Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap! Chapter 12

Lucia, getting measured
“Fuun (7), you are quite something. It is about 3500.” (1)
DeViar principal verified the scale of the measuring device which been held in my mouth, uh-huh, he nodded in an interested manner.
My eye was teary because of magical power recover medicine, even if you are somehow delighted, I couldn’t! Really! It was terrible, you know?! Such nasty thing, it was not meant to be eaten nor to be drank. And yet, to think I had to drink four bottles, my mouth went numb, I couldn’t even feel it anymore.
“So magical power got identified by the numerical value”
“That’s right. At the dragon subjugation one year ago, it would take time to swallow the bitter magic recover medicine and in the end, the dead and injured increased. Therefore in this one year, we converted the magical power into numerical value, and from the data, we have advanced the research to make it easier to consume the medication by diluting it.”
If that was the case, wasn’t for me to drink the diluted one would be sufficient?! (2)
Seemed as if he had seen through my thought, DeViar principal heaved a sigh.
“However, it doesn’t work that easily. If you have those diluted medicine and taste it, you’ll know that there is hardly any recovery effect, and in the end, the situation is that we will continue to be reliant on this thing. Here, you can drink of this water”
I obediently received the cup of water that was given to me. For now I don’t mind even if it was just a cup of water, I want to wash away this lingering taste in my mouth.
“Leaving that aside, Miss Lucia (3), on behalf of the leader who is absent, I want to give my gratitude for taking care the knight order. Al Tado was protected by your power so that it didn’t particularly had damage”
That’s right, what had happened since then?!
I asked Asutoruga vice-leader about it while drinking a cup of water that had been poured from a water jug. Please excuse my ill manners.
“Those injured by the rukh’s attack was already left, there was zero casualties. I heard it was because of the help of your magic.”
I was relieved at his words. That’s great! I am glad I had gathered my courage!
“Umm, after that….could you tell me what happened?
At my enquiry, Asutoruga vice-leader nodded.
“Yes. After you used magic, large quantity of soap bubbles appeared and it suddenly disappeared after it had wrapped up the swarming ogress. The ogress abruptly turned around and left, as if nothing happened”
“And then you collapsed due to use up all of your magical power, and was carried to my place. It was difficult to separate you from them. You are a young woman, if there are some improper conduct it would be unpleasant, isn’t it?” (4)
Swarm of ogress and ogresses left without put out a fight? …..But, was such a thing possible? I never heard it before.
“Losing its fighting spirit, the rukh didn’t even used the thing like shockwave that was its formidable skill, ogress and ogresses was said to left, suddenly losing intention to attack……what on earth is with your magic?”
“Until now I have thought that it has no more effect than to remove stain…..”
“To remove stain…..are you saying that—the ferociousness of those monster is a stain? Losing that, the monster was calmed down and not attacking human”
Asutoruga vice-leader furrowed his brow, he was pondering.
“It was similar with the saint-sama purification light, isn’t it? Although, saint-sama light will burned something completely, it is an power to obliterate”
“It was similar yet not the same, what makes it similar is both had the achievement to purificate the monster, isn’t it? That’s right, this matter is needed to be reported to His Majesty. Bechler-sensei, DeViar principal, Lucia-sama. I will leave now to handle it”
Asutoruga vice-leader left in a hurry with a stern expression on his face.
“Now, may I examine your magic, Miss (5)? What about your crystal? When you faint, is it damaged?”
DeViar principal stroked his long beard as his eyes was wandering around my chest.
In this world, magic could be established by using crystal as a medium. All crystal was connected to the sky crystal tree, I hear the invocation of magic is passed through the crystal to make the magic actually happen.
Therefore, all of academia’s magician hang the crystal down on their chest, they also chant magic while touching the crystal.
However I became aware of that after I came to the capital (Al Tado). There were no magician around me and there were no one that acquainted with magician either.
So, at first, I did wonder why I could use ‘Soap’ without a medium.
“I didn’t use crystal. It had been like that up until now”
DeViar principal seemed to be quite surprised at my reply.
“From when I was a child I used nothing, I also don’t understand how to make invocation using crystal”
“To freely using magic without medium…….it has more and more commonalities with saint-sama. Uumu…..I also have to momentarily return to the Academia”
To be told to have commonness with saint sama, that was likely a different degree of impoliteness to consider me and her to be identical……in what way, I wonder? (6)
Bechler sensei looked at the perplexed me and suddenly laughed.
“Fuun (7)……listen Lucia-chan, you may better to prepare yourself a little”
“For what?”
“To have an audience with His Majesty. Do you have decent clothes?”
I became stiff at Bechler-sensei remark.
His Majesty? Audience?
What is with this sudden trouble??
TN: I just realised this series is rated R-15. I will have hard time translating those vanilla scene… if there is any. I wonder how far it goes to be rated R-15…..
(1) 「ふぅん、なかなかのもんじゃな。3,500といったところかの」
(2) それじゃ、その薄めたものでもよかったじゃないですか!
(3) ルチア嬢 (Lucia-jō)
(4) 「そしてあなたは魔力を使い果たして倒れ、ぼくのとこに運ばれたんだよ。もう、あいつらから 隔離するの大変だったんだよ。女の子だし、なにかの間違いがあっちゃマズイでしょ?」
(5) 娘さん (musume-san or jō-san?)
(6) 聖女様と共通点があると  おっしゃられても、一緒にして  は  失礼な  ほど  差  があるように  思えるの  ですが……
(7) ふぅん (suffix?)\n