TheĀ Student Council and the Solicitation and the Frightened Rabbit (3)
ā€œThe lovely bunny-chan.ā€
Schoolā€™s over and while I was packing up my belongings, the hentai Student Council Present Narahashi called out to me from outside the class.
About 3 of his buttons were unfastened, and his necktie was coiled in a sorry state.Ā The parka he had on was unexpectedly black in colour, causing meĀ to think that heā€™s more well-behavedĀ than yesterday. That is, until I noticed that there were rabbit ears on the parka.
Iā€™ll be forgiving if it was a kawaii girl who called me, but to be called that by a guy, especially this hentai Student Council President, makes me want to hit someone.
That heā€™s pushing this leisurely feeling of ā€œAh, Iā€™m homeā€, I apologise in his state.
ā€œWhatā€™s with that guy.ā€
The one whose mood got spoiled by Narahashi was the Prince.
He had onĀ a face more serious than usual. I couldnā€™t even smile at his absolute zero voice.
ā€œWhere are youćƒ¼ bunny-chan? Bunny-chan?ā€
Fortunately he hasnā€™t found me yet. Yoshi, Iā€™ll use this opportunity and sneakily leave the classroom. Iā€™m going home.
Soutarou who has a larger physique than me has already left for Basketball Club and Kaname whoā€™s perceptive went to help out the Lacrosse Club. That guy, to even know how to play a rather uncommon sport like Lacrosse, heā€™s too omnipotent.
Carrying my enamel bag, I crouched down and stealthily leave the classroom. The Prince looked at me with a face that says, ā€œWhat on earth are you doingā€. But he probably realised something. Since the Prince maintained his silence.
ā€œAh, Mitsuki-chan.ā€
ā€œEhehe, I found you.ā€
Reflexively standing up after hearing Narahashiā€™s words, I saw that Mitsuki was nowhere to be found.
Come to think of it, Mitsuki had already left the classroom for club activities inspection[2].
I was deceived. I was completely deceived. Because it was crucial, I said it twice.
Narahashi approached me step by step. I couldnā€™t hide my cheeks that were cramping with fear.
ā€œMakoto? Youā€™re acquainted with this hentai?
ā€œRather than acquaintancesā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œRather than acquaintances, weā€™re more like engaged? Ehehe.ā€
Narahashi immediately tried to give me a hug but thanks to the Prince standing before me, I somehow evaded it.
Like a parent cat trying to protect his child, the Princeā€™s fur stood up as he tried to intimidate Narahashi. He may appear like a fearless lion or a leopard in othersā€™ eyes, but all I can see is a kawaii cat.
ā€œDo not approach Makoto.ā€
ā€œAh, itā€™s the Prince. I see why they call you ā€˜Princeā€™. Youā€™re totally ikemen. But Iā€™m sorry~, as expected, bunny-chan and Mitsuki-chan are more my type.ā€
Narahashi gently touched the Princeā€™s cheek. Without even a twitch, the Prince glared at him with a straight face.
ā€œNo one gives a damn about your taste. Makoto is frightened so go over there.ā€
ā€œBunny-chan is just nervous to see me. Right?ā€
ā€œMakoto, stay behind me.ā€
Prompted by his words, I immediately hid behind the Prince but because he was shorter than me, not much is being hidden. Despite that, the Prince felt unmistakably reliable.
In an attempt to hide me, the Prince lifted his right hand protectively while staring fixedly at Narahashi.
Narahashi tilted his head to the right while smirking. He observed the Princeā€™s intimidation as though the Prince was a child causing mischief.
Glancing around the classroom, I noticed the classmates whoā€™re still here are all staring at us.
Well, rather thanĀ us, theyā€™re staring at the Prince and Narahashi. Instead ofĀ a futsumen[1] like me, theyā€™re looking over at the extremely ikemen Prince and Narahashi.
ā€œBunny-chan, come over here?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t approach us. Go away. Makoto will get tainted.ā€
ā€œIĀ wantĀ to taint him~. Ehehe.ā€
Disgusting! Really disgusting!
The me whose mood worsened grabbed onto the Princeā€™s clothes.
Incidentally, the Prince was wearing a deep blue vest overĀ his dress shirt. Iā€™m sorry if your vest gets stretched since Iā€™m holding onto it quite tightly.
ā€œMakoto, itā€™ll be fine. Iā€™m with you.ā€
ā€œKiritani~! The current Kiritani is very reliable!ā€
The Prince turned and looked at me. His face was, as one would expect, expressionless, but it appears very reliable.
As expected of the one called ā€˜Princeā€™. So it wasnā€™t only his face thatā€™s like a Prince. Iā€™m sorry for not realising earlier.
ā€œNe~e, bunny-chan, Ā Iā€™ll get jealous if you flirt so much with the Prince, you know?ā€
ā€œWe arenā€™t flirting and Iā€™m feeling awful from the bottom of my heart so please kindly leave right now, President.ā€
ā€œWaha, youā€™re harsh as usual. Ma, youā€™re the cutest like that, ne~ā€
I was slightly moved by the Narahashi whose heart was so sturdy that even my sharp words couldnā€™t pierce it.
The majority understood that trouble will arise if they get involved with us and had left the room. However, a minority of the girls who wanted to watch Narahashi and the Prince in this strained atmosphere remained.
Occasionally a few, ā€œNarahashi-kaichouā€™s so cool!ā€ entered my ears but those people have eyes but cannot see. After all, they say love is blind.
ā€œAwawa, even if you look at me so menacingly, itā€™s not like Iā€™ll eat him up at once~. But at this rate we canā€™t even converse, huhćƒ¼ā€
ā€œNo problem. I have no intention of conversing with you.ā€
ā€œMou, how cold.ā€
While going ā€œyare yareā€, Narahashi shrugged. The mood of me who was astounded by Narahashi was the worst.
ā€œYouā€™re done talking, right. Then letā€™s go home, Makoto.ā€
The Prince held onto my arm and pulled me out of the class.
As we emerged at the corridor, Narahashi languidly raised his arm and grasped my left arm while smiling frivolously.
ā€œWait a momentćƒ¼. Ne, bunny-chan. If you listen to me till the end, I can promise not to approach bunny-chan or Mitsuki-chan anymore?ā€
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ for real?ā€
ā€œLet us two play hide-and-seek. Iā€™ll be the oni[3] while bunny-chan hides. Itā€™s bunny-chanā€™s loss if you get caught by me. If you manage to escape, itā€™s your win. The loser must listen to the winner. How was it? Simple, right?ā€
It is simple but I donā€™t understand the significance.
ā€œMakoto, you donā€™t have to listen to this guyā€™s words.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t mind even if we donā€™t play hide-and-seek. In exchange, Iā€™llĀ get along wellĀ with Mitsuki-chan.ā€
To take Mitsuki as a hostage, as expected Narahashi is the worst.
Iā€™ve been thinking of him as just a disgusting hentai, but from this very moment Iā€™ve started to hate him from the depths of my heart.
I glared at him with all my might.
I canā€™t let the kawaii Mitsuki get close to the nasty Narahashi. Even if I have to become a shield, Iā€™ll protect Mitsuki. After all, the Prince was Mitsukiā€™s only prince.
ā€œI understand. Itā€™s fine as long as we do it, right?ā€
ā€œEhehe, youā€™re so understanding~. The time limit is precisely 60 minutes. The range is within the school building. Is that okay?ā€
Iā€™ll absolutely,Ā absolutelyĀ not lose.
Since the promise is that Narahashi will, on no account, ever approach Mitsuki and I again.
ā€œJa, Iā€™ll wait here for 3 minutes so go and hide, okay~ā€
Waving his hand, Narahashi entered the 2-A classroom.
After ascertaining that, I turned to face the Prince.
ā€œYou can go ahead and return home first, Kiritani.ā€
ā€œItā€™s alright. Iā€™ll wait.ā€
ā€œIā€™ll be fine. Iā€™ll definitely not lose. Thanks for today, ne.ā€
The Prince looked like he had something to add but I ignored that and sprinted at full speed through the corridor.
I thought while running.
Where should I hide at?
It never crossed my mind that Iā€™d play hide-and-seek at my age.
Considering the years heā€™s been enrolled into this school, he should be more familiar with the school building and obviously at an advantage. Nevertheless, Iā€™m safe as long as I elude him for 60 minutes. Iā€™ll find a hiding place where I can conceal myself discreetly, and wait for the time to pass.
No matter what, Mitsukiā€™s and my futures are riding on this, I definitely canā€™t let him find me.