Translator: Flameu
Editor: Yunan
It’s been a while since I wore something other than a school uniform…
“Does this dress look good on me?”
I asked Violet because she is the most objective when it comes to these things.
And indeed, Violet does not even sugarcoat her words!
“You’re going to wear a black dress on such a sunny day? It looks hot just looking at it from a distance.”
She is relentless when it comes to giving opinions, isn’t she…?
Natalie was still busy dressing herself up, while Emily was stealing and eating leftover snacks from Natalie’s room. On the other hand, I was able to finish quickly with Violet’s help.
“Natalie, are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m about to finish now.”
Alright then, let’s go to the first matchmaking party of our lives!
We then left the dormitory with bright and confident smiles on our faces.
Without knowing what kind of aftermath this party would bring to us…
* * *
“Natalie, do you know who we are going to meet?”
“I don’t know exactly the details. All I know is that they’re also students at our academy.”
Violet then asked angrily.
“What?! You accepted this invitation without even knowing who the other parties were?”
“Supposedly, the girls from the other class would be the ones who’d go to this party, but they handed it over to us because something came up on their side.”
“…They didn’t hand it over to us because they were all ugly, did they?”
“Don’t say something so ominous!”
Natalie’s right this time, Violet! Don’t you know that words can be seeded?
We then went out, showed the guard our exit slip, and headed to the promised cafe.
When we went inside, the staff guided us, saying that the other party had arrived first.
The first matchmaking party of my life! Oh, I’m so nervous!
What if they’re ugly just like Violet said? No, let’s not think negatively. Aren’t there a lot of handsome guys in Cloud Academy?
“This way–”
As we followed the employee around the corner of the hallway, we saw a man sitting at a long table.
Oh? They look fine to me though?
As we walked forward, we saw another three people sitting, which makes it four people in total sitting on the table, and all three were strikingly handsome.
Now, what about the last guy?!
Hopeful, we checked the face of the last person as he walked towards us.
“That guy…”
After confirming the last participant, we froze on the spot.
“Why is my brother here…?”
The most surprised of all was Emily.
Esco! Why are you also with them?
Esco, who soon noticed us, was also wide-eyed.
* * *
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Only the sound of the clock ticking rang inside the quiet, still room.
Lariensa, who was lying helplessly in bed, soon lifted herself.
No matter how hard she thought about it, nothing would be resolved if she kept sulking like this. So she decided to apologize to Marilyn first and talk things then.
Lariensa went to Emily and Violet’s room in hopes of seeing her.
But Marilyn and her other friends could not be seen.
She then visited Natalie’s room, but she still couldn’t see her friends here either.
Lariensa had no choice but to ask another friend whom she often encountered in the hallway about Marilyn’s whereabouts.
“Have you seen Marilyn today by any chance?”
“Marylin went out with her other friends.”
‘That’s weird… my other friends said they are going to have a 3-on-3 matchmaking party today…’
“Natalie was very excited about their 4-on-4 party. You didn’t know about that?”
“Wait! It’s not 3-on-3, but 4-on-4?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what she said.“
She felt dizzy for a moment.
Marilyn went after Sibel again!
“La, Lariensa?“
That girl was surprised to see Lariensa cry all of a sudden.
However, Lariensa had no time to think about that girl in front of her and immediately ran outside.
To tell Marin’s love affair to her future husband!
* * *
Lycan, who was on his way to sword training after doing his punishment, was surprised to see someone at the entrance of the training ground
It was Lariensa, his precious younger sister.
Normally, he would welcome Lariensa happily, but not today. Because his precious sister was crying.
“What’s wrong? Why did you come here alone? Where are your friends?”
“What’s wrong, Lara?“
“M-Marin is…“
Lariensa barely managed to speak, as if grieving.
“Cheating on us…”
“She’s currently attending a matchmaking party with my friends!”
“And Marin might already find a boyfriend there.”
When she saw that her brother was too calm she shook him hard to press him for a response.
“It’s Marilyn’s freedom…”
However, Lycan’s response was not what she expected.
“She’s free to have a boyfriend, and it is not up to us to decide for her who is she going to end up with.”
And then he turned his back on her and started walking.
Lariensa was about to burst into tears when her brother refused to help her.
But not long after, Lycan stopped walking.
“But I’m still curious.”
“What kind of lowlife is hanging out with my neighbor whom I have long cherished as a younger sister?”
Only then did Lariensa’s face brighten up.
“Shall we go somewhere and roam around?”
Roaming around, they say...
These siblings were just going to interrupt Marilyn’s first matchmaking party.
* * *
When Emily was about to call her brother, Natalie grabbed her hand.
“Please, Emily. It’s the first matchmaking party of my life…”
“Please, just this time, okay? Please…”
Although Emily was already doomed at her first matchmaking party, Natalie, Violet, and I still had hope.
That’s why Emily… This just means you need to sacrifice yourself for our sake…
I know you guys have to fill in the number for the party. That's why I made you shout those “embarrassing” words outside the academy earlier.
You guys did all those things, but too bad Emily, you got the short end of the stick here.
Every one of us could feel Emily's conflict within…
But the power of the majority is always stronger!
“Emily, we won’t forget your noble sacrifice.“
Before Emily could answer, Violet had already made up her mind.
We didn’t know if we would like the remaining three men who attended…
But they’re visually appealing so that’s good.
“…Okay, let’s go.”
Emily, who made a big decision, took a step.
However, despite her actions, Emily’s face looks grim.
“Hoho, hello there. Are you the ones who we are supposed to meet for the matchmaking party today?”
‘Hoho’? Who just said that?
Violet? Our often out-of-place outspoken friend?
“My name is Violet.”
Seeing her assertive attitude, it seems that she also liked the guys who came quite a lot…
Starting with Violet, we introduced ourselves one by one. We thought Esco would pretend to know Emily, but somehow he was quiet. But I soon found out why.
Emily, who sat across from Esco, was trampling his foot under the table and giving him a hint!
These siblings…
As I drank with tears in my eyes for the two siblings whom we are grateful and mournful of, my eyes met the gaze of a man staring at me from the other side of the table.
Why is he looking at me like that? Now that I think about it, I think I’ve seen him somewhere before…
“Huh? I think I’ve seen you somewhere before…”
I was the one who made the lines that seemed to flirt childishly.
Although I said that, it doesn’t mean it’s not true!
It’s not a familiar face, but I’m sure I met him somewhere before.
“Now you recognize me.”
The guy on the other side of the table smiled at me, clasping both of his hands.
“We met in front of the haunted house.”
As soon as I asked, I then remembered.
Yeah, that’s right!
Isn’t he the gatekeeper who turned so red when I acted cutely before?
“I’ve always regretted not asking you what grade and class you are in…”
Did he really fall in love with me because of that?
“I didn’t expect to see you again like this.”
“N-Nice to meet you…“
Oh my god! I was right. He really did fall for my fatal cuteness.
Mr. Gatekeeper, you really got a unique taste.
“I thought you weren’t a student from the academy.”
“I volunteered because there were not enough people at that time.”
“I see…”
The fact that we’ve bumped into each other before seemed to make everyone here amused.
And Esco took this opportunity to speak up.
“Ha… haha! You and Marilyn have already met before– EUK!”
Esco suddenly stopped talking and swallowed hard.
Everyone seemed to be wondering what was wrong, but I know.
Under this table, Emily was pressing down on her brother’s foot very very hard…
As Esco and we know each other well, he doesn’t have any intention to do well at a party with his sister’s friends.
But it’s still embarrassing for him to see his sister face-to-face at a matchmaking party!
So he ignored Emily as much as possible and talked to me and my other friends. But every time he does so, Emily would block his advances and protect us from him.
“Natalie seems to be eating less today…”
“Focus on me, will you?“
Even at this moment, Esco’s foot must be trampled strongly under the table…
Sigh, I could see his tears pouring out like a tsunami now.
“Emily seems to like Esco, doesn’t she?”
No, that’s not it. Although it was over for her from the beginning, to save this matchmaking party, she had to sacrifice herself for our sake!
Emily, I acknowledge you as a true loyal woman.
All the guys in front of us, including Esco, are our seniors, and they said that they aren’t actually close.
They also said that the people who originally planned this party somehow didn’t go on and thus were given to them.
Then surely the rest of them don’t know that Esco and Emily are actually siblings.
“Come to think of it, Emily and Esco look alike. I heard that people who are attracted to one another look alike.”
Seeing Emily spilling her drink out of her mouth, I hurriedly wiped her face with my handkerchief.
We are now comfortably talking to each other, but only Esco and Emily glared at each other coldly.
“I think those two really like each other. They just kept on ignoring us and keeping eye contact between themselves.”
If you don’t know anything, just shut your mouth, please! It’s not like that!
They’re not burning hot, they’re sinking cold!
“I think we know each other enough by now… So shall we decide on our partners?”
Usually, in matchmaking parties, people would just point out the person that they like and if it matches they would then become partners, but we decided to do things differently.
First, the guys must close their eyes, then we’d take out one of our belongings and mix them together! Afterwards, the men would choose one of the things placed on the table one by one, and then their partner would be decided.
Mr. Gatekeeper suggested this because he says he believes in fate or what you call that.
So we each began to take out one of our belongings, put them on the table, and mixed them randomly.
“You can open your eyes now.”
Finally, the guys opened their eyes, and the first one to pick was Esco.