Chapter 95 If You Have Guts, Don’t Regret
Wiping his face, Cheng Ming put away his mobile phone and stood together with the students. After a while, his face could not help but carry a weird expression.
Why would General Xia Hou say that?
Only allowed on
Is it possible that…..
His eyes widened suddenly, and a thought came like a thousand handsome horses.
Could it be that someone in their unit was intimate with An Xia?
Then he took out his cell phone to enter the group to ask, however, he had already left the group.
He quit the group too early!
The snow was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was swallowing the earth. Chief Instructor Zhang looked at the weather, and no longer let all the students stay in the drill ground. He told them to follow the teaching assistants in formation to return to the classroom.
The juvenile detention center focused on training, but there were still classrooms for learning.
But it was not an ordinary small classroom like in schools, but a large classroom that could seat a hundred people.
The snow was too much for most students to bear. It was so cold that blood could freeze. Going back to the classroom to wait for the results was also the same as waiting in the drill ground.
There were also students who didn’t want to leave.
Such as Lin Yin Ya.
She tightened her cuffs and stomped the snow in place, “I’ll stay behind, you guys can go back.”
“Have you chosen a side?” Huang Yi Qi asked with a gloomy face. She wanted to stay behind? Ah! Did she want to repair her relationship with An Xia?
Lin Yin Ya was also frank, and she nodded, “Yes, I chose a side. However, Huang Yi Qi, let me remind you, don’t mess with me.”
“Fine! You have guts!” Huang Yi Qi gritted her teeth, staring fiercely at her companion who parted ways with her, “Don’t regret it!”
“I will say the same to you too, if you have guts, don’t regret it.” Lin Yin Ya did not have a weak personality, so why would she be sent to the juvenile detention center?
Because she put her twin siblings born by her stepmother in the utility room and conveniently set it on fire.
When Fang Si Ling and Shang Yu Jia saw this, neither of them persuaded them. It was their own business, and they could do whatever they liked.
Soon, the students lined up to leave the drill ground, and the remaining students regrouped into a queue, with a small number of less than 20 people.
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One hour later, there were still 5 people.
Another half an hour passed, and the other 4 people also left. Soon, there was only one student left and it was Lin Yin Ya. At the large drill ground, Cheng Ming was next to her.
He had to stay and couldn’t leave.
After standing at attention for an hour and a half, Wu Wen Yue collapsed and fell to the ground again, her lips were pale without a trace of blood, even her eyes were dull and there was no trace of energy.
Lifting her eyes, her gaze slowly fell to the girl who was standing opposite to her, proud as a pine, as cold as a frost, and absolutely imposing. With a glance, her heart trembled fiercely.
An Xia!
An Xia!
Who on earth was she!
Didn’t Mrs. Song say that An Xia was just a young lady from an aristocratic family in dire straits?
Wu Wen Yue couldn’t see a little bit of abjection in her. What she saw was that An Xia made her feel cautious. She could not go against An Xia’s fierce, inviolable, pure and noble aura!
10 minutes later, Wu Wen Yue, who was unsupported, tried hard to support herself in the cold until she became stiff, and her unconscious body slowly got up.
After finally standing up, she saw An Xia on the opposite side, even if she had become a snowman, she was still tall and straight, tearing through the wind and snow with a majestic and unshakable posture, as she looked down upon the world.
How could such a person be the trash Mrs. Song described!
Was Mrs. Song lying to her?
Wu Wen Yue was cold in her bones right now.
She was most likely deceived by Mrs. Song!
Wu Wen Yue, who realized that she might have been deceived, shuddered severely, and the darkness hit her eyes, and she fell again after standing still for less than 3 minutes.
She fell harder than just now.
Her whole person stood upright before hitting the ground, slamming the snow around her.
Chief Instructor Zhang’s face became dark enough to shine.