Extraordinary - Ordinary - Soap! Chapter 18

Lucia went to the trip
Upon hearing, His Majesty I spontaneously lifted my face.
It's the first time that I saw his face and he seems really, really tired.
"We are done. Since you can calm down the demon, if there is no danger, maybe you won't need any escort."
"Your majesty, she is still a young girl; at least let the soldiers escort her."
"No, even if we will send a strong force with her, I guess it will just be thrown back. It is just a waste. Our strength is currently falling; we no longer have the young ones to defend us when the castle is attacked again. If we consider the protection of our castle, we can't send a strong force. If only the sacred lady did not send back her maidens and the soldiers…I will let Florid decide. Choose those who are harmless to her and can also protect the prince. Alright, hurry up young lady, go prepare. Help the sacred lady and the prince. This is all for the country."
I couldn't speak a single word, I just looked down.
What I understand is that, I will be an additional member to the purification trip of the sacred lady.
It is a great honor, but I am terribly scared.
Because getting attacked by a monster is such a terrible thing, however, I could not afford to be scared, right? Although "Bubbles" has a power, it could not guarantee my protection.
I am just a commoner. I only have a little power, I don't know how to use a sword, I couldn't cast a magic spell, I could not even recover my magic on my own.
Can I do it?
Thinking about it, I couldn't help but worry.
But honestly, I appreciate that there will be a reward. I don't know how much it will be but maybe I could pay all my debts.
However, I never heard of a laundry woman becoming a companion!
..But, with the flow of the conversation, it seems like it has been decided that I will join the purification team.
That's why all I can do now is to prepare.
I sighed. I'm depressed.
Then I thought about the sacred lady.
Did the sacred lady get used to the fight or is she also frightened like me?
–Sacred lady. I don't know what kind of person she is but I would like to ask her, once I saw her. Also, if she is also scared like me, then I will really give my best.
As a human being, is it okay to think about having that kind of power?
"Lucia, go back to the lodging house of the Knights. Follow me."
Yes, I am afraid but a weak person like me could still do something.
I promise that I will do my very best. If I could not back away from this trip, then I will just do my very best.
Believing that the journey will lead to a brighter future, I moved forward.
  The departure was the next day. The departure is too early, but I have no right to say anything
Today is the day before the departure. The sky looks so bright. It's a beautiful weather. It's a good day to do the laundry. Though, it will take time before I can do the laundry again.
I wore my casual clothes as I went to the meeting place. I also brought my dress for festivals that I used yesterday, but this one is a lot more comfortable to move. This is the reason why I wear the same apron dress uniform every day.
I returned my laundry uniform at once. I will stop working for a while. …Could I go back after this trip? They said not to worry about my previous job, just think about this new trip. But, if they hire someone new, how can I go back?
"Are you Lucia?"
When I went to the meeting place, there was a tall knight waiting. He has a dusky dark brown beard, covering the contours of his face. It is obvious from his clothes that he has a lot of muscles. What is it…he kind of look like a bear.
"I am Gaius Canaris, from the 4th Corps. I am your escort. Please feel free to call me Gaius. Nice meeting you."
"Lucia, I am Lucia. Nice meeting you."
"Gaius san carried a big sword in his back, but he is a typical man. The sword at the back seems difficult to pull out, but how do they pull out and insert it?
"Is that all your things?"
Gaius san pointed at the bag hanging on my shoulders.
The day before, I was with Fukudanchou Astorga, (I thought I will be fine alone, but why am I accompanied by this man somehow) I already finished preparing for this trip. Ever since, I only have few things so my luggage is naturally compact.
"Yes, this is all."
"Okay, give it to me. I will stick it to the saddle."
When I handed it to Gaius san, I felt "lighter" but I was prepare for it. Well certainly, not so much, but it is lighter.
"Alright, let's go!"
While pulling the horse, Gaius san started walking lightly. Looking at it, it is just normal to think that this trip would be a difficult one.
In the unpopular part of the city, you can hear the "capo capo" hoof sound.
"We are heading to the north gate."
The people usually use the south gate, so the north gate is not really popular. This means we are really departing.
Upon hearing the words "North gate", that suddenly crossed my mind.
It was supposed to be quiet than the crowded south gate, but…
"Kikka san"
Over there, the people that I care most are there. Kikka san, Rossela san, Gino san, Gina san.
In addition, it wasn't only them, but there were also a lot of knights present.
"Lucia, please take care, okay?! Do you have anything left behind? The emergency tools? Aah, I'm worried."
"Keeping safe is the number 1. Run, if you must."
"Lucia chan…! oh, oh, I'm worried…!"
"We prepared this one. Eat this when you're tired. This is baked by Fiora Vanti. Even if you keep it for a long time, it is still delicious. When you come back, let's go and eat at the Fiora Vanti, okay. My treat. So, be sure to come back."
Even though it is very early, Kikka san and everybody sent me off.
I was so happy, my tears spontaneously fell off. I never thought that they will send me off like this.
"I'm sorry, we asked for too much last time, that's why you were put up to this kind of fight."
"Canaris san has a habit, but his strength comes with origami, so relax and you will surely be protected. I'm sorry, I am not a knight nor a man from the academy."
Brizzi san, Ascari san, you don't have to look like that.
I smiled with relief and finally opened my mouth.
"Kikka san, Rossela san, Gina san, Gino san, Brizzi san, Ascari san, everyone…thank you so much. I will go and come back!"
I bowed down to everyone gathered in the north gate. After saying it, everybody said "go and come back". There were also knights who were crying that gave me mysterious feelings inside.
It's okay. This kind of people is supporting me; this will surely be a success.
"Ah, Lucia san, please bring this! This is the recommended product of Lily Brizzi, and this is the number one hand cream!"
While Gaius san is about to start walking, Brizzi san handed a can. Hand cream…Ah! I did not thank Brizzi san!
"Ah, Brizzi san"
"By all means Federe san and I, Lucia san"
"Ah, yes. Federe san, actually, I received the same hand cream from Ceres san. I'm sorry, it seems like he is worried about my bad hands."
"…Ceres, san?"
While I put the present aside, Brizzi san… and Federe san did not look angry at all.
"That Ceres san and Lucia san, you are friends?"
"Yes. About 3 months ago"
"3 months…eh"
When I answered to the question of Federe san, he and Ascari san smiled. The rest of the Knights also laughed.
I was sure it was a smile…But, it looks scary. Why?
"I'm sorry. As expected, after all."
"It's alright. The hand cream, you need it more than "Ceres san", so please use plenty of it."
After saying it, I was relieved.
I properly kept the hand cream that I received from Ceres san in my bag. Even if I don't see Ceres san, I still have the ribbon, so I am confident.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem. Ah, Lucia san, can you send a message to our captain?"
After hearing Federe san, Gaius san burst out. Why? Is there something about this conversation?
"Gaius san, are you okay?"
"I'm okay, please continue. ….Sorry captain."
While keeping his mouth shut, Gaius san turned his head.
What is it, what is strange about this conversation? Isn't this a normal… conversation?
"Please tell him that we are all waiting for him to come back."
"Sure, I will surely tell him!"
Federe san smiled and nodded, while Gaius san stroked his head.
By the way, the captain of the 3rd corps is the "Dragon Slayer Hero", right? If those who are lower in his rank will tell him that, he must really be a good man. I'm looking forward to meeting him.
"All right, we will go and come back!"
Then my unexpected trip began.
B "3 months ago, right?…eh"
A "That's the reason why the captain is in good mood recently"
A "Well, we are supposed to pull out the monsters in the afternoon, right? Recently"
B "After eating a little lunch, the captain disappears, right. That…"
A "Even though, we meet separately, why are you wary about that? C "Oh, yeah. I am a married man."
D "He is young, the captain!"
E "There are some free members who are aiming. There are only few girls like her.."
F "But, it is hard to hide this… hey, when the dragon slayer hero comes back, please tell him to speak to us too, the 4th corps."
B "Of course! We will not have a monopoly. (smiling)"
At that moment, Celestino felt a cold air ran over his back.