while still wearing the school uniform, then doing something like pro-wrestling in the classroomā€™s corner was very tiring. However, Iā€™ll do it.
Because I am a high school boy.
But the only thing I was thankful for was the setting that Mitsukiā€™s and my parents are Ā overseas on a business trip. Father is a somewhat distinguished furniture importer and maker, while mother seems to be a housewife. Just thinking about returning home to the unfamiliar Sakurai family and my inability to interact with them, I feel relieved from the bottom of my heart.
Only the two of us, Mitsuki and I, were living in this so-so spacious detached house. But this Mitsuki, her cooking is poor to death. Perhaps itā€™s like what Subaru said, that the parameters or in other words, the specs are not enough. I think Mitsuki should first raise the specs for cooking.
Somehow one way or another, little by little I began to adapt. However, there were no progress nor regression in regards to me returning to the real world.
ā€œOi, Souta, are you ignoring me!ā€
ā€œEh, Iā€™m the mum?ā€
ā€œObviously. If itā€™s Souta, Mako-chan and I, no matter how I think about it, Souta will be the mum, I will be the dad and Mako-chan will be the delinquent son right?ā€
Saturday, early afternoon. As proposed by Tsubaki Soutarou and Fujisaki Kaname, it became that weā€™re having my welcome party at a family restaurant.
For some reason, I spent most of this week with these two guys. Iā€™m really glad I didnā€™t have to be lonely on the first day of school transfer because I was worried about whether, as a guy, I could get along with other guys.
ā€œWhat do you mean Iā€™m the delinquent son. The delinquent son should be you. Even now you are still getting Soutarou to show you his homework.ā€
ā€œIsnā€™t that fine! Maths is my weak point.ā€
I lightly hit Kanameā€™s head which he propped on the table as he stirred with aĀ jita jita.
ā€œMako-chan, it hurts! Mum, Makotoā€™s in his rebellious period!ā€
ā€œIf my father is someone like Kaname, Ā Iā€™ll run away from home.ā€
I lowered my head towards the waitress who brought the chocolate parfait I asked for. I had a feeling she was laughing at our expense.
Holding on to the parfait spoon, first I took the chocolate then scooped the vanilla ice. AĀ mouthful. The taste of vanilla spreaded in my mouth as I sunk my teeth in.. I completely ignored the noisy Kaname. Meanwhile, Soutarou was gallantly trying to calm him down.
ā€œBut, itā€™s that, isnā€™t it. I can see Soutarou as a mother.ā€
Soutarou looked at me as though he was shocked. Is it something so surprising? Soutarou is bright, kind and likes to look after others. He easily does the cooking and washes clothes in place of his working parents. He has also completely become a guardian-like figure for Kaname and I. I feel like his female power is much higher than other girls. For example, even more thanĀ Mitsuki or I, I feel that itā€™s more appropriate to callĀ himĀ mum.
ā€œOh, rather than mother, doesnā€™t he feels more like a bride?ā€
ā€œMako-chan is confessing to Soutarou?!ā€
How did it become like that. Why, Soutarou, did your cheeks turnĀ red? Why, is a fuss being kicked up? Itā€™s embarrassing how the people around us are staring this way.
ā€œThatā€™s not it. How did it become like that. Itā€™s just, I feel that Soutarou is good at looking after others, heā€™s kind, and he even covers up forĀ idiots like us casually. Itā€™s that part of him that I felt was a little like a bride.ā€
ā€œThe way you deny it is suspicious?ā€
ā€œJust shut up already, Kaname.ā€
I looked at Soutarou, my gaze saying ā€˜You too, say somethingā€™. However, he was looking at me with reddened cheeks. Oi oi, this is the world of an otome game right? Why are you blushing while looking at a man like me. Or is it that recently itā€™s normal for young men to blush while looking at other men? Perhaps Iā€™m overreacting.
I felt uneasy enough that I was unable to taste the usually delicious chocolate parfait.
ā€œBy the way, are you participating in next weekā€™s training camp?ā€
It seems like to Kaname, my agitation and Soutarouā€™s blushing was not such a big deal.
ā€œOh, next weekā€™s training camp. Iā€™ll be going. What about you, Mako?ā€
For Izumino Gakuen second year students, on the weekend of the third week of April, there is a 2-day 1-night stay in the school. For the time being, the reason is to enhance our heart that loves the school but itā€™s up to you whether you want to participate or not. Regardless of your participation, your test scores will not be affected at all. This is the kind of event it is.Ā Despite being such an event, there are numerous participants. Seems like 90% of the students will participate in it.
ā€œWhat should I do.ā€
To be honest, there is considerable resistance to be sleeping in the same room as guys. Even though Iā€™m now male, the contents is still a respectable female.
Thatā€™s why if itā€™s an event where itā€™s okay to not participate, I want to proceed in a direction where I donā€™t participate in it. However, as though trying to cover my words, Kaname said, ā€œEh!ā€ in a loud voice.
ā€œYou arenā€™t gonna participate?!ā€
ā€œIf itā€™s okay not to, Iā€™m leaning towards not going.ā€
As though not believing my words, Kaname came biting.
ā€œHey, the wife should say something to her husband!ā€
ā€œWhat do you mean by wifeā€¦ā€¦ No, but, Mako youā€™re really not going to participate? Why?ā€
It seems along the way I became Soutarouā€™s husband. Itā€™s becoming too troublesome to retort so I wonā€™t say anything else. If I retort, Kaname would become even noisier.
Like an abandoned dog, with the ends of his eyebrows down, Soutarou looked at me with upturned eyes. Despite being taller than me, what is with him looking at me with upturned eyes. If he was a dog, his ears would probably be drooping and his tail would be standing. In fact, right now his earsareĀ drooping and his tailĀ isĀ standing. I can see that.
ā€œE, ehā€¦ā€¦.ā€
ā€œI, wanted to go to the training camp with Makoto and Kana.ā€
Saying it in such a voice that showed he was downhearted from the bottom of his heart, as expected even my heart will break and my determination will sway.
ā€œItā€™s borinā€™ without Mako-chan.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll be bored too. Iā€™ll come pick you up, so letā€™s go to the training camp together?ā€
Typical, Soutarou gazed at me with his head tilted upwards.
Sā€¦ā€¦ Sly!! So sly!!
As expected of an otome gameā€™s capturable character, to know his own special skill so well. This sly dog definitely knows heā€™s an ikemen. Thereā€™s no doubt that knowing that, he does this kind of thing to make me listen to his words.
ā€œOkayā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™ll goā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œYippećƒ¼e! Training camp with Mako-chan and Souta~ā€
Together with the rowdy Kaname and the cunning dog Soutarou, somehow Iā€™ve reluctantly agreed to go to the training camp.
Becoming a high school student, planning for the training camp.Ā I bet itā€™ll be fun for a normal high school student but for me whoā€™s a guy on the outside and a girl in the inside, itā€™s an event like hell. To sleep while surrounded by blokes is too painful.
ā€œThank you, Mako.ā€
ā€œA, a~ahā€¦ā€¦ I, too, am excited to go to the training camp with Kaname and Soutarou.ā€
ā€œUn, Iā€™m very excited too. Canā€™t next week come fasterā€¦ā€
Looking at Soutarou who laughed as though heā€™s having fun, I felt that perhaps this was the right choice.Ā The remaining bad feelings disappeared.
ā€œSince itā€™s been decided weā€™ll go to the training camp! Itā€™s time to break intoĀ Mako-chanā€™s house for dinner~ā€
ā€œWhat are you saying, Kaname.ā€
ā€œI was wondering if weā€™ll get to enjoy some of Sakurai imouto-chanā€™s home cooking.ā€
The words Kaname have been saying the whole day are so abruptĀ that I couldnā€™t follow.
Also, Mitsukiā€™s home-cooked food is not at a level that can be fed to others. Even now the task is left to me, who has mediocre cooking skills.
ā€œRest assured, youā€™re the only one Iā€™ll never allow to eat Mitsukiā€™s home cooking.ā€
ā€œEh, hey, Mako-chan, arenā€™t you cold only towards me? Even though youā€™re so kind to Souta?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s because Kaname says strange things. Soutarou never says strange things and heā€™s kind,Ā so I treat him kindly, thatā€™s all.ā€
Soutarou smiled as though heā€™s troubled.
At this point, I still havenā€™t noticed.Ā The matter of Soutarou and Kaname using one reason or another to break into my house for dinner.