Translator: Flameu
Editor: Yunan
Esco’s eyes carefully scanned the table. Soon, his eyes fell on a small box of chocolates.
He thought it was Emily’s since she’s the gluttony incarnate, so his hand was going towards
STOP! Esco! Just look at Natalie’s expression!
“Esco, is there something wrong?”
“N-Nothing… Hahaha.”
I didn’t see anything. I really never saw Emily stepping on Esco’s foot at all, okay?
Emily then sneakily pointed towards an object using her eyes, and that object at the end of
her gaze was a small hand mirror.
Knowing her sister’s true nature, Esco coughed and grabbed the cute hand mirror brought
by Emily.
Poor guy… I could see his hands shaking!
Yeah, it’s like walking into hell.
He was so happy earlier because he thought he might get a girlfriend now…
Farewell, Brother Esco.
“That’s mine, Esco.”
“Now that we’re partners, shall we leave?”
The tactless Mr. Gatekeeper laughed loudly, saying that Emily was very active.
Although it was not really like that…
For our sake, Emily sacrificed herself and pulled his brother in.
We will never forget you, Emily.
“Emily and Esco already went out, so shall we continue ahead?”
Next was Mr. Gatekeeper.
He was very careful in picking an item as he took turns looking at me and the stuff on the
Honestly, I don’t really care if I become his partner or not…
But Natalie and Violet seem to have their eyes on other people besides Mr. Gatekeeper, so
I think it would be best if I became partners with him.
“I’ll pick…”
Finally, Mr. Gatekeeper picked an object from the table.
He only has a one-third chance of picking mine so will he get it?
In the end, he chose a green headband.
“…This is yours, right?”
I had no choice but to nod at Mr. Gatekeeper, who was trembling in both nervousness and
Because that headband was really mine.
Particularly, it was the one Lycan gave to me as a gift when I went out with him before.
I really didn’t think I’d be partners with Mr. Gatekeeper but well here we are.
“How surprising.”
As he heard me say that, Mr. Gatekeeper bowed his head and smiled shyly.
“Well then, shall we go out now?”
After a match was finalized, it was natural for the couple to leave.
Nodding indifferently, I reached for the headband to get it back, but someone suddenly
robbed my headband in front of my eyes!
“I didn’t give you this headband just for you to use it this way.”
And the headband was in the hands of the person who gave it to me.
“L-Lycan, why are you here?“
“I just got here.”
Lycan sneered as he looked through the men across from us.
I can’t believe you’re outright sneering at them.
That’s too much as ever…
Oh? Why is he smiling more kindly and lovingly at me than when he looks at Lariensa?
“Because you’re attending your first ever matchmaking party.”
“I can’t help but worry about my younger sister hanging out with some thugs.“
Since when was Marilyn Launer your sister? And why are you stroking my head right
I can’t believe I can get goosebumps when people are suddenly being nice and all. Is this
for real?!
And why are you putting that green headband on my head?
What the heck… Why are you getting so terrifying?!
“Lycan, I appreciate you worrying for me but I have to go now.”
“And where are you going?”
“Now that I have a partner, I have to go out and spend some time together with him.”
“Together… just the two of you…”
Don’t act like this, Lycan.
I don’t want your route!
“And who is that thug that you need to spend your time alone with?”
Why are you talking like that…?
Oh, it’s coming! The feeling like I should protect Mr. Gatekeeper!
All Lycan did was stroke my head, but it was so suffocating as if I’m caught by the collar.
I glanced at Mr. Gatekeeper, and I don’t think he understood the situation yet.
Actually, I can’t figure out the situation either, Mr. Gatekeeper.
“Oh goodness. I’ve lost my cool for a moment. What I mean is…”
“You and Marilyn are siblings?”
Arrghh! Mr. Gatekeeper, just please stay quiet. I’m trying to protect you here!
I think Mr. Gatekeeper is still very confused…
That’s understandable, though. Lycan is a celebrity at the academy, and so is his sister,
Although we are not really siblings by blood, Lycan is telling him that I’m his sister…
“Uhmm, Lycan and I came from the same hometown and we just live next door to each
other. That’s why I’m also close to his sister, Lariensa.”
“Ahhh, that’s why he said you’re his ‘younger sister’.”
“Yes, that’s right. Lycan is just my neighbor… who I’m a little close to.”
I had no intention of getting too deep with my relationship with Mr. Gatekeeper, but that
doesn’t mean it’s okay for me to be misunderstood with my relationship with Lycan!
“Was that really all there is to it?”
Alas… Lycan doesn’t seem to like what I was saying.
I could feel it. This is the calm before the storm.
“I’m not just your neighbor.”
If you and I aren’t just neighbors, what are we then?
“Didn’t you promise to marry me when we were young?”
I wasn’t the one who just spat water, it was Natalie who was next to me. It was fatal to her
because the one who said it was the guy that she likes…
Sorry, guys.
Emily sacrificed herself and got rid of her brother, but I ended up destroying the party.
“When did I say that? Why are you making things up?”
“Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean you didn’t promise me before.”
“I’m upset that you don’t even remember what you said.”
When did I make such a promise?
Wait. Was it Marilyn who did it?
Okay, let me recall what happened at all…
Ah! I remember! It was in the epilogue!
Marilyn was so young at that time that it was less likely for him to take that seriously at all!
『“I’m going to marry Lycan!”
The young Marilyn shouted loudly during a gathering of Lariensa and Marilyn’s family. At
that time, Lariensa was asleep on her father’s lap so she did not hear her best friend’s
sudden confession.
Lycan’s parents laughed and adored Marilyn at her childish confession. Marilyn wouldn’t
have said it if Lycan was there, but because he wasn’t there, she confessed her feelings
to the adults who were there.
Marilyn could not have imagined that Lycan was upstairs, listening, and must have been
upset by this.』
Don’t tell me he still remembers that day? But he was upset about it!
“That’s right… I did promise you…”
I can see Mr. Gatekeeper make a shocked expression.
No, wait! It’s not like that!
“I don’t think there’s anyone satisfactory here that Marilyn can date. I think we’re done
here so we’ll take our leave.”
If you want to go, then go along. Why are you holding my hand?
As I held out, Lycan looked at me fiercely.
What?! What are you going to do, huh?!
Lycan called my name and…
“He’s in the same grade as me and he’s in Class D.”
“Chris Extra.”
…Mentioned his name, and what grade and class he is in.
“You must have really liked him, seeing that you wanted to stay here so bad.”
So you’re threatening me right now!?
“Okay, let’s go! What are you waiting for! Great timing, I was just about to leave!”
I quickly packed my things.
Mr. Gatekeeper, you liked me so much. Sigh, I’m so sorry…
I feel bad for things to just end here… I think this is just what we’re meant to be, Mr.
As I followed Lycan outside, I could feel a longing gaze staring behind me.
Looking back, Mr. Gatekeeper’s dim eyes, which are so burdensome that I’m sweating…!
But before I couldn’t stand his gaze, Lycan and I left the cafe. If you think Lycan just
slammed the door hard by accident… then you’re off by a large margin.
“Damn it.”
“What do you mean ‘damn it’? I should be the one saying that though?”
“When I was your age, I didn’t even dream of attending a matchmaking party.”
“Don’t talk like an old man.”
“Did you want to have a boyfriend that much?"
That was not really what was on my mind at all. I only did Natalie a favor.
But whether I want to have a boyfriend or not…!
“That’s none of your business.”
“How can I not care? If you want to date someone, don’t look for someone in that setting.”
“Then where will I find one?”
“If you really want to date someone, there’s me, right next to you…”
“But I don’t like you.“
In response to my straightforward reply, Lycan was stupefied.
“But you said…”
“Yeah, that’s right. I said I wanted us to get married.”
Well, it was not me, but the real owner of this body.
“But I think it’s not me who’s having trouble remembering, it’s you.”
“What do you mean by that…?”
“Don’t you remember?”
It’s always the person who hurt someone who doesn’t remember what they have done.
The axe forgets but the tree remembers.
『It was not because Marilyn seriously liked Lycan that she wanted to marry him.
At that time, Marilyn said she wanted to marry the uncle across the street, who was 20
years older than her. She also wanted to marry the man who just walked by and even the
In extreme cases, it would be her dad…
She just declared that she would marry everything she thought was cute, cool, or pretty.
It was true that Marilyn liked Lycan, but her marriage declaration at the time could not be
taken seriously.』
So how did Lycan trample the heart of such a cute, innocent child?
Marilyn almost fell down on the side of the road, and Lycan happened to catch her as he
passed by.
『“T-thank you!”
The young Marilyn was mesmerized by Lycan’s beauty as usual.
But Lycan frowned and immediately removed himself from his grip on Marilyn.
“Don’t get me wrong.”
“I’m only kind to you because my sister cares about you.”
“So just be kind to her.”』
Lycan’s face sweated faintly as I brought up what actually happened before.
You can’t say anything now, can you?
“Isn’t that what you said to me that day, knowing that I told our parents I was going to
marry you?”
“And now you’re going to talk about the promise I made you as a kid, and ruin our party?”
“And don’t get me wrong.”
“At the time, I told my dad that I would marry him and that I also wanted to marry the dog
that was just passing by. Who I’m going to marry would change once a day.”
“What a weak commitment…!”
Lycan, who showed signs of anger, soon calmed himself down, lowered his voice, and
calmly said,
“You’re taking it too lightly. Marriage is a solemn vow.”
“How can an adult believe a child’s solemn vows?”
“It seems that Lara also played a role in your interruption and in what happened today so
let’s move on. And can you please return my headband now?”
Lycan had my headband in his hand. I don’t know when he got it back but since he gave
it to me, it’s now mine.
Don’t you know how valuable free stuff is? It’s the best, okay?
But Lycan must have had a different opinion from me.
“Why did you break it?!”
“Just because.”
“You’re just being mean, aren’t you? I hate people who are mean!”
“…I’m not being mean.”
“If that’s not it, then what are you doing?”
“I just got rid of garbage.”
Why don’t you just be honest? That you don’t like the fact that the headband was used
as a link between Mr. Gatekeeper and me.
“I’ll buy you a new headband that looks better on you. So just let go of the lingering
“You’re already putting it in the trash without my permission.”
The thug is not Mr. Gatekeeper, it’s you!
A shiny blonde popped out of the store right next door.
“I-I just h-happen to be p-passing by! W-What a coincidence? Hahahaha…”
“W-Woah! W-What a surprise!”
Lara…  I know you can’t lie, but if your voice is trembling so hard, I can’t pretend that I
don’t know!
She was just like a robot whose body is stiff, with a hardened smile and trembling voice.
I smiled brightly at her. Then Lara’s expression became much more relaxed.
Hmph! You thought I’d just let you go like this?
“Got you!”
In front of me blazing mad, Lariensa trembled like a rabbit caught by a predator.
Afterwards, it goes without saying that Lara was subject to torture, which was tickling her.