Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
Yuria widened his eyes while I shrugged.
3 J6HK
“It’s not a big deal. It’s just a rose thorn.”
Even the wound has already closed. But Yuria frowned and put me down on the floor.
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“No, it’s not. It will become serious if germs get in. Wait a minute. ”
Then he came back with a little glass jar from the shelf.
“Give me your hand.”
“No need. My bleeding already stopped….”
I held out my hand reluctantly while he carefully rubbed the ointment to my wound. He then cover my hand with a silk handkerchief.
Uy Wc6
“….It’s finished.”
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
“You’re exaggerating everything.”
“You’re too careless. You know, there are people who die from a slight wound. If anything happens to you, I will….”
He speaks a few words and then lowered his eyebrows.
We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“I will be so sad.”
“Pa’r bxjs. P klii jikjsr yf ys sbeg rlvf.”
P bqfcfv ws wbeat ab afii tlw atja ktlif Teglj vgfk tlr mtffx mibrfg. Lf atfc rdeffhfv ws tjcv ktlmt lr kgjqqfv ys tlr tjcvxfgmtlfo.
“….P’w yfuulcu bc sbe. Gbc’a ufa tega. Uifjrf ajxf mjgf bo sbegrfio wbgf. “
r BGKo
Llr kbgvr jiwbra ilxf j qgjsfg atja oeii klat xlcvcfrr.
“I understand.”
Honestly, I can’t stand it. It’s unbearably ticklish.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been loved like this.
Since the time when my mother was alive and my brothers were not yet born….
When I left home, my body is a monetary asset. No, even now as a “caretaker”, it’s still the same.
But what Yuria said… make me want to take advantages of him.
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I swallowed back my words that was coming up and smiled awkwardly. Half a year is more than enough time to define this vague feeling.
“I’ll treasure myself more. If not, I won’t be able to take care of you. Well, I haven’t done much of a caretaker job after all. Or rather, I should call it the roses’ caretaker.”
I gently put my hand on Yuria’s head. When I feel his soft hair, my heart beats faster.
….At first, I overlap Yuria with my brothers and sisters that I left behind.
Then I found out about the loneliness around him and I wanted to do something about it.
Yuria, who acts coquettishly, is cute. There is no way I could not think he wasn’t cute since he was clinging to me like a puppy all day. Sometimes he will keep himself at a little distance. Everytime I saw him with such pitiful figure, I want to pull him into my arm and tell him everything will be okay.
Before I knew it… I had another feeling besides “cute”.
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Every time I was touched by him, my heart ached to the point where I couldn’t ignore it at all.
“So you mean… I can die so easily? Even if I look like this, I still want to live.”
“But from my point of view, you’re too weak.”
“Hah, you… I’m not that weak. Sure I’m short, but not weak. Well, you’re too big. People say my height is about average or even better than average.”
Then I laugh until my shoulder shaking. However, seems like it wasn’t able to wash away Yuria’s anxiety.
“You know, Ban-san? I actually….”
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“Don’t stop in the middle. What’s going on? What do you want to say? ”
Looking like he tried to convey something he can’t say with words.
Yuria then grabs my hand that still caressed his head. I took his hand back and held it gently.
Fluttered by my move, Yuria trembles. My fingertips are on his wrist.
I caressed his “scar” on the sleeve with all my heart.
“Are you okay? I’ll listen to whatever you say. So….”
“I’m sorry.”
A firm voice then interrupts my words. Startled by his voice, I slowly let his hand go.
I’m getting carried away. Thinking that he is special to me, make me desire to be special to him too.
“It’s okay. I understand.”
I hope one day, he can share it with me. About his worry and also the word that he decides to swallow back now instead of saying it.
It’s okay, Yuria.
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I’ve been through a lot more than you think.That is why most things are acceptable to me. Predicting that, your uncle chose me.
Just like waiting for the snow to melt in spring, I have no choice but to wait for him to open his mouth.
Although it’s frustrating, although I feel miserable about this matter, but I dont have any other choice.
――or so I thought.
But if you see the streaks of blood in the hallway, the story will be different, right?
I actually just read this novel like… five chapter ahead than the translation because I want to surprise myself (and I also do that because I don’t want to give any spoiler to you)
And yesterday I decided to finish the whole season 1 and now I’m regretting it ( p_q)
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Btw, feel free to point out my grammar mistake or typo or my weird phrasing! It will help me a lot because sometimes I don’t notice my mistake! (つд⊂)