Extraordinary – Ordinary – Soap! Chapter 14

Soap Chapter 14
This is an unedited chapter. It may have grammatical mistake and the accuracy is not guaranteed. You have been warned~
Lucia, meeting with the king
Little by little I embroidered the dress which had been brought from my room. About the pattern, I decided to use the traditional one this country had from a long time ago. This pattern was taught by my mother when she was still healthy.
Having been told to not leave this room, I was not be able to do my job, so in the end I had no choice but to concentrate doing embroidery, but actually it turns out to be a good thing.
Several days later, exactly at the time the embroidery was finished, I received the notification to have a meeting with Your Majesty.
“Is it right now?”
I brought up the conversation while fixedly staring at Asutoruga vice-leader.
The sharp look on Asutoruga vice-leader didn’t change at either my impolite gaze or expression, he only nodded.
“That’s right. The thing is, we emptied His Majesty time in a hurry. I am sorry for not inform you beforehand, please bear with it”
“Umm, but I don’t have any clothes…”
“The thing that hanging on the wall over there is fine. Please hurry”
As expected, they don’t have things like lending dress. Uuu, it is good I did some preparation. I truly relieved I made it in time.
The sudden, abrupt notice left me bewildered, but it was impossible to troubling the busy His Majesty.
When Asutoruga vice-leader left the room, I wear the finished dress on my body, and tied my hair with the ribbon I received from Celes-san. It was different from usual, I did not tie my hair in one bundle, I braided half of my hair and let the rest of my hair untied naturally, that was a bit complex hairstyle.
“Umm, I wonder if this is alright? Won’t it become discourtesy towards His Majesty?”
“I think it is okay”
Is it an urgent matter to discuss with? What the talk is about, I couldn’t predict it at all, I could do nothing but tilted my head.
“At any rate, if you are ready, we should go. His Majesty is waiting”
“Yes, please take care of me!”
I never thought the day when I would be honored by heard His Majesty voice up close would come, not even in my dream!
I gripped my fingertip which become cold due to nervousness and desperately quicken my pace as to not being left behind by Asutoruga vice-leader. The differences in step sure is huge, isn’t it.
I omitted the left-wing where the knight order is located and as I walked in at the center of the castle, I became dumbfounded by its impressiveness. (1)
The soft and fluffy carpet is spread out on the marble corridor, likely able to bury my foot within. There are a lot of candles hung at the wall alongside the passage, made it very bright even without window, dignified personage could be seen going back and forth, somehow it was like I having a dream.
There is still some time till the audience. I did not stop walking and finally had arrived at the destined place, the first corps of Knight Order strictly guarded there, aa, the king is indeed a person with high position, once again I could sense it. The commoner me will have to carry the burden on my shoulder, you know!
The door that had properly maintained opened smoothly without even creaking, as if it want to leave me which was become dumbfounded behind.
I am not well understood the etiquette, but as looking straight at His Majesty visage would be considered as discourtesy, I went forward while slightly lowering my head down. Will this be okay?
Even so, I wonder why I was called here? The fact that I repelled ogress….is it related to that?
I was pondering while looking at my figure whose reflected on the shining marble, only Asutoruga vice- leader cloak could be seen in the vicinity. I hope this is not something like to reprimand me.
“Are you Lucia Arca?”
Suddenly a voice was raised, the nervousness made me shook. Is that, by any chance, His Majesty voice?? A voice that overflowing with dignity was deeply resounded.
“Ye, yes…….”
On the contrary, I who had shriveled let out a weak, thin voice.
“I had heard from Florid and Ivan about your power. It could calming down the demon, is that truly the genuine thing?”
Genuine he said…does he imply it could be a sham?
I was too confused to reply. What answer would be good, I wonder. I couldn’t decide if immediate answer would be good either.
“With all respect, Your Majesty, I already had the report from Knight Order and soldier corps. I also saw it with my own eyes, I consider it to be a real thing”
A, Asutoruga vice-leader helped me to answer! Thank you. Then, at that time, he was somewhere at the castle wall?
I was slightly relieved.
However, when I heard what His Majesty said next, once again I became dumbfounded.
“Is that so. Then, Lucia Arca, you will follow after the saint Mary, your job is to support her with that power”