Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
Warning: So, we know Ban-san assumed Yuria doing self-harm, right? Ban-san will mention about this in the end. Not too much but I don’t want you feel uncomfortable so I put the warning! ( p_q)
At midnight. I was suddenly woken up.
I thought I heard a faint noise. I listen carefully but the mansion remains silent. I guess it was just my imagination.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
I got out from my bed and left the room.By the time I finished my little business, I’ve already wide awake.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
As always. the mansion is very cold.
Vbwfalwfr, yeu klii ois jgbecv atf kjii-wbecafv ijwq, pewqfv lcab atf mjcvif’r oijwf, jcv wjvf j pjgglcu cblrf. Ktfc P wbnfv ws ujhf ab atf klcvbk. Ktf wbbc lr rtlclcu lc atf rxs.
Yt, lr la j oeii wbbc abcluta?
Qtlif atlcxlcu jybea atja, P tfjvfv ab sbecu wjrafg’r gbbw.
I can’t stop myself to thinking about the faint noise I heard before, and I suddenly become worried when I remembered about the fact that near a full moon day, wound on Yuria’s wrist will increase.
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Maybe this is what people called as premonition.
“….What is this?”
When I reached young master’s room, I stopped. In front of the door, there’s a small dark spot on the carpet in the corridor. As I squatted down and crawled my fingers on it, I gasped.
It’s half-dried blood.
I immediately knocked on the door of his room.
“Yuria. Hey! Yuria!?”
There is no answer. I opened the door even knowing that I’m being rude. When I saw there is no sign of anyone in the room, I turned on the light.
“What are you doing?”
When I see the red blood on the bed sheet, I turn my back.
“Yuria… Where….”
When I looked closely, I saw blood streaked across the corridor. I start running.
* * *
When I was a mercenary, I remember hearing the reason of hurting yourself is like both reward and disciplinary punishment, and also the typical validation of their work.
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I know a man who used to cut himself in my mercenary days. I thought he was suicidal, but he said, “It’s to live.”. More or less, it’s hard to live without being crazy, so he cut himself to reconcile with reality. It made him feel better, he said.
I actually don’t know much about the difficult thing but there is one thing that I understand.
When you fail to compromise with reality, you might die.
On his way home from the battlefield, he cut his wrist with a knife as usual and died.
Everyone knew It’s been escalating. But we didn’t expect him to die. I think he actually had no intention to die, he is just failed to deal with reality.
Even so, he died.
I pretended not to notice Yuria’s wound because I thought those wounds came from his loneliness. I expected it would stop if I could heal him. I couldn’t force myself because I don’t want to make it worse, and I don’t want to control him either.
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However, I can’t stand it anymore.
I don’t know if I should say this but please, if your friend need help, you must help them to find a professional! ><