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QTVW Chapter 6<b>Future* President’s Fiancee (VI)</b>
An Mu Lan ignored Ye Zixuan’s teary eyes, she patiently stared at her until the other party’s face watering expression stiffened and looked stricken, then she tilted her head, a puzzled look on her face, and asked,
“Who are you ……?”
Ye Zixuan seemed to be choking as she asked with her jaw dropped,
“You don’t know me?”
An Mu Lan snorted and sneered,
“That’s a funny question, I don’t seem to have met you on such occasions, do I? Are you some kind of earth-shattering big shot? Someone I have to remember?”
When Ye Zixuan heard this, she immediately shed a few tears of grievance, then she looked around and saw that no one had noticed her, she quickly wiped the tears from her face and told herself in her heart: she must be strong, the world doesn’t believe in tears, she can do it!
With this in mind, Ye Zixuan’s behaviour finally returned to that of a normal human being, turning to a different strategy, a scene that was like a change of face, as she quickly gathered up her previous aggrieved little daughter-in-law look and changed it to one of reserve and condescension the next second.
She lifted her chin, looked at An Mu Lan and said slowly,
“Miss An, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know me, I know you just fine, I have something very important to tell you now, if you want to know, come with me.”
When she finished, she turned and walked towards the open space. After a few steps, when she saw that An Mu Lan was not following her, she stopped again and looked at her with a scornful expression.
Seeing this, An Mu Lan’s eyes went cold, the corners of her mouth curled up in a cold smile, an indignant expression on her face, looking as if she was enraged by Ye Zixuan.
But in reality, the rest of her eyes were focused on Zhang Yao, who was standing beside Ling Xihan, only to see Zhang Yao’s face, showing an expression that everything was within her grasp. An Mu Lan lowered her eyes, clenched her fists, and made a very angry face in place, but in reality, she was watching out for the prying eyes that were everywhere.
Now was the perfect opportunity, she thought to herself, and the flexible plan she had outlined all afternoon would soon come in handy.
As An Mu Lan thought this, her breathing heaved and her chest rose and fell, making it appear to outsiders as if she was seething with rage.
Seeing that those around her had noticed her reaction, she smiled apologetically at them before stepping slightly heavier on the ground and walking towards Ye Zixuan’s side.
Ye Zixuan took An Mu Lan to an empty corner and said with a heavy tone of anger,
“Miss An, do you know what kind of people your brothers are?”
An Mu Lan expressed some surprise at her choice of the topic to begin with, and when it fell on Ye Zixuan’s eyes, she paid attention to a very different content.
She laughed coldly and then shouted angrily at An Mulan, “Your four brothers, QJ’d me at the An family mansion, is this what you call the so-called thousand year old family? Where have your morals and manners gone? If this matter is publicized, it will definitely ruin your reputation!”
An Mu Lan froze, although she knew that Ye Zixuan was a Mary Sue heroine with big breasts and no brain, she really didn’t know that the other party would be brain-dead like this.
What does the ‘good’ deeds done by An Mu Lan’s brothers have to do with her, a married woman? ; Besides, what makes this woman so naive? Doesn’t she know that one word from her could make her, from this world, disappear silently?
In this future world, with the lineage as the division of power, what on earth did this Ye Zixuan grow up on that she dared to threaten her?! She herself was the lady of the An family, and if she wanted to take the life of a pariah, who would dare to stand up and say a word against her.
An Mu Lan was a little torn and determined one thing, that Mary Sue was indeed a strange creature and it would be better to ignore it in the future and avoid feeling like an idiot just by talking to her.
Despite this thought in her mind, An Mu Lan immediately reacted with a pale, surprised expression as soon as she thought of her plans for the evening. Then, when she looked around in a hurry and saw that no outsiders were here, she made a sad face and said,
“This matter, do any other outsiders know about it? What is your …… relationship with my brothers?”
Ye Zixuan pouted and said,
“I definitely won’t tell outsiders that I’m your family’s maid, but that doesn’t mean that I have to serve the men of your family on bed, this is simply too horrible, your brothers are simply beasts ……, no, no, they are even worse than beasts. ”
A string of black lines slid down An Mu Lan’s head, she sank her face in grief and said,
“I …… I moved to my fiancee’s house some days ago, I don’t know anything about the An family or my brother’s affairs, please don’t involve me in this and keep this secret, as long as you promise me that, I can do anything for you, whether you want money or a villa, I can give it to you if you ask.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Ye Zixuan immediately became furious and she shouted shrilly,
“What do you take me for? Am I the kind of person who smells like copper? You should not think that the world is full of people who are all like you, there are still people of noble character in this world.”
She roared under her breath, and when she saw An Mu Lan look like she had seen a ghost, thinking she had come to her senses and realised her narrowness, she was satisfied with the first smile she had of the night, and she said,
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t yell at you like that, but you’re not thinking healthy and that’s not good. As for this matter of your brothers, I will keep it a secret, as long as you arrange for me to leave the An family and help me with everything.”
When she finished, she nodded in self-satisfaction, and seeing that An Mu Lan did not retort, she continued in a serious tone,
“I’m someone who keeps her words, you can rest assured of that, I’m not like you hypocrites, I’m ……”
An Mu Lan couldn’t listen any longer, she overestimated her tolerance.
With apologies and sincerity on her face, she said to Ye Zixuan,
“You’re such a good person, I’ll make all the arrangements, we owe you these from the An family.”
Seeing that things were going in the direction she had expected, Ye Zixuan finally relaxed and she grumbled at An Mu Lan,
“You don’t know those men in your An family, they are so rough, they overpower people at every turn, and they always want to control my mind. Hmph, who do they think they are, even if they get my flesh, they will never get my spirit, I belong to me.”
An Mu Lan smiled weakly and suddenly showed an alarmed expression as she said,
“We’ve been out for so long, if my brothers and my fiancée found out, they would definitely think more about it, I’d better go back and check it out first, we’ll continue to discuss the details later, you stay here and wait for me ah, don’t run around, I’ll be right back.”
Without waiting for Ye Zixuan’s answer, she ran away as if she had been there, thinking: The next time I choose a Mary Sue novel that kills people like this, I will be the first to fund a replacement when I have enough points.
An Mu Lan returned quickly to the table, picked up her previous dessert, forked a spoonful and fed it into her mouth, then with a contented expression, she slowed down again beside Ye Zixuan, who was discussing her escape plan with her while looking at the cake in her hand with a hesitant look.
Ye Zixuan had been serious about the conversation, but when she saw An Mu Lan running away, she followed suit and focused on the cake, followed by a drumming sound in her belly.
She was busy covering her stomach apologetically and shyly and said,
“I haven’t eaten today, your big brother and second brother are always pressing me, and ……”
Before she could finish her sentence, a piece of softness was shoved into her mouth. She subconsciously chewed it, and as her tongue tasted the sweetness, she immediately forgot about the previous conversation and said to An Mu Lan,
“Give it to me to eat, I’m so hungry.”
With that, without waiting for An Mu Lan’s reaction, she took the plate in her hands and ate it quickly.
An Mu Lan watched her eating rudely, her eyes were dark, she looked at the dress on Ye Zixuan and found that it was the princess dress she had bought some days ago, it was seven or eight percent similar to the one she was wearing, she knew that she had made the right move with that layout at that time. Her and Ye Zixuan’s figures are very similar. In such a dimly lit night, it would be easy to mistake the two.
She was thinking deeply in this way, before her feet suddenly went weak and she fell to the ground in a smooth motion, Ye Zixuan froze, then squatted down and looked at her, asking in confusion,
“What’s wrong with you?”
An Mu Lan’s whole body was weak and her tone was low,
“It’s hard for me, go and tell Miss Li for me, just say I wish her a happy birthday, I …… we’re best friends but I’m in this state …… hey……”
Ye Zixuan automatically filled in the ellipses in her words, and without knowing what she had made up in her head, she only saw her eyes filled with tears and ran away crying loudly.
An Mu Lan, who remained in the same place, had a dark look on her face, leaving this scene just now behind her.
She rolled over, took out her personal terminal, remotely controlled an unaddressed communication device and sent the email she had prepared to Li Jiarou.
Then sent another confidential email to Ling Xihan, telling her that she was not feeling well at the moment and was going to the rest room. Within half a minute, she received a reply, which read: Wait for me, I’ll be right there.
After doing so, An Mu Lan stretched and quickly stood up, raised her hand to scatter her carefully decorated hair, then with her head hanging low, following Ye Zixuan’s walking posture, she walked to the An family’s third brother and gave him a truthful account of Ye Zixuan’s affairs.
Finally, she concluded reluctantly,
“Brother, do not exceed the limits when you play …… Besides what is good about this maid, you and your brothers are young masters of the An family, how can you get involved with a pariah, if this gets out, your reputation and the reputation of the An family, both have to suffer losses.”
When she finished, she walked slowly to the lounge without waiting for his answer, timing it almost just right as her body began to heat up and burn.
She lay on her **, smiling smugly. She had arranged everything for tonight.
She spent the afternoon going over the plot and the points mentioned in her memory, carefully combing through them multiple times and then pinpointing every point in time to do them right.
When she went out and came back to get the cake, it had been drugged and she only tasted a bit of it, leaving the rest for Ye Zixuan.
Then, instructing Ye Zixuan to find Li Jiarou, who has the Zhang family’s eldest young man by her side, with the heroine’s Mary Sue aura, the Zhang family’s eldest young man will definitely have a fling with Ye Zixuan, who is unconscious and passed out.
After this, she sent the message signed by the Li family’s secret service to Li Jiarou, who would be suspicious and wary, but she would more or less pay attention to this matter. She would arrange to have everything around her carefully searched, so that she could always find traces of Zhang Yao’s brother’s crime.
The Li family has a thousand-year legacy and is entrenched in the political world, so their minds are bound to be nimble and they will take advantage of this matter in return. No one will suspect her, and she will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
Everything went smoothly, and the only surprise was that the medicine was so effective that it was beyond belief.
At that moment, she felt dizzy and in the midst of the chaos in her brain, An Mu Lan felt a familiar slight coolness that landed on her forehead.
An Mu Lan struggled to open her eyes to look over and caught a glimpse of a pair of dark, narrow eyes. She deflated at her in aggravation, and finally, under the effect of the medicine, she passed out weakly.