TheĀ Student Council and the Solicitation and the Frightened Rabbit (2)
Monday. Thereā€™s a throbbing pain in my head.
To a tremendous extent, the meeting in the family restaurant was the worst. When I left the restaurant, I ran for dear life away from the Narahashi who wanted me to join the Student Council.
I was really grateful to have the physique of a high school boy. Although itā€™s the most average of the most average physiques amongst guys, compared to the me when I was female, it was considerably faster. Despite that, there were many occasions when I was almost caught by Narahashi. But in the end I barely managed to escape.
Even though I escaped, Narahashi is a student of Izumino Gakuen.
While itā€™s natural to attend school, this school has Narahashi. I couldnā€™t help but feel that Narahashi was lurking around somewhere.
Putting aside myself, Mitsuki at least must be protected.
I got fired up. More than ever before, as an onii-chan I got fired up.
If she loses her chastity to Narahashi, wanting her to go out with the Prince will be unachievable. I definitely canā€™t let that happen.
Somehow, while protecting my chastity, I have to prevent Mitsuki from meeting him.
ā€œGood morning, Mako. You seem unwell, what happened?ā€
ā€œAh, Soutarouā€¦ā€¦ Various things happenedā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œIf youā€™re okay with me, I can lend you a ear?ā€
Soutarou placed the enamel bag he had been carrying on his side onto the table and looked at me worriedly.
As I thought, Soutarou is kind. Now that my mental state is weakened, that kindness appears more clearly.
I was lying prostrate on the table exhaustedly but I stretched my back muscles and turned towards Soutarou.
ā€œAre you okay?ā€ ā€•ā€• With a concerned look, he inclined his head and asked the me who was exhausted and felt like crying.
Even though itā€™s said that being loved is a happy thing, there are times when it feels oppressive. In the first place, Narahashiā€™s ā€˜loveā€™ wasnā€™t love at all. Itā€™s attachment. Itā€™s the same as a child throwing tantrums, saying he wants that particular toy. While thatā€™s okay on its own, donā€™t drag me into it. And if you were going to drag me, please do so more courteously.
ā€œNarahashi invited me to join the Student Council.ā€
ā€œEh?! ā€¦ā€¦ Then, does Mako wants to enter the Student Council?ā€
ā€œThereā€™s no way Iā€™d want to, right. I donā€™t know what will happen to me if I join a Student Council that has Narahashi.ā€
Soutarou patted his chest as though he was relieved, and while sitting on the chair, he pulled it closer to me.
ā€œIf Mako is troubled, Iā€™ll cooperate with you!ā€
ā€œUn, thank you. Soutarou sure is kindā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m getting hungry now that I feel better.ā€
Thanks to Soutarouā€™s desperate encouragement, Iā€™ve regained a bit of cheer.
When I looked at Soutarou with a gratitude-filled gaze, I was startled to see the怌 Mako, Mako, Mako, Iā€™m worried about you, cheer up 怍face he was making with all his might.
The usual dog ears sprung up. A tufty tail also rose in the air.
The dog ears of Soutarou who heard that I was hungry stood up with a ā€œpinttoā€ and he excitedly retrieved his bento box from his bag.
Holding it with both hands, a huge smile grew on his face and he did his classic head tilt.
ā€œIf youā€™re fine with this, you can have my bento?ā€
ā€œItā€™s your bento, right. If I ate it, your lunch would be gone.ā€
ā€œItā€™s fine if I buy one from the school store laterćƒ¼. The school store isnā€™t open at this time, and Mako didnā€™t bring a bento, right?ā€
Certainly, whether itā€™s the school store or the cafeteria, they only open at 11am. Moreover, Soutarouā€™s cooking is superb.
ā€œPlease go ahead. I hope itā€™s up to your tastes.ā€
That thereā€™s no way Soutarouā€™s food donā€™t suit my tastes was something I knew since long ago.
Accepting the bento, I opened it and took a look. It looked good enough to sell, it had the classic side-dishes, karaage and tamagoyaki which appeared well-made.Ā The wieners were octopus-shaped and the apples were rabbit-shaped, I supposed he made the same thing for himself as he did for his younger siblings. In a single word, it was a noriben.
As I thought, Soutarou would make a good bride.
I first took a bite of the karaage. As expected of Soutarou. It wasnā€™t microwaved karaage, it was karaage that was properly fried in oil. The taste keenly permeates me and itā€™s very delicious.
ā€œSo goodā€¦ā€¦ Itā€™s amazingly good, Soutarou.ā€
ā€œThank goodness. Please eat lots.ā€
ā€œO. You guys seem to be enjoying yourselves.ā€
Kaname appeared so suddenly that I almost spit out the karaage in my mouth.
Looking up, I saw Kaname who was grinning broadly. He had on a deep blue cardigan above his school uniform. There were also shrewdly calculated moe sode.
ā€œWhat do you mean, enjoying ourselves?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re still feigning ignorance even though youā€™ve been stuffing your cheeks with your wifeā€™s home-cooked bento early in the morningćƒ¼?ā€
ā€œSoutarou isnā€™t my wife.ā€
Are you still going with the setting that Iā€™m the husband and Soutarouā€™s the wife?
As expected, Soutarou was giving a troubled smile. Though Iā€™m curious about the tinge of redness on his cheeks, letā€™s not stick myself into that.
I continued to eat the bento innocently. The tamagoyaki was the salty kind. I also prefer the salty version. [1]
ā€œMe tooćƒ¼ I want to try Soutarouā€™s bentoćƒ¼ā€
With a ā€œAa~nā€ he opened his mouth wide and brought his face closer. I randomly threw some potato salad into his mouth.
Truthfully, I wanted to give him the yellowed broccoli but as expected heā€™ll be too pitiful if I did that. You ought to be thankful that Iā€™m kind.
ā€œAs I thoughtćƒ¼ Soutaā€™s cooking is deliciousćƒ¼!ā€
ā€œPotato salad isnā€™t a difficult dish to prepare.ā€
ā€œNo, itā€™s tasty. I like the way you seasoned the food.ā€
The bento box was emptied and I was full. Soutarouā€™s seasoning may be simple but itā€™s to my liking.
Even though Kaname made a fuss about wanting to eat more, itā€™s his fault for not coming to school earlier.
Soutarou cheerfully put away the bento box and smiled happily. To think that heā€™ll even handle the cleaning up afterwards, heā€™s such good bride material that it leaves me speechless.
ā€œHang on~, can you not flirt like a married couple~?ā€
ā€œWeā€™re not flirting.ā€
ā€œJa, let me join in!ā€
Kaname put his arms around Soutarouā€™s and my shoulders and clung to us.
Even though I made a ā€œyare yareā€ face, inwardly I was happy.
My heart which was tired from the encounter with the hentai Student Council President yesterday is being cleansed. Itā€™s being healed by Soutarouā€™s kindness and Kanameā€™s cheerfulness.
Although I donā€™t want to admit that Iā€™m being healed by Kanameā€™s teasing,Ā he might have also noticed that I was behaving listlessly. And perhaps this is his way of cheering me up.
Because despite looking like that, Kaname is actually quite perceptive.
Yoshi. My strength has recovered after eating and Iā€™ve also obtained reliable comrades.
Iā€™ll definitely escape from the incoming danger, that hentai Student Council President. Iā€™ll protect both Mitsuki and myself.