Chapter 13 - The White Wolf that Laughs at the Moonlight

Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
I immediately know where Yuria is. From a certain room, I can hear a heavy, loud crushing noise.
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Without hesitation, I walked into the room and gasped.
The white light of the full moon shines through the brutally torn curtains. The room in front of me looks really horrible.
The bookshelf had fallen and so many books were lying on the floor. A chair stuck on the wall, probably from being thrown away. The finely crafted table had been turned over and broken in half.
I squinted my eyes, looking for Young Master’s figure. I can hear the rough, beast-like breathing came from this dim room.
“Yuria, are you there…?”
“Don’t come!!”
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A roar struck my eardrum as I took a step forward. It’s Yuria. I can see Yuria’s figure crouched at the corner of the dilapidated room.
Lf megifv eq tlr ylu ybvs, tlr tjcvr tbivlcu tlr tfjv.
“Djc-rjc… Xfa bea ogbw tfgf cbk… P’w yfuulcu sbe…”
C vjuufg islcu cfjgys. Ktf reggbecvlcu oibbg mbnfgfv klat yibbv lcmbwqjgjyis ijgufg atjc atbrf lc atf mbgglvbg. Zs ybvs atfc wbnfv ojrafg atjc ws atbeuta.
“Tbe lvlba! Qtja jgf sbe ajixlcu jybea? Qf tjnf ab agfja sbeg kbecv lwwfvljafis!”
Why didn’t I step in earlier?
And, even if I couldn’t step in, there would have been something else I can do for him
For example… I wouldn’t leave him alone. I should have hugged him all night. I shouldn’t have let him cut his wrist.
It was because of my selfishness that I didn’t do it.
“Don’t come!!!”
At the voice that almost like a roar, I stopped walking. He then continued in a hoarse voice. His crossed arms still pressed against his face.
“Please… Leave me alone… If you don’t… I will… I will… to you….”
Yuria starts shaking. Then he hit his head hard on the floor.
“H, Hey… Stop that!”
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I run to him and then grab Yuria’s shoulder. I just want to stop him. That’s what I was trying to do.
“Calm down. Take a deep breath. It’s alright. It will be alright….”
“Get out from here.”
Yuria’s eyes, that was looking at me, is bright red.
“Now! Quickly! Get out… Get out from here… Please… Get out… Get out… Get… out!!”
The cry grew weaker and weaker――
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I finally realized… that I was wrong.
He didn’t squat because of his deep wound. He does that to stop something else. He was fighting with something that was trying to overtake him from inside.
“…G, Guh.”
After an indistinct sound, Yuria’s soft amber hair color faded. The round nails were instantly transformed into claws now tearing the carpet with a shrill sound
All I can do is watching his <> in a daze.
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There was a pure white beast――― in front of me.
A white-silver wolf bigger and more violent than a bear. He then stood on with his hind legs and looked up at the ceiling before opening his mouth wide.
His roar pierced my ear while I’m trembling because of the atmosphere. At that moment, all of the pores on my body seems to open and cold sweat gushing out.
I know this feeling very well. It’s death.
Death awaits me with open arms.
“Well… I can’t believe that his toy would come on their own.”
After roaring, the beast’s eyes turned toward me.
My instinct tells me to run away right now. However, my legs can’t move as if they were stitched to the floor.
“I don’t think I’ll get bored tonight.”
His deep, low voice, like crawling from the bottom of the ground.
His sharp eyes glowed with cruelty. With a clear murderous intent, he swung down his claws.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.