Translator: Flameu
Editor: Yunan
I’m not really close to him, though…
“Well, in a way...”
But, I don’t have to tell him the truth.
“Is that it? Anything else you would like to add?”
“If there’s none then okay sure.”
This is awkward…
I’m not used to this silence since I’m with my extroverted friends all the time.
However, fortunately, this awkward silence ended quickly.
“I’m sorry I’m late, Sio.”
Now that’s what I call perfect timing!
You’re such a life savior, professor!
“Could you please take off your shirt?”
Sio then gave me a menacing look, implicitly conveying this sentence…
Go away creep!
…Ain’t he so cold-hearted?
I’ll leave now, okay? Bye~
“Professor, I’ll take my leave now.”
Well, didn’t I promise him that I would leave once the professor comes back?
And promises should be kept.
I then bid my farewell to Sio and left the infirmary.
I went back to the haunted house as per my original goal, which is to find Sibel, but I still couldn’t find him anywhere.
I think something must be going on with both of them, Sio and Sibel. What a coincidence, truly… How come these two were in the same place at the same time?
Did Sibel intentionally went to find Sio?
Ugh… I think I shouldn’t think too much about this incident.
I don’t think it’s gonna be a good thing.
“There she is!”
Walking through the crowded campus, I lifted my head when I heard familiar voices from a distance.
Ahh, my dear friends! I’m so glad to see all of you today!
“We’re having a matchmaking party!”
What did you say?
“A matchmaking party~? With whom, where, when?!”
“Just us! Me, Emily, and Violet!”
“Why is Lara not included?”
“Lariensa isn’t interested in these kinds of things.”
Come to think of it, Lariensa said she isn’t interested in men. I don’t really plan on dating a guy here either. But still…
“What about me?”
Why exclude me out naturally?
“Don’t you already have a lover who gives you soooo many gifts?”
“I don’t really have a lover!”
“Traitor. You didn’t even tell us.”
“There really isn’t anything going on!”
“Anyway, you still can’t go.”
“This is not fair!”
“Lariensa isn’t also included, so it’s not like you’re the only one who’s being left out here.”
“Hmph, you guys are so mean…”
I can’t believe you left me out of this matchmaking party so naturally! Whether I’ll be able to date a man or not, it’s still so upsetting!
“Marini ish sho upshet! (I’m so upset!)”
“Are you trying to court death?”
Don’t you know Mr. Gatekeeper liked it so much that he went as red as a tomato?
However, judging by the fierce looks of my friends, I better stop at this point.
“What’s wrong with it, guys? She was so cute.”
Lara took my side in tears. Oh, my baby. As expected, you’re the only one who understands me.
“Awww, Marin. Are yu upshet? (Are you upset?)”
“Yeang, leaving Marin out fhor da paty… you guysh arr sho mean! (Yeah, leaving me out for the party… you guys are so mean!)”
Violet lifted a thick book entitled <Only the Faithful becomes Rich> in an aggressive manner.
I can still ignore Violet but seeing Emily clench her fists, I think I should really stop for real now.
“I want to see more of Marin’s cutesy skits, though…”
“When we go back to the dorm, I’ll do it for you. If I continue to do this, these guys would really kill me.”
Lariensa laughed at my words. But it wasn’t the usual carefree laugh.
Should I say… it was suspicious?
“Sorry, Marin.”
“About what?”
“You won’t be able to relax when we go back to the dorm.”
Lariensa lowered her head and released her hand that was holding me.
Suddenly, I felt a huge shadow cast behind me.
When I looked back, my friends were glaring at me straight in the eyes.
In that moment of silence, Violet forcefully commanded the others.
“Take her in.”
Hey, guys? Why are you tying my wrists? Where did that rope even come from?
“You have the right to remain silent, but if you exercise your right to remain silent, you are obliged to give all the meat you will eat to Emily.”
“Anything you say can and will be used against you in the dormitory, and you have no right to an attorney."
“Is that even written in the law?”
“It’s right here.”
“Lara! Lara! Please! Help me out!”
Restrained by Emily, I reached out to Lara for help.
“Marin, you shouldn’t have done that.”
“How could you do this to me…!”
What’s this feeling? Why does it feel like I’m an unfaithful man who’s been having a secret love affair with someone?!
“It’s not like that, Lara! Lara!”
Despite my excuses, my friends dragged me to the dormitory.
* * *
“Now, tell us! What were all those gifts? Since when did you make a lover?”
Violet hit the table hard.
After suffering terrible mental torture, my head was hung low.
“Is it from Sibel? Is that it? Am I right?”
Next to me, Lariensa then asked me with hopeful eyes.
“So are those gifts from my brother?”
“Eyy, even though the subsidies Lycan receives are enormous, isn’t it unreasonable for him to buy that many gifts just for her?”
Natalie’s rebuttal left Lariensa sullen again.
Violet clicked her tongue.
“Let me ask you again. Who was it that sent you all those presents this morning?”
“I don’t think you’ve come to your senses yet. Emily, do the thing again.”
It was a time of torture again. Natalie hugged me from behind so I couldn’t move, all the while Emily was getting ready to put her hand between my armpits.
And… with her unrelenting hands…
She tickled me!
“I can’t watch this…!”
Lariensa turned her head away from the scene with tears in her eyes.
Except for Lara, these devilish friends of mine seemed to enjoy torturing me.
Eventually, I decided to confess.
“Okay, okay! I’ll confess! EUHAHHA! Just stop, please!”
Only by saying that I’d confess was I freed from this torture.
“Now, tell us! Who gave you all those presents?”
In the end, I had no choice but to tell them the truth.
The fact that I ran into Sibel in the clock tower on that day, and got a little closer to him.
“It’s Lara’s birthday, and she received so many presents from Lycan that I said I was jealous since I don’t get to receive that many presents.”
I can’t tell the complete truth, so I added a little bit of a lie.
Although, it was true that I envied Lara.
“Marin! Don’t you know that the presents I received are also yours?”
Lara hugged me tight.
Everything was fine up to here but…
“So you’re not having a love affair with that guy, right?”
Since when did Sibel become “that guy” to you?
“Lariensa, you still don’t understand? Marilyn denies it, but in truth, they’re in love.”
“No, that can’t be! That is not possible!”
Lara? Why are you looking at me with such eyes…?
“How could Marin leave me…”
“and abandon my brother!”
Why is Lycan mentioned here again?!
“No! Marin is going to marry my brother!”
This is the first time I heard that though?
Since when was our marriage finalized?
“Marilyn and Sibel are in a love affair? If this is revealed, you’ll surely suffer from the Sisamo.”
“Incidentally, I heard that a few people from Sisamo make fanfics about Sibel and Lariensa together.”
What? Sibel and Lara together?
“Who dares make fanfics about Sibel and Lara together?!”
Did they know how hard I’ve been trying to get Lara off of Sibel’s radar!
How dare these people make fanfics about them!!!
“If anyone ties Lara and Sibel together, I’ll destroy them all!”
“Oh, so now you’re concerned for your man, huh?”
“Huh? It’s not like that, what I meant…”
“So now Lara has to be on the lookout for your boyfriend?”
Here me out, will you!
Lara staggered in shock.
Emily, Natalie, and Violet. You three are the main culprits for this worsening situation…
“You’re going to eat something delicious tomorrow, right?”
“Emily, does that matter now? What’s more important is what would be our attire for the party.”
“I’m sure they’ll have their resumes ready, right? About their past relationships, career, and family…”
“Violet, no one brings out a resume at a matchmaking party.”
Now, they’re so into talking about the party between themselves.
Those devils…
* * *
‘Just hear me out, Lara! There’s nothing going between us!’
‘I need time to think about it for the time being.’
Now my insides were boiling up.
Emily, Natalie, Violet! Whenever it be, I must avenge what happened yesterday…
“Please, Marilyn!”
Oh? But I think the opportunity has already come…
“You see… they said we have to bring another one somehow.”
The reason Natalie came to me early in the morning was simple.
It wasn’t a 3-on-3 party, but a 4-on-4, and Natalie misheard the number of people coming.
Hoho. What an unexpected opportunity for revenge. You don’t really know what’s going to happen in life, ain’t it?
“So then why didn’t you ask Lara?”
“Lariensa’s heartbroken right now because of what happened yesterday…”
“Oh no, and whose fault do you think that is? Hmm?”
“Marilyn, this humble servant begs your forgiveness”
I sat cheekily with my legs crossed. Hoho, Natalie.
“What should I do then? Thanks to you guys, I’m currently dating someone.”
“But you said it wasn’t true.”
“Who was it that ignored me again when I was explaining myself?”
“M-Marilyn! What should I do to make you feel better?"
“…Can you guys handle it?”
I had an evil smile on my mouth.
* * *
“Clear-white skin, Marilyn! We love you, Marilyn!"
In the middle of the campus, someone held a sign ‘Marilyn, the supreme goddess of Cloud Academy!’ and it was none other than Natalie.
Emily and Violet were also reluctantly holding one each.
Violet said to me,
“Are you not ashamed? Isn’t it embarrassing when people become disappointed every time they see you when they visit our classroom?”
Me? Ashamed? No, Violet.
I’ll just laugh at those people and enjoy seeing their disappointed expressions on their faces!
“Hey~ Emily!”
Esco can be seen waving his hand from a distance, and he couldn’t keep his laughter when he saw his sister.
“‘Marilyn, the supreme goddess of Cloud Academy!’?”
“And that goddess… that’s me.”
“What does that silence mean?”
“Oh, nothing! You’re the goddess, that’s right!”
Emily, now I understand why you wanted to hit your brother whenever you have time.
“But why are you dressed up like that?”
“Is it too obvious? Am I overdoing it?"
“No, not really. It’s just… it’s more glamorous than usual."
“Ah, wait a minute.”
After cutting off Esco’s words for a moment, I shouted at Natalie and the others in an impertinent manner.
“Guys, I think my ears have gone haywire! Your voices are so quiet! Ohh? Emily! I think you just cursed at me. It’s just my imagination, right?”
“Clear-white skin, Marilyn! We love you, Marilyn! Goddess of the Universe, Marilyn! You’re the only one in our hearts, Marilyn!”
It was not until their voices praising me grew louder that I concentrated again on Esco.
“…At first, I felt sorry for you guys when you got close to my sister. But I guess similar people do hang out with each other.”
“You’re not badmouthing me, right?”
“Of course not.”
Esco immediately refuted it.
“Anyway, today is a special day for me.”
“A special day?”
“If I do well today…”
Esco’s face turned red and acted shyly.
“I might have a girlfriend.”
“Who are you going to confess to?”
“Well, it's not somehow like that…”
Esco didn’t seem to want to go any further. I understand, though because if ever I make this slip to Emily, she’ll tease him for sure.
“I’m sure you’ll do well, Good luck!
After Esco went away, I decided to stop punishing Natalie, Emily, and Violet.
“I’m very impressed by your deep sincerity and hard work in proclaiming my beauty throughout the campus, and by that, I now forgive you guys.”
“This ***–”
“Oh? Emily, did you just swear at me?"
“No, not at all.”
There is not much time left for the party because I took time punishing my friends.
We then headed to Natalie’s room instead of our room because Lariensa is currently in a heartbroken state.