Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap! Chapter 13

Lucia, confirming each other safety
“It is better for you to prepare properly. The talk will possibly happen promptly, I have that feeling. Well then, Lucia-chan is yet to stay in this room, right. Something like going out is prohibited, please remember that~”
Bechler-sensei left this room as he made a hint for a challenge that is having an audience with the king.
I who was left alone became perplexed. After all, supposing I do allowed to have an audience with the king, I have no choice than to attend it impolitely as I don’t posses any decent clothes!
I recalled the closet in my room and turned pale.
No, whether I have to meet him or not is yet to be known. I am no more than a servant, to have a glimpse of His Majesty figure is not even possible, yes, surely it won’t be allowed.
But Asutoruga vice-leader and DeViar principal, those people above the clouds, were took an interest towards my power, recalled that fact made me tinged with anxiety.
What to do if it is really decided for me to have an audience with the king!
At that time when I was in anguish.
Once again I heard the sound of knocking on the door, and when I responded to that, four people could be seen from the opening of the door, they were Kikka-san, Rossera-san, Gina-san and Gino-san.
“Kikka-san! Rossera-san! Gina-san! Gino-san!”
I raised my voice as I felt happy. Everyone was safe! That is a wonderful and joyous thing.
“Lucia, are you alright? After you work hard in Rukh’s extermination, no matter how I called and searched, I couldn’t find out your whereabouts”
“Yes, I couldn’t even consider you to be in the medical office of Knight Order!”
“Lucia-chan, I heard the story from several person. You really did your best. But I never had thought that ‘soap’ could be useful other than for doing laundry”
“Lucia, you did a great job. Are you alright?”
My tears start to appear unintentionally when I looked at the their lively face.
After all, I finally had a piece of mind. That scary moment already ended, now everything is fine.
“Everyone, I am glad you are all safe”
“Aa, it was because you did your best. I hear you also swept away all of ogres?”
”How you know that?” (1)
I looked up while being hugged by Kikka-san.
“I think it was the soldier corps who had been posted at the castle wall? Soldier is from the commoner. There are many acquaintances”
“My younger brother is a soldier. I heard the matter about Lucia from him. I heard the soap bubble made the ogres left, and it was because of Lucia”
“I also acquainted with a lot of merchants”
“Yes that’s right, knight order attachment to the washing lady is not just for show. That knight-sama was the one who giving us favor of informing us that you were in medical office (here). Although it seems like man was prohibited to entry, since it was unrelated to us, we come by using everybody rest time”
I’m thankful. I’m very glad.
“But I heard you collapsed, is your body not in pain anymore?”
“Yes, not too long ago I drank magical power restoration medicine. I am already full of spirit”
“Say it if you have any trouble” (2)
Rossa-san word waken me up. There was a problem! It would be good if it was just a needless anxiety, I hope what Bechler-sensei had said about preparation was only his childish prank!
“Umm…..!  What should I do, I was told that, almost certainly, I will be granted permission to have an audience with His Majesty…..I have nothing but plain clothes. What kind of appearance that shall not bring discourtesy towards His Majesty!?”
When I was still in Hathawes Mother medicine was my first priority, and I had no private property left as it already used to pay for my debt after I came to Al Tado.
Even clothes, with exception of the grey apron dress which I am wearing now, the others are only a second-hand blue dress for festival and a blue navy dress that I usually wear on my day off.
“Don’t you could rent a dress? Is there not any?” (3) (TN: I don’t know about this one, please help)
“If renting dress is not plausible, will the blue dress from the festival be alright…..”
“The one you wear in New Year festival? Uu~n, that is also lovely but…….”
“That is, even if the fabric is not bad and it is lovely, that dress looks dull without any decoration, if we not take into account the corset which placed below chest. Don’t you have any other ones?”
“I don’t………”
When I said so, Gina-san and Gino-san looked at each other. Kikka san and Rossa-san also had troubled expression.
As expected, I wonder if I supposed to spend a bit more? No, it was better to return the money first nevertheless. I have yet to finish clear off the debt.
“As you had been indicated to have audience with the king, refuse it is the same as disrespect towards the king, isn’t it?”
“It is better to stop that. Lucia, how about we embroidered that blue dress?”
“That’s right! Even a little will make it pretty!”
Embroidery….that sounds good, and surely it is better than prepare a new one. Even if in the end I don’t have audience with the king, it won’t be wasteful.
“I’ll do that!”
“Then I’ll prepare the thread.”
“I am sorry, I will pay the price later. I am likely not allowed to leave from here, could you bring the clothes from my room?”
“Don’t think about money! You have to depend on others in a situation like this! Let me do this simple thing like embroidery. I am good at it.”
Kikka-san smiled, bashfully.
TN: these ladies were really lovely….
(1) 「なんでそれを?」
(2) 「困ったこと、あったら言って」
(3) 「ドレスとか 貸して くれるんじゃないの? ないのかな?」\n