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QTVW Chapter 4<b>Future* President’s Fiancee (IV)</b>
An Mu Lan sat in the lounge, contemplating how to take revenge on Zhang Yao.
In terms of where Zhang Yao is depicted in the plot, she is a ruthless person with a heart of stone and an obsession with Ling Xihan that goes beyond imagination; unlike the others in the novel, she is very wary of her current self, which is not favourable for her to secretly exact revenge.
Thinking of this, An Mu Lan had an ominous feeling in her heart, Zhang Yao had treated the fiancées chosen by Ling Xihan, all at the first opportunity, and destroyed them with malicious tricks, so it seemed that Zhang Yao might strike at her soon. An Mu Lan shuddered at the thought of what that woman had done to the original owner.
She gritted her teeth and secretly thought to herself: She must not let go of Ling Xihan during this period of time, and must never give Zhang Yao the chance to harm her.
With this in mind, she took a college textbook out of her backpack and read it while keeping an eye out for people coming around her.
After waiting for an unknown period of time, An Mu Lan suddenly felt that someone was looking at her, she immediately raised her head and blinked to see that outside the lounge, Ling Xihan was discussing something with a group of people, that gaze just now was probably a casual glance from Ling Xihan.
When An Mu Lan saw the right person coming, she stuffed her books into her bag, and before she could walk over, Ling Xihan, who was on the other side, had already ended the conversation, and she walked over at that moment with a frown, looked at her, and asked with a cold face,
“What brings you here?”
An Mu Lan’s expression froze and she stood up a little shakily, whispering to her,
“I …… I prepared some lunch at home and thought it was mealtime and you probably hadn’t eaten so I came over to give it… I’m sorry to have come so hastily and disturbed you? I’ll leave now.”
Ling Xihan also saw the lunchbox sitting on the sofa, and she narrowed her eyes at her and said,
“Now that you’re here, come up with me.”
As she spoke, she walked towards the door, tossed the stack of papers in her hand to the assistant on the side, gave a few words and headed for the lift.
An Mu Lan breathed a sigh of relief and thought: No matter what, we’ve passed this hurdle now!
She packed her school bag, then carried her lunchbox from the sofa and went after Ling Xihan.
When the two of them took the lift and reached the highest floor of the building, Ling Xihan passed Zhang Yao without a glance and walked towards the president’s lounge at the far end of the building.
An Mu Lan glanced at the forlorn and sinister expression on Zhang Yao’s face, and her steps became even larger as she hurriedly followed half a metre behind Ling Xihan.
The two entered the lounge one after another, Ling Xihan unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt and her delicate white collarbones were exposed, she sat casually on the chicly styled sofa, looking somewhat carelessly seductive.
An Mu Lan looked around the room and sat down on the sofa not far from Ling Xihan’s side, she unpacked the lunch box and placed the meal inside on the wooden table nearest to Ling Xihan.
Having done so, with a subtle smile on her face, she said,
“I thought that the meals outside were mechanical and tasted rather monotonous, so I took it upon myself to come and bring you your meals, next time I will let you know in advance, and I hope you will not be angry with me.”
With that, she handed the chopsticks to Ling Xihan and then looked at her with shining eyes.
Ling Xihan shook her head and said,
“Tomorrow at this time, you can just come straight to this lounge and wait for me.”
In other words, she had given permission to An Mu Lan’s actions.
An Mu Lan curled the corners of her mouth and sat down on the sofa, her eyes surveying the lounge.
She found that the style of decoration here was very similar to that of Ling Xihan’s villa. The furniture here was monotonous, just two brown sofas of the same style, two short wooden tables, the rest of the place was empty, the colour of the walls and floor, all in serious cold tones, and this room was extraordinarily large, all these added up to bring a feeling of silence.
An Mulan sat quietly and waited until Ling Xihan had eaten her lunch, then she immediately helped to tidy up her lunch box, while Ling Xihan on one side looked at her with a sidelong glance and said to her,
“Tonight at the Li residence, there is a birthday party, you stay here and come with me when the time comes.”
The Li family banquet? An Mu Lan’s heart moved and her face smiled as she said,
Ling Xihan didn’t stay in the lounge for long before she went out to work, An Mu Lan immediately followed her, Ling Xihan felt that she was extraordinarily close to her today, and after thinking about it, it was a good thing, so she didn’t refuse her to follow her, and took her to the president’s office next door.
An Mu Lan walked into the office against Zhang Yao’s man-eating gaze, chose a chair nearby and sat down, watching Ling Xihan walk to her desk and check the signed documents. She also opened her backpack, took out the book she had been reading earlier and read it carefully.
But in her mind, she was recalling information about the Li family.
The Li family, a military and political family, is one of the three most famous families in the future world, along with the An family and the Qin family, and Ling Xihan has long been planning to enter the political world, so the Li family is also the one she needs to pay attention to.
After all, this is the first time that Ling Xihan has taken herself out, that is, to the outside media and the family, indicating the union of the two families, she will definitely be introduced to the people that Ling Xihan knows tonight, so this banquet in the evening, she must behave well and score extra points in the heart of Ling Xihan.
In the original owner’s memory, she did not attend this party, because at that time, she was already locked up by Father An because of her withdrawal, and only afterwards did the original owner intermittently learn that the protagonist of this birthday party was none other than the eldest daughter of the Li family, Li Jiarou, whose twentieth birthday was that day.
Li Jiarou is also a pitiful person, and when she is mentioned, the book has a line about her: A noble woman with a delicate heart.
Since she was the only daughter of the Li family, she was treated very well by the Li family, so many celebrities were invited to this birthday party.
The banquet was a great success and the announcement of the marriage between the Li and Zhang families was made at the beginning.
But the next day, the major newspapers and media published a news article, “Li family’s daughter, let loose, what is the reason for the **? The news was published. In the morning of the second day of the party, Li Jiarou was naked and entangled with seven or eight men in full view of the public.
Li Jialuo’s reputation was immediately tarnished, the union was ruined and she committed suicide that day.
It is only in the middle of the novel that the truth of the matter is told in the mouth of the young master of the Zhang family, Zhang Yao’s own brother.
In fact, it is the young master of the Zhang family, who has fallen in love with the heroine and is very dissatisfied with his marriage partner, but cannot refuse because of family reasons, so he thinks of such a way to solve the marriage problem and suppress the Li family’s power, so that the family, which has been inherited for thousands of years, is finally ruined.
When An Mu Lan saw the plot, she said in her heart: The heroine in this novel is really a Mary Sue, all men fall under her skirt and all women end up in a bad way.
This kind of brain-damaged plus trivial novel is exactly the system’s ‘true love’ ah, she as the virtual time and space manager, under the system’s random screening, enter the mission world, complete the task, is also considered a de facto management of virtual time and space order.
An Mu Lan suddenly thought: this evening is the time for the banquet, she might be able to counter-use this matter to strike a good blow at the Zhang family forces and solve a big problem in her heart.
So, for the rest of the day, An Mu Lan spent the rest of the night in her head, rehearsing the flow of the evening’s banquet, memorising all the key points in her head, and then waiting with wariness for the official opening.
She raised her head in a good mood and looked at the office, then her eyes naturally fell on Ling Xihan’s body.
Ling Xihan was sitting in her office chair at this time, her face still had a cold and ruthless expression, her lips pursed up, her eyebrows gently knitted, the documents in her hands were converted very quickly, she stopped from time to time, then looked down again to sign something quickly and smoothly, her serious working appearance looked really eye catching.
Perhaps it was really because she was in a good mood that made An Mu Lan’s gaze much bolder. Her gaze traced Ling Xihan’s features, from her nicely shaped eyebrows to her narrow, dark eyes, her nose was straight, and her lips were very well shaped, with light pink lips that were slightly out of keeping with her temperament, but this face, indeed, was beautiful enough.
Even in this future world where everyone is beautiful, her face stands out!
An Mu Lan looked on with a smile, her eyes suddenly met with a pair of eyes that didn’t show any emotion, and with a shudder she heard the owner of the eyes say,
"What are you looking at me for?”
“You look beautiful,”
An Mulan blurted out the words, then her heart rang with alarm, immediately seeing the other party’s eyes narrowed, she had a thought and continued softly,
“…… I love it.”
Her cheeks flushed when she said it.
Perhaps these words touched Ling Xihan’s sensitive nerves, she let out a light laugh, tossed the pen in her hand to the side casually, then got up and walked in front of An Mu Lan, leaned over and pressed herself, her slim but tall figure completely enveloped the small An Mu Lan underneath.
She lifted An Mu Lan’s chin in a frivolous movement, and her white, slightly cool fingertips slid down her cheeks to An Mu Lan’s lips, then pressed and rubbed, as if feeling the softness of her lips with her fingers.
It was the first time that An Mu Lan had been so lightly and flirtatiously treated, and she was truly embarrassed, yet she was suppressed by the other party’s aura and could not move, so she could only sit there, blushing.
An Mu Lan felt the fingers on her lips, tinged with her body heat, become warm, then those fingers suddenly increased in strength, picking down her lower lip, two fingers immediately knocking open her teeth and pushing in.
Two fingers made a mess of her mouth, pressing her palate one moment, pinning her tongue and molesting her the next, even shoving it harder and deeper inside, causing tears to well up in An Mu Lan’s eyes in discomfort.
Ling Xihan’s slightly narrowed eyes, looking at the girl’s red cheeks, eyes with watery mist, clear tears as well as saliva crossing over, adding a few **/delicious tones to this scene.
Satisfied, she drew back her hand and rubbed her still salivated fingers over An Mu Lan’s cheek, sliding it down one side of her earlobe to her collarbone, and only when she felt An Mu Lan’s rapidly beating heart did she slowly draw back her hand and turn to walk back to her desk.
All that was left was a dumbfounded An Mu Lan, a flash of shame and anger on her face, and then a frantic cry in her mind: Hey! Have you washed your hands yet!?
Ling Xihan took out a tissue from the table to wipe her hands, then tapped on the electronic screen and said to the assistant on the other side of the screen,
“Bring over two gowns, one in my daily size and one in a princess dress.”
The person across the screen seemed to ask some kind of question, then Ling Xihan turned around abruptly, sized up An Mu Lan from head to toe, and said
“36, 24, 34.”
Then hung up the call.
A bunch of mud horses were running wild in An Mu Lan’s head! How could this woman tell her 3 sizes just by visual observation!?
After this, until the little assistant brought in the dress, An Mu Lan kept her head hanging low, as if some precious flower had bloomed on the floor of President Ling, looking at it without blinking her eyes.
After placing the dress on the sofa, the assistant closed the door and left.
An Mu Lan looked at the dreamy pink dress, lifted it up and shook it, then turned it around several times and asked in a small voice,
“Is it time to change?”
Ling Xihan nodded and came over to pick up her dark-toned gown, saying,
“We’ll be leaving in a few minutes, so change now.”
With that, she began to unbutton her shirt one by one, locking her gaze on An Mu Lan.
She found that although Ling Xihan was tall and slim, her body had material where there should be flesh, her waist was particularly long, and under the wide shirt, her waist was terribly slim, but it did not give the impression of being fragile at all, because on it, there was a vague outline of four pieces of abs.
An Mu Lan: So strong!
Ling Xihan raised her eyebrows and took off her trousers and clothes, then asked indifferently while doing so,
“Get changed, what’s the point of dawdling.”
An Mu Lan felt that something was wrong, she felt that this person was very powerful, how did she manage to remain as calm as she could be in this ambiguous atmosphere? Facial paralysis is such a good thing!
As she furiously complained, she scowled and took off her coat and changed into her dress in a swift manner, only to have a tragic slip up.
Her hair, got caught in the zip on the back of her dress.
Ling Xihan had already changed into her dress, the long tight dress wrapped her figure perfectly, she looked at An Mu Lan who was busy, and then asked with great interest,
“Do you want me to help you?”
An Mu Lan immediately gave her a pitiful teary-eyed look, Ling Xihan couldn’t help but laugh as she walked over, her slightly cool fingers seemingly unconsciously running across An Mu Lan’s back, causing her body to tremble.
She turned her head carefully, the look of resignation on her face could not be concealed, Lingshihan suddenly felt guilty, she moved quickly to take out the hair in the zip, pulled the zip back, and secretly thought in her heart: this pitiful and innocent expression really suits An Mu Lan, she was eager to try it, thinking that maybe she could bully her like this more often in the future.
The unsuspecting An Mu Lan: ……
</blockquote>The author has something to say: Poor newbie begging for favorites and comments. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
For the sake of the review, my high-spirited demeanour, ruined! _(:зゝ∠)_