Chapter 96 I’m So Embarrassed
It was so humiliating!
“Men, help her down!” Chief Instructor Zhang no longer wanted to keep Wu Wen Yue, and ordered someone to take her away quickly. With a stern voice, he angrily commanded, “When she wakes up, tell her she’s fired, ask her to resign and leave in 3 days! “
How did she even get in?
He would definitely demand an explanation from the administrative center!
Lin Yin Ya, who hadn’t left, could hear clearly, and her hands in her sleeves clenched once again.
If An Xia could get rid of the instructors, she definitely didn’t choose the wrong side!
That idiot Huang Yi Qi was going to join forces with those boys, she was courting death!
Lin Yin Ya, who was so cold that she was trembling as she thought to herself. To drive away the chill, she quickly jumped on the spot.
She was so cold that she seemed to be soaked in ice water.
She looked at An Xia again, my God!
An Xia became a snowman, and she remained in her original position. She didn’t even move a single bit.
She had seen several other instructors move!
“Teaching assistant….. you…you…” Lin Yin Ya with a trembling jaw whispered to Cheng Ming, “Look at… do you see it, one of the instructors moved…..”
If they moved, it meant they had lost!
You are a teaching assistant, just say it!
Cheng Ming saw it earlier, and glanced at the only girl who was still watching. With a stern face, and a look that was not easy to get along with, he whispered back, “I’ll decide if they can’t persevere.”
If it was in the unit, they would have already lost.
This kind of competition was not so strict, as long as you could continue to stand still, a slight movement was not a loss.
Lin Yin Ya didn’t say more, the teaching assistant was the same as the instructor, they had black faces and were not easy to get along with!
After 3 hours, an instructor finally couldn’t persevere anymore. He lowered his head as he moved his stiff limbs, quitting with shame on his face.
He lost!
Lin Yin Ya was so cold that she sneezed all the time, and when she saw that the instructor finally withdrew, she was so excited that she sneezed a few more times.
The video was sent to Xia Hou Yu’s cell phone again, focusing on An Xia.
Against the wind and snow, An Xia’s thin figure stood firm and greeted the wind and snow with the most standard standing posture. Even if she had become a snowman, she still had astonishing grandeur, and she should not be underestimated.
Xia Hou Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.
No professional training?
Who would believe it?
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However, a deep investigation revealed that An Xia was indeed not trained.
So what went wrong?
The investigation had to be continued. Someone had been sent to be close to Ms. Ye Meng Wei, An Xia’s biological mother, hoping to find out something from her.
Soon, several instructors withdrew.
By the fourth hour, 30 instructors, including Mu Chen Yuan, were left.
The instructors who withdrew had no face to look at An Xia. They silently patted the snow on their head, face, and body, and did not dare to say more.
They were convinced!
After standing for 4 hours, An Xia still stood on the spot. There was no gap between the soles of her shoes and the snow. It was clear that she hadn’t moved a little bit after standing for 4 hours.
As them….
Who didn’t fidget in secret?
Everyone did.
Their gazes towards An Xia had changed, they no longer underestimated her, and fear was already in their eyes.
The instructors encountered someone great for the first time in many years.
“Aren’t you guys ashamed!” Chief Instructor Zhang wanted to curse them for a long time, “Damn, look at you guys! You guys are instructors! Are you instructors? Are you still qualified to train students?”
“You couldn’t win against her in squats, you couldn’t win against her in the 5 kilometer run with weights, and you couldn’t win against her in standing at attention for 6 hours. Normally you guys scold the students for being trash, but I think you guys are the ones who are trash!”
“To think you guys have the guts to win! I’m so f*cking disappointed in every single one of you”