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QTVW Chapter 3<b>The Future* President’s Fiancee (III)</b>
Ling Xihan stood at the doorway, narrowing her eyes as she sized up An Mu Lan from top to bottom.
Under the warm lighting, An Mu Lan’s whole body looks exceptionally soft and warm. She was wearing a nightgown as short as her thighs, and even with an apron over it, it only gave her a different kind of **, the thinness of the clothing did not hide her small, but well-developed body.
Ling Xihan’s gaze seemed to casually sweep over An Mu Lan’s full breasts, her slender waist surrounded by the thin belt of her apron, and then her long, straight legs. Her eyes darkened, and with that she closed the door with her hand and walked over.
Ling Xihan walked up to An Mu Lan, looked down at her, then at the four plates of home-cooked food on the table, and raised an eyebrow.
An Mu Lan had already pursed her lips and smiled when her gaze came over, her face slightly embarrassed, and after placing the plate in her hands on the table, she shrank up a little awkwardly and whispered,
“I didn’t know you were coming back tonight, I’ll just go and change.”
She turned to walk upstairs, but a slightly cool hand, grabbed her wrist and the other said,
“No, that’s fine, didn’t you prepare dinner? I’m hungry.”
With that, she let go of her hand and went to wash her hands at the sink.
An Mu Lan smiled and said to Ling Xihan’s back,
“Then I’ll go and serve the rice.”
With that, she turned and walked into the kitchen.
As she served the rice, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself: the beauty trick is kind of good, unintentional ** like this is what will impress the villain more.
Ling Xihan walked out after washing her hands and immediately felt that something had become different in this villa of hers. She walked towards the dining table while taking a careful look around her surroundings and realized that many new objects had been added to this room in the two days she was not at home.
They are small, unassuming things, like a row of vibrant, colorful flowers on the windowsill; a bright yellow square tablecloth on the living room coffee table; and a blue fish tank with two small goldfish swimming around in it ……
Small changes such as these are everywhere, and although they may not seem worthwhile on their own, they are the details that make the room come alive and give it a homely atmosphere. And all this is due to the young girl in front of her.
She was more than satisfied with this girl, who was fair and lovely, who behaved generously, and who was pleasant to live with.
She walked over to the table, pushed a chair away and sat down, looked at the four dishes on the table and noticed that they were all home-cooked dishes, but even if they were home-cooked, they looked extraordinarily tasty and she raised her eyebrows in some surprise.
According to the information she had received, An Mu Lan was a young lady who was not well received by the An family, with a timid and unassertive personality, but in terms of her behaviour, she basically fit the mould of a lady of the house. She had chosen An Mu Lan as her marriage partner in the first place, in large part because she was soft and easy to handle, but she wasn’t a must.
But in this current situation, the girl in front of her clearly exceeded her expectations and gave her a bit of interest. Since this was a girl who was to her taste, she didn’t mind just keeping her.
An Mu Lan came out with rice and saw Ling Xi Han with an obscure expression under the light.
She settled down and warned herself that the battle at hand was an offensive and defensive one, and that she must be careful, and that only by impressing her with the details, and by rattling her, would she stand a chance of survival.
With this in mind, she calmed down and placed a bowl of rice in front of Ling Xihan, offering to hand her chopsticks again before turning off the kitchen light and taking off her apron.
After doing so, she sat down at the table and said with a smile to the imposing woman in front of her,
“I didn’t know you were coming back tonight, so I made some of my favourite dishes, and if you don’t find them tasty, then I’ll make something else.”
Across the table, Ling Xihan shook her head impassively and said,
“In that case, it’s fine, let’s eat.”
After saying that, she picked up her chopsticks and took a bite of the stir-fried meat in her mouth, a light taste filled her mouth, the meat was tender, the taste was light but not boring, and the vegetables had a taste of the food itself.
Ling Xihan rarely had the opportunity to eat such dishes, and she narrowed her eyes in satisfaction before trying the others, all of which tasted equally fresh.
With a rare expression of praise, she said to An Mu Lan,
“This tastes great, you’re a good cook.”
An Mu Lan’s cheeks flushed, she smiled shyly and said,
“It’s all small dish style, it’s rare that you like it, I usually try to cook something on my own when I’m at home, and now that I’ve moved out, it’s a lot easier to cook and stuff ……”
She paused, her tone a little downcast, in keeping with the despondency she felt when she was out of favour with the An family, and now that she was free.
But she quickly lifted her spirits and said cheerfully,
“Xihan …… you like it, I will make it for you every day.”
Ling Xihan took her behaviour in stride and she nodded in response.
After dinner, it was still early, and the sun was still shining on the glass of the villa.
Seeing that it was still early and not yet time to go to bed, An Mu Lan took the initiative and said,
“Xihan, it’s still early, would you like to go for a walk outside with me to spend some time?”
Ling Xihan thought to herself that she didn’t have anything else to do anyway, she had set everything up while she was away the other day and it was time for her to rest for a while, so she nodded and agreed to go along with the homely offer.
An Mu Lan’s face immediately showed an expression of delight as she ruffled the loose hair around her ears, said something about changing and hurried upstairs.
The two of them went out the door and walked beside the river in the villa area in the setting sunlight.
It is the height of summer, when the willows are in full bloom and the flowers are fragrant. The atmosphere is quiet and serene, giving a sense of indescribable peace, which is extremely rare in Ling Xihan’s life.
She looked down at her side, An Mu Lan, who was half a head shorter than her. Seeing that she was currently wearing a knee-length dress and looking all student-like, she cocked her head and asked,
“What year are you in college now?”
An Mu Lan did not know why the other party suddenly asked this question, but she still responded obediently,
Sophomore, Ling Xihan thought in her mind, An Mu Lan is only eighteen years old now, it is still too early, everything is unclear, although there is no denying that she is a good match, but the future is too variable, it is better to take one’s time to plan.
After the two of them finished their walk, they returned to the villa, Ling Xihan went back to her room, while An Mu Lan, after cleaning up and washing up, read a book for a while and recalled the course of the day, and went to sleep.
The next morning, Ling Xihan woke up, washed up and walked to the staircase where she saw two plates of small dishes and a bowl of thin rice on the dining table, an obvious Chinese breakfast configuration.
She went downstairs and looked for An Mu Lan who was reading a book on the sofa in the living room. The moment she saw her, An Mu Lan put down her book and greeted her with a smile, saying,
“Good morning, I’ve prepared some breakfast, so if you’re not in a hurry, you can have something to settle your stomach.”
There was no expression on Ling Xihan’s face, but she went to the table as she had been told and ate her breakfast before leaving the door.
An Mu Lan passed this world on her own, studying the books of the university, because she had put some effort into her studies, considering her setting of being a good girl.
When it was noon, An Mu Lan made her meal, packed her lunch and went out to take the shuttle to the Ling Xihan Company in the middle of the city.
She got out of the shuttle, took a look at the charmingly shaped building, which was several hundred metres high, and tsked twice in her mind: as expected of a rich person, she had never had the chance to see such a high floor in modern times when she was alive, not to mention that the owner of this floor was her fiancée.
She looked at it for a while, then secretly brushed off her emotions, walked to the electronic device area, entered her personal information, and after the future electronic device confirmed her identity, it read: In three minutes, the president’s assistant will come down to pick you up, please wait patiently.
After waiting for less than three minutes, a young woman in a close-fitting suit, her whole body exuding an aura of intelligence and competence, stepped out of the transparent lift and slowly walked in front of her.
She surveyed An Mu Lan with an uncomfortable look in her eyes, and then had a look of contempt on her face that made her look very unfriendly as she said coldly to An Mu Lan,
“Miss An, is it? I’m Xihan’s personal assistant, Zhang Yao, I wonder what you want to do here at the office?”
An Mu Lan said with a smile on her face instead of changing her expression,
“Hello, Miss Zhang! I am President Ling’s fiancee, please tell President Ling that I have something for her.”
Zhang Yao’s face sank and her voice sharpened as she said,
“Xihan is in a meeting, so don’t give her any trouble.”
An Mu Lan walked past Zhang Yao and headed for the lounge shown on the topographical map she had seen earlier. She walked straight to the sofa and sat down, picked up the book in her backpack and read it with a serious face.
Zhang Yao, who was left in the cold, was shaking with anger, she glared fiercely at An Mu Lan and took the lift to leave.
Only after An Mulan could not feel the woman’s cold aura did she raise her head and her gaze fell on the spot where Zhang Yao was standing earlier, and in her mind, she recalled Zhang Yao as a person.
The name Zhang Yao was mentioned a few times in the plot of the novel, she was indeed Ling Xihan’s personal assistant and the two were very close. Even, in the novel, the woman who finally replaces An Mu Lan and becomes Ling Xihan’s wife is her.
In the book, Zhang Yao, a person with a very powerful background and strong personal abilities, is the city’s top snake, the sister of a mob boss, a vengeful and extremely narrow-minded woman who secretly kills all of Ling Xihan’s alternative fiancée candidates in order to become her wife.
But even when she finally achieved her wish, she was still abandoned by Ling Xihan after her power had grown, and ended up in a miserable situation.
In the memory of the original owner, An Mu Lan, she also had a deep impression of Zhang Yao, although she did not know her at that time.
In the early years of the original owner’s stay in the mental hospital, she was personally beaten by this woman and had her leg broken and her face cut, after which she was fed a lot of psychotropic drugs by the doctor.
And the woman simply whispered in her ear,
“Who made you Ling Xihan’s ex-fiancée? You deserve it.”
After Zhang Yao’s anger, she has the doctor mistreat her, which makes the original owner’s already difficult life even more difficult and eventually dies early.
Zhang Yao, therefore, is also one of her targets for revenge.
Thinking about this, Mu Lan couldn’t help but feel a headache, according to this, most of the people in this novel, are the target of her revenge.
There were too many enemies to live up to the brain-damaged novel, and she was having a mental breakdown thinking about them.