Chapter 97 She Is An Xia!
His voice was loud and angry. The scolded instructors lowered their heads, and there was no longer the usual look of cruelness on their faces that made the students fear them.
Chief Instructor Zhang scolded for 10 minutes and didn’t stop, Lin Yin Ya’s expression cracked as she listened.
Cheng Ming was not surprised at all.
It was normal.
If they lost the competition, they would be scolded badly for bringing shame, to the point that they would rather die on the spot.
After half an hour, the cursing finally stopped, and Lin Yin Ya couldn’t persevere anymore and left the drill ground.
Before leaving, she looked back at the lonely figure standing alone, with admiration in her eyes.
She had never admired a person so much, An Xia was the first!
She alone was like a magnificent army with thousands of mens and horses.
Five hours later, 2 more instructors gave up.
This time, Chief Instructor Zhang did not criticize them, but personally patted the snow on the shoulders for the 2 of them, “Thank you for your hard work! Go and take a rest.”
It was not easy to stand for 5 hours.
“Sorry to disappoint you.” The 2 instructors sighed heavily. Less than 3 years after leaving the special forces, their skills had regressed too much.
They were not as good as a student.
“It’s not your fault, she’s very outstanding.” Chief Instructor Zhang suppressed his voice, trying to make his tone a little calmer, but his disappointment could still be heard.
No matter how good the student was, these instructors were all professionally trained, but they lost!
For a while, the atmosphere was heavy and depressing, and everyone seemed to have a huge boulder in their hearts, making it difficult to breathe.
Half an hour later, students came back from the originally empty drill ground one after another. They came over here deliberately, just to see the final result.
They hadn’t gotten closer yet, they were watching from a distance and they shook in excitement.
“An Xia, she… she hasn’t even moved! Oh my god, she kept standing still for five and a half hours, is she a robot? Even a robot has to be charged even when standing for five and a half hours!”
“There is only one instructor left, it seems that it’s the new instructor, instructor Mu.”
“It would be better if Instructor Mu came a few days later!”
“Hey, those instructors who had lost, see what kind of face they have to teach us! Aren’t they very good? They ended up losing to their student!”
“Forget it, although the instructors lost to An Xia, it’s still easy to win against you.”
This was also true.
They couldn’t win against An Xia, but there would be no problem in winning against the rest of the students.
More and more students were returning to the drill ground, and every student had the same expression when they saw An Xia.
They were shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes.
An attentive student found the snow piled at An Xia’s feet and made an incredible sound of surprise, “Look at the snow piled by her feet! Look!!”
They saw it, it was piled up with snow.
Some students had not reacted yet, and some did.
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They were shocked again.
“She… She didn’t move even an inch for 6 hours! She maintained the same stance when we left and stood till now!”
Only allowed on
“No way! She didn’t move at all? How could it be possible!”
“How is it not possible! Look at the snow around her shoes!”
An Xia really hadn’t moved a little bit.
“Oh my God! I stand for half an hour and already want to move, how can she stand still for 6 hours?”
“Because she is An Xia!”
The whistle blew again and the 6-hour standing in a stance competition was over!
An Xia had won!!