Extraordinary - Ordinary - Soap! Chapter 19

Lucia and Gaius ride the Horse
"Actually, I haven't ridden a horse ever since"
When we left Arthtad, Gauis san and I straddled the horse. Since I told them beforehand that I don't have experience riding a horse, we only brought one.
I sat in front of Gaius san but, horses…horses shake a lot.
Gaius san said that he was "running lightly" but after just an hour my muscles are already weary. Even though I was sitting on the ground for a break, I'm still shaking.
"Ye, yes…It's pretty cool, right. Being a knight is amazing…"
The carriage also shakes but horseback riding is different. This is absolutely painful in the muscles.
"Hen is also tired. Don't use too much strength. Just relax, stretch your back and trust the horse."
Gaius san stroked his beard while saying it, it seems difficult for him.
"Are you done stretching? It's hard to ride with a hip joint pain. Jou chan, you must do stretching every day."
"Eh, but stretching with muscle pain seems painful."
However, it wasn't an atmosphere for disagreement so I decided to learn stretching from Gaius san. Uhm, though…I'd like to have a break.
While I was trying so hard to stretch my legs , Gaius san spread the map and started talking.
"Because the main team is with the crown prince and the sacred lady, we should probably go along the highway. Our destination is the nearest Amaaki tree from the Kingdom, first, if we fly through the back road it will take us a few days."
Horse…will fly? Truly it will be faster if we think that way but, I have no choice…my hips, it's painful.\n"What do you mean by first…will this be your first time?"
"Ah, yes, I just heard it when I came home, apparently the main team seems to be absent from the city. The crown prince and the sacred lady apparently dislike the camp. So we fly through the back and meet the soldiers who returned from the camp."
While saying it, Gaius san had a bitter laugh.
The prince seems to dislike the camp. I am convinced.
"It's okay to use the back street until we reach Amaaki tree but, the earlier we meet them the better. How about you Jou chan, do you like the camp or is a hotel better?"
"There is no problem with me. I experienced sleeping in a camp during my travel to Arthtad via a carriage so I think it is fine. However, since I don't know the kind of camp that the knights are using, I couldn't decide yet."
"Oh, your guts is surprising. I'm relieved."
While Gaius san is laughing, he crumbled my head.
….Is that how it feels to have a father?
I suddenly thought of it.
My father died while I was still a little child.
I heard that he used to be an escort crew member of the Hassaweth. They fought against the demons that appeared near our town and then he lost his life.
He also has a dark brown hair and we have the same color of the eyes.
Tall, cheerful, and a kind person.
That is all I know about my father. I was only 3 years old that time, I don't have many memories about him.
I wonder if he is like Gaius san.
Maybe it's because they have the same color of the hair that's why I thought that way.
It might be rude for Gaius san, a hard knight to be compared to an escort crew member of the city. \n   "What is wrong?"
"Ah, nothing."
"Alright, ah..Let's go! Let us cross the back street today and we might reach the Tejo City. Let us eat there and if there is an inn, we could stay there for a night."
"Not in the camp?"
"It's a pity to let you stay in a camp, since you are not yet used to traveling. Let us confirm first.
After saying that, Gaius san started to saddle and put the luggage on the horse that was resting a while ago.
After the preparation, I borrowed the hands of Gaius san and rode the horse.  My line of sight became very high.
"Hey, let's go! Bite your tongue and close your mouth.
Oh, please be careful-!!
But my scream was just taken away by the wind.