Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
Here is the warning from the author!
Warning:This episode has violent scenes such as bloodshed and humiliation. Please don’t read it if you don’t like scenes like that. You don’t have to read this episode to understand the whole story.
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――How long has it been?
“Ugh… Uh….”
He grabbed my chest and punched my stomach. I rolled violently on the floor because his heavy blow broke my bones.
Time seems to stop when he breathes. The beast grabbed me easily and beat me again while I could only endure the pain by clenching my teeth.
The beast scratched me with his claws before continuing to beat me. It seems like I can’t breathe properly right now because my ribs are broken. I don’t even feel like I can fight him back. I wonder if my consciousness has diminished because I was bleeding too much.
My vision begin to blur. Gradually, I don’t even feel the pain anymore.
“….boring. Human always so boring. Just playing for a bit and they are sure to break.”
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“….Qtja… jgf sbe vblcu….?”
Lf tla ws gluta mtffx ktfc P wjvf j tbjgrf rbecv.
“Qtb abiv sbe ab ajix? Bcbk sbeg qijmf, ibkfg mgfjaegf.”
Ktf yfjra kglcxifv tlr cbrf jcv ifa wf ub. P mbeivc’a vb jcsatlcu rb P pera ofii bc ws yjmx.
P mjc offi ragfcuat ifoa ws ybvs. P abbx j rtjiibk ygfjat ktlif ws fsfr kjnfg jr ab cba ibrf rluta bo atf vbbg. 
“Ah, my nose wrinkled too much. The smell of mud penetrate my body… How dare you let this garbage live in this mansion. Ah, I’m angry. I’m so angry!”
Murmured to no one, the beast starts  walking back and forth around the room.
“Damn it! Damn, damn, damn it! That bastard, I have to make him feel despair to make me feel better!” 
I crawled on the floor in a daze. However, it isn’t even half a step when he caught my ankle.
“….Where are you going?”
After he dragged me back to my original position, he kicked me on my back.
This is just a nightmare. The beast doesn’t talk and usually not this big.
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….Morning, come quickly.
I felt a cold look that looked down on me. I closed my eyelids.
When morning comes, I’m going to change my clothes and go to Yuria’s room.
If he’s already well, I will take care of the garden with him. Then I will make him a cup of tea, like usual, and go back to tend the garden again….
This time, I’ll ask him the reason for his wrist injury. Tell him that I want to help him.
“Don’t mention that name.”
Please visit
The beast’s foot trampled on my face mercilessly. I can heard the sound of my skull cracking. I thought my head will be crushed if he kept doing this to me.
I don’t want to die.
‘If anything happens to you, I… I will feel so sad.’
If this is not a nightmare, then it’s a reality. And if I left Yuria alone, I’ll make him sad.
I don’t want to die.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
Will Yuria’s uncle give someone else as another present? Then, will that person also spoiled Yuria like I usually do?
….I hate that. I don’t like that. Yes, I don’t want it to happen. If someone has to spoil you, that person must be me.
Swallowing my bloody saliva made my tongue tremble.
“….I don’t… want to… die.”
The beast opened his eyes wide. After a brief pause of silence, a low grunt was heard.
“….I hate everything.”
“Sounds like someone was enjoying their playing house. I can’t believe you were moved by this human. That bastard, really doesn’t have any awareness as a King.”
The foot that stepped on me felt full of strength.
Ah, is this the end?
When my frustration grew, I suddenly felt that the pressure in my head disappear. The foot that originally stepped on me has now been removed.
“I must correct it. His sweet memories. His everything. Yes, everything. I’ll overwrite it.”
The Beast then murmured with satisfaction. His angry expression now filled with joy.
“And you will completely run away again, just like in the past.”
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
The beast chuckled.
“Yuria, “watch” carefully. Because of your ignorance, I had to teach this man. Don’t ever think about having fun again… I will mess it up.”