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QTVW Chapter 5<b>Future* President’s Fiancee (V)</b>
The Li family is located in the heart of the city and the entire house is built in the style of a classical castle, covering an extremely large area. If you take the shuttle, it will take you half an hour to cover the outer wall of the Li residence.
When An Mu Lan followed Ling Xihan and arrived at the Li residence, it was dusk, the sky had not yet completely darkened, and from time to time luxurious flying cars landed in the vast car park, while this magnificent old castle, under the sunset, showed the rich charm of its history.
An Mu Lan looked at the scene and found it inexplicably familiar.
She remembered that when she was still alive, she had seen many pictures of such landscapes, and when she was young, she had the idea of travelling to see them with her own eyes once she retired.
But now, she looked back at the woman walking in front of her and silently bowed her head.
She walked quietly beside Ling Xihan, watching her deal with those noble people, and in that moment, she seemed like a different person, with what could be called a gentle smile on her face, and she looked very calm and easy to get along with, very different from the coldness she had when she was with her.
However, after thinking about it, An Mu Lan felt that this was a more realistic Ling Xihan.
Although she is in virtual time and space doing a mission, everything in this time and space is real. The virtual space-time has its own set of time and space rules, which will automatically add all the BUGs in the novel.
So even the indifferent and even cold Ling Xihan in the novel, at this moment, when facing the social celebrities, is a qualified social person who knows the principle of treating people gently and making money with peace.
Even when she was facing her, she didn’t have a cold face and looked like a villainous BOSS.
Perhaps because they were not familiar with each other, or perhaps because she was still of use to her, Ling Xihan was at best silent when faced with her, and did not show or perform those cruel methods in front of her that would scare people in novels.
While her mind was wandering, An Mu Lan put on a friendly smile and greeted the people she met on the way.
After entering the gates of the Li family, Ling Xihan transmitted the invitation to the electronic screen at the entrance and after registering online, they stepped through the gate and a vintage carriage pulled up in front of them.
Ling Xihan helped An Mu Lan into the carriage, and every move she made showed how much she cared for An Mu Lan and how much she valued her, making it appear to outsiders that they had a very good relationship. People in high society are used to putting on a show, few are obsessed with truth or falsehood, but this mask is the most basic.
They boarded the carriage and, after a not too short time, arrived at the castle gardens through the gates of the Li residence.
Ling Xihan stepped down from the carriage, took An Mu Lan’s hand in a very polite manner, and pulled her towards the gathering of people.
Since she left the enclosed area of the carriage, her face immediately took on a gentle smile as she talked to the men and introduced An Mu Lan to her business partners.
Knowing that this was a good opportunity to express herself, An Mu Lan immediately put on a decent and soft expression and greeted each and every person introduced to her.
Her every move was very elegant and regulated, looking like a full-fledged noble lady, which earned her unanimous praise from the people around her and gave Ling Xihan plenty of face. It made Ling Xihan’s gaze at her even more gentle.
After more than half an hour of pre-opening time, the guests were presumably almost here, and An Mu Lan was pulled to one side of the crowd by Ling Xihan, as the silence fell around them in silence and the sounds of people faded away.
At that moment, the lights of the castle converged on the rustic staircase, and from the end of it, two women slowly walked down, holding hands.
One of them, a flamboyant and atmospheric noblewoman.
She is clearly not young, but it is clear that she is well maintained and looks like she is in her early thirties.
Large pearls adorned her hair, ears, neck and even her dark purple gown, which was adorned with countless broken diamonds; she looked as radiant as a luminous body, full of the charm of a mature woman.
At this moment, she lifted her jaw slightly, her expression self-respecting and noble. This person is none other than the head mother of the Li family.
At her side she was holding a beautiful young girl, who looked similar to her, wearing a red cheongsam, which was embroidered with exquisite peony flowers, which bloomed on her chest, on the side of her waist and on her thighs, as if she was surrounded by peony flowers.
The expression on her face is also warm and decently elegant, and she looks very charming.
After being stunned, An Mu Lan immediately realised that this woman, was the protagonist of this birthday party, Li Jiaruo, the eldest Miss of the Li family.
It was only when the two walked up to the Li family patriarch that the crowd seemed to come back to their senses, and the Li family patriarch, who was standing slightly higher up, the father of Li Jiarou, spoke at this moment, saying,
“Thank you, all of you, for coming to my eldest daughter’s birthday dinner out of your busy schedules, so make yourselves at home and enjoy the evening.”
With a graceful remark, he stepped back to one side, leaving the most central place to Li Jiarou, who smiled at him and then stepped forward as another young man in a black tuxedo, bent down in invitation, gentlemanly and courteous.
The man was tall and dignified, the woman was beautiful and elegant, and the two looked like the most compatible pair of lovers as they danced the first dance of the evening under the gaze of the crowd.
An Mu Lan saw this scene and snorted in her heart, she knew this man, the young master of the Zhang family, right, he looked like a human being, but who would have thought that he would do such a thing.
Tonight is destined to be a restless night in which, according to the plot and memories, many shady things will happen.
An Mu Lan averted her eyes and focused on her surroundings, carefully observing everything around her, her heart on edge.
Perhaps her nervousness was not disguised thoroughly enough, causing Ling Xihan to immediately move closer to her body, making an intimate gesture as she wrapped her arms around her waist and lowered her head to her, her lips touching her earlobe, the outsiders appeared to smile knowingly and then stepped aside, leaving space for the fiancée.
Only An Mu Lan heard what Ling Xi Han said in her ear, and she lowered her voice and asked,
An Mu Lan’s heart jumped, she felt that ever since she had, uncontrollably, said ‘you look beautiful’ this afternoon, Ling Xihan’s attitude towards her had changed, when she was in the company office, she had started to move towards her, the previous disconnection and coldness had disappeared without a trace, as if she had gone straight from the respectful stranger mode to an old married couple mode.
An Mu Lan’s eyes rolled, then smiled and followed Ling Xihan’s example, also reached out and hugged her slender waist, came close to Ling Xihan’s neck and said,
“I think they are so close and I would like to have a dance with you, I just don’t know if I have the pleasure.”
Ling Xihan froze, the corners of her mouth tugged, revealing a smile that had a bad look to it, she took a step back, bent slightly, took An Mu Lan’s left hand and dropped a kiss on the back of her hand, her deep, narrow eyes stared at her and said,
“My fiancée, it would be an honor to dance with you, please give me the opportunity.”
An Mu Lan’s mind turned around a few times, and gave an explanation for Ling Xihan’s other-worldly behavior at this moment.
Ling Xihan needs her status in the upper class, the marriage is to reduce this layer of separation between the commoners and the nobility, she chose to show a good relationship with her under the eyes of everyone, but also to tell those noble class, her sincerity and attitude.
An Mu Lan figured this out, shyly looked around, so that a thoughtful person aside showed a smile of understanding, she then sweetly smiled,
“Okay, Xihan.”
The two of them stepped into the dancing floor, and An Mu Lan found among the original owner’s memories the way to dance in the future, which was very similar to the modern dance.
She moved closer to Ling Xihan’s side and put her hand on the other’s shoulder, leaning close to each other, her body dancing to the slow lyrical rhythm of the music.
With the customary shyness on her face, An Mu Lan would occasionally venture to glance up at Ling Xihan, and then quickly duck her head after meeting the other’s gaze.
She felt the arms around her waist, tightening a little as she pouted, and knowing that Ling Xihan liked shy girls like that, she put all her energy into it, trying to impress the other girl.
When the song was finished, Ling Xihan bowed her head and kissed her forehead before releasing her hands and saying,
“I’m going to talk to the person I’m working with about something, so you can go and get something to eat and rest.”
An Mu Lan nodded obediently, then walked out of the dance floor to the brightly lit eating area off to the side. She picked up an empty plate and went through the dessert area, picking out a few cakes that looked just as delicious, and walked to one side to stand down in a dimly lit place while her eyes slowly scanned the entire banquet hall.
She found Zhang Yao beside Ling Xihan; she found Li Jiarou and the young master of the Zhang family in the middle of the dance floor; she also saw her four brothers, and the woman who was following her third brother, with a somewhat cowering figure.
Her gaze narrowed for a moment as she made contact with the woman.
If she was correct, this woman was the heroine of this novel, the 'delicious’ maid who exuded a Mary Sue aura.
This was the first time she had officially seen this woman, although she had previously edited and produced a video about her.
But what she saw on the video, and what she saw directly up close in reality, were completely different, and she felt disgust and hatred the moment she saw her.
This is the deepest emotion that belongs to the heart of the original owner, left behind.
Before her eyes, a scene automatically appeared.
That was the original owner’s memory, the real An Mu Lan came home then, her face a despondent blankness, she stayed in her pre-marriage room, her heart full of numbness and bitterness.
And just then the woman appeared, an apologetic look on the woman’s face, and then immediately knelt before her, two lines of tears sliding down her face as she told of the atrocities the four men of the An family had committed against her.
She pleaded with her, she kept crying, and then she left. The end had come for the original owner.
The scene was frozen in time, and An Mu Lan’s thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a figure in front of her.
For a moment, she wondered if she was in the original owner’s memories or in reality.
For, one moment she was remembering, the woman’s teary eyes; and this moment, this woman appeared before her with the same look.
An Mu Lan hooked her lips and smiled deeply, thinking: heroine Ye Zixuan, we have finally met.