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QTVW Chapter 7<b>Future* President’s Fiancee (VII)</b>
When An Mu Lan woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar environment.
She sat up, squinting around.
It is dimly lit, but by the vague light it is possible to make out the layout of this room.
This is a bedroom, and where the light is brighter, there is a window covered by heavy curtains, but a few rays of light still shine through. It is also the curtains that obscure the light that makes this room extraordinarily gloomy.
Still feeling dizzy, An Mu Lan rubbed her forehead vigorously as memories from earlier came flooding back like a tidal wave.
She narrowed her eyes and clapped her hands together, a sounding crisp clap, causing the room’s sound-activated lights to come on immediately. The layout of this room was also fully presented to An Mu Lan’s eyes.
The tone of this room was cold and the furniture was arranged in a simple and monotonous way, a very familiar style of home decoration, which An Mu Lan found to be very similar to the style of Ling Xihan’s villa and her office.
If she guessed correctly, this should be Ling Xihan’s bedroom, and it was Ling Xihan she had vaguely seen when she was unconscious earlier.
An Mu Lan’s eyes flickered and there was a hint of joy in her heart, so to speak, she was now within Ling Xihan’s sphere of influence, so that card there, she was finally making initial progress in this matter of raiding the villain.
An Mu Lan smiled and felt another throbbing pain in her forehead, she frowned and stroked the spot on her brow, remembering the Li family’s birthday party earlier.
At the time she planned and arranged everything, then passed out under the influence of drugs and wondered how subsequent events had developed after all this time.
She clicked on the invisible electronic terminal on her wrist, a blue screen popped up and a large list of web information appeared, An Mu Lan clicked on the search field and said to the screen,
“I need to know what happened after Miss Li’s birthday party.”
Within three seconds, a dozen blue screens were scattered in front of An Mu Lan’s eyes, who looked over them one by one.
The big headline above, in dark font, reads,
“Is the broken marriage of Zhang and Li a case of someone doing evil, or a joke of fate,”
This is the title of the literary version; another writes,
“The Zhang family’s youngest prefers Nanfeng and plays group P on the second day of engagement,”
This is the bold version; there are many more titles that broadly depict this event.
An Mu Lan’s mouth opened wide in surprise when she saw the news that the Zhang family’s youngest was good for Nan Feng, which was not mentioned at all in the novel’s plot, ah.
What’s going on? Is this also an auto-completion of the virtual space-time rules?
Puzzled by the thought, An Mu Lan pulled the screen of this page in front of her eyes, then line by line, read it carefully, and after about ten minutes of reading it, An Mu Lan snorted a laugh.
The news story says that after the announcement of the marriage between Zhang and Li, the banquet continued and many of the guests did not leave immediately. This is because such an occasion is where information is passed between the families, and where deals are most likely to be negotiated in the business world.
At around three in the morning that night, Li Jiarou suddenly had to find the young master of the Zhang family in a hurry because of some matters.
The Li family had quite a few bodyguards who launched a search at that time, and there was quite a lot of commotion, so all the guests present knew about it and started to pay attention to it, and some of them even took the initiative to find him.
The guests also noticed that something was wrong when Li Jiarou’s face started to turn pale and lifeless, her body was shaking and she looked miserable.
And at that moment, the young master’s sister, Zhang Yao, suddenly said,
“Is there a search within the Li family residence? Perhaps brother is there?”
When the crowd thought about it, it made sense, so they recruited the bodyguard to ask again, who said with certainty,
“I’ve searched all over the Li family residence, but I just can’t find him. But ……”
As the bodyguard said this, his face went green and red for a while as he said,
“In the Li family residence, the first floor guest lounge which was locked, has not been searched because the key could not be found.”
Zhang Yao immediately smiled and offered to go to that lounge to have a look, so the crowd all followed. Ten metres closer to that room, the extremely loud sound of water stains and the moans and groans of lust could be heard inside.
Zhang Yao took the initiative to walk up and pick up the key to open the door, only to see seven or eight tall, fit men toying with a fair, tall young man, a group P scene that was so unbearable to watch that many people instantly blushed until a female voice screamed shrilly, saying,
“It’s the young master of the Zhang family!”
This roar immediately drew everyone’s attention to the fact that the man being pressed in the very centre was none other than the missing young master of the Zhang family, who was now, in full view of everyone, gathered around to watch a thrilling spring, palace scene.
The news reported that Li Jiarou burst into tears and the patriarch of the Li family threw the “rubbish” out with a grimace, along with an unconscious half-*** on the sofa.
As things had come to this point, the Li family naturally had to withdraw from the marriage, and so this marriage between Zhang and Li came to an end in such a joking manner.
Although the Zhang family is a triad family and is very powerful in this future world, the Li family’s power should not be underestimated as well, not to mention the fact that the Li family is also a political family and there is still some truth to the proverb that the people do not fight against the officials. So the Zhang family took it upon themselves to apologise and withdraw from the marriage after the first hour of this incident, and promised to take good care of the Zhang young master.
After reading the news, An Mu Lan’s whole body went Spartan. Although she played a role in pushing this matter, she did not expect the subsequent development of this matter to turn out this way, which was too unexpected.
However, all in all, the person who profited from this matter was herself, so she smiled back and continued to browse up the news, and just then, the door of the room opened and a tall woman in a slim suit looked at her with an expressionless face and a dark gaze.
The smile on An Mu Lan’s lips stiffened, and she immediately straightened her spine and said joyfully,
“Xihan, you’re back.”
Ling Xihan walked into the room, her steps slow and with a bit of carelessness, she walked up to An Mu Lan’s side, leaned over and touched her forehead and asked,
“How do you feel now, is the headache better?”
An Mu Lan’s wariness immediately rose in her heart, she felt that Ling Xihan was giving off a very wrong feeling at the moment, she tilted her head and looked at Ling Xihan’s chin, smiled weakly at her and said,
“Much better already, thanks.”
Ling Xihan curled her lips, her narrow eyes glancing at the translucent screens popping up in mid-air as she suddenly spoke,
“How’s that? Happy with the result?”
Hearing these words, An Mu Lan’s heart tightened and she was quick to smile and say,
“This news is really sudden ah, the young master of the Zhang family doesn’t seem like this kind of person then, isn’t sister Li Jiarou very pitiful?”
Ling Xihan moved closer to An Mu Lan and leaned in slightly to look at her, a deep and unpredictable look in her eyes as she sat on the edge of the bed, her right hand stroking An Mu Lan’s still somewhat messy long hair before wrapping her whole body tightly in her arms.
An Mu Lan felt her closeness, but she didn’t feel happy at all, instead she was in cold sweat, because Ling Xihan’s right hand was on her heart, and her palm was in the shape of a claw, as if she was playing with the softness of her chest, but then the force was heavy and light, which made An Mu Lan’s heart alarmed.
An Mu Lan shivered involuntarily, she cautiously turned her head to look at her, and saw that she was very different from her usual cold and detached appearance, at this time, Ling Xihan looked at her with dark and deep eyes, with a clear understanding and realization, which made An Mu Lan feel like she was covered in □□□□□, standing in the eyes of Ling Xihan, allowing all her secrets to go unnoticed.
An Mu Lan smiled hard and asked with a tilted head,
“What’s wrong with you today? Did something bad happen at work?”
Ling Xihan looked at the blue screen in front of her, pressing her lips close to An Mu Lan’s ear and asking into her cochlea,
“Are you concerned about what happened yesterday?”
An Mu Lan immediately shook her head and said,
“Not really …… concerned, I …… I just …… wanted to see what news……”
Her voice weakened and her words stumbled, for the way Ling Xihan looked at her made her whole body shudder.
Ling Xihan just looked at her, with a gaze that saw through everything, and she suddenly raised her hand to caress An Mu Lan’s cheek, from her still baby-fat cheek, to her soft chin.
Then she lifted her chin and looked deeply into An Mu Lan’s eyes, not missing a single detail in her eyes, and she said in an unhurried tone,
“You arranged it very well the other day, the marriage between Zhang and Li was something I didn’t want to see, and I’m really, really happy that you did that for the sake of it.”
With that, she clicked on a blue screen and looked at the news item “The collapse of the Zhang-Li coalition” and said,
“The Li family abandoned the Zhang family in favour of another partner, and as a helper in pushing the issue, the Li family naturally chose me as a subordinate, which would allow me to step into the political world more quickly;
And the Zhang family has so disgraced the Li family and dared to lay hands on the daughter of the Li family patriarch, the Li family will naturally not let the Zhang family go, and then down the road, the Zhang family’s power in the underworld will naturally fall into my hands, and I, in turn, will become the new boss;
The Li and Zhang families are equally powerful, and the young master of the Zhang family has been ruined after this night, so the two families are battling each other, and the one who will benefit the most in the end is, of course, me;
The most important thing is that the young master of the Zhang family knows part of the truth of the matter, he is a vengeful man, think about it, that maid you bothered to deal with, and Zhang Yao who made you afraid and uneasy, are the targets of his revenge. One less morbid suitor for me, and you can continue to be my good fiancée in peace.”
Ling Xihan finished these words in a flat, unemotional tone, then licked the cold sweat off An Mu Lan’s cheeks and said to her,
"What’s wrong? Making so much sweat?”