Extraordinary - Ordinary - Soap! Chapter 20

Lucia is going to Tejo city
Gaius san was merciless.
Since we don't know where the sacred lady and the rest of the team are, it would be better if we run faster.
Yes but…yes, yes right? For someone who rode the horse for the first time, this is too much.
Since I cannot go on my own, I don't have any right to complain, but I felt like crying. My butt hurts, my legs hurts, and my arm and back hurt for some reason.
We finally arrived at the city of Tejo. I was mentally and physically exhausted. Even though we left early in the morning, it is now sunset. Oh, I'm so tired.
"Jouchan, you worked hard. Let's eat?"
"Ye, yes…I'll do my best."
To be honest, I don't have any appetite. I just want to sleep now. But, it is not time for whining, I swallowed my words.
If I take it from here, I might end up a baggage. I am not used to traveling and I don't have any experience in fighting. I only have the guts and the "bubbles" magic.
I decided to do my best and not be a baggage to anyone.
There might be a lot of things that I can't do but it is wrong to abandon the things that I can do. That is my simple motto.
The city of Tejo under the dusk is full of lively talk and delicious smell.
Aside from Hasaweth I only knew Arthtad. This is my first time to see a different city. It is different from the quiet Hasaweth and the lively Arthtad. There are many stalls lined up in the square in front of the castle gate, and a lot of people are sitting around the fountain, holding foods and drinks.
"Tejo is called the city of Town Street, there are so many delicacies. Jou chan, do you want to eat. If it's not here, we can go somewhere else."
Gaius san said it while looking around.
"I will eat anything, but, ah, I want something sweet and something bitter.
"Ah, that's what you like…"
Yeah right, that was the medicine.
I imagine the magical recovery drug that suddenly popped into my brain. I don't want to drink it again.
"First, let's go to the inn; let's eat after putting the luggage. I am hungry."
"Ah, yes"
We passed through the temple with a big plaza, and went to the big inn.
I was worried if we will be accommodated but, it seems like there are many vacant room, the rooms are safely secured.
I was surprised that the room that we passed through was larger than my room in the dorm, but it seems that this size is normal in this inn. It is amazing!
"First, let's eat meat and then beer. Ah, one black ale, please!"
"Is it okay if you get drunk?"
After we left the inn, we went our way to the square. Gaius san ordered to the stand owner and came back with liquor.
He has the perfect image of a knight but do they drink while in the middle of the work? Am I mistaken?
Ah, if this journey will continue it is also necessary to take a break every now and then. The time that we left the inn is no longer a time of our job. Me too, I am no longer wearing the unit clothes but I changed to my casual clothes.
"Black ale? Water? Water, right?"
"No, I haven't drunk liquor before…"
"Jou chan, you are like a child."
"I am already 16 years old."
"You are a child in my eyes. Ah, one orange juice, please"
Gaius san ordered orange juice for me. Juice… it's really for the kids!
…However, I don't know, but I felt happy. I'm sorry Gaius san but I really feel like you are my father.
"In addition, 6 beef barbecue, 6 sausage meat, and 3 fried trout."
After finishing the order, Gaius san turned around.
Meat! Bee barbecue, it's been so long since I ate beef. The cafeteria for the non-workers only serves chicken and I didn't have the chance to buy meat in Hasaweth.
Gaius san suddenly looked at me with a big mouth. Ah, it's so embarrassing!
"Do you need anything else?
"Nope, that is enough."
"6 barbecue, 6 sausage meat, 3 sandwich… what should I eat? Ah , 1 each is enough…
I ended up eating 1 sandwich, but the rest, 2 each.
I'm so happy but I feel so full! I ate too much!\nRight now the name of the food has a different meaning in this world.
Even if you say "beef" or "trout", it is somehow different (it's a different world) it seems like the saints are cheating on it.