Chapter 94 Mu Chen Yuan Kissed An Xia
The whistle sounded and the 6-hour competition began.
Standing at attention, Wu Wen Yue glanced at An Xia deeply, and a cold smile passed through her eyes.
Before she could retract her gaze, she saw An Xia’s cold and dark eyes glancing towards her with a smile, seeming to be laughing at her overwhelming ability.
Don’t get angry, don’t get angry!
Mrs. Song said that An Xia would die. Just let her be proud for a few days!
Below, the applause of the students sounded again.
The competition was very boring now, unlike the activities before. However, the students carried on yelling “Good luck An Xia, An Xia is awesome” which made them excited.
The shouts were almost one-sided, and there was no one cheering for the instructors at all.
Some wanted to cheer for the instructors, but they were weak, and their cheers were immediately overwhelmed by the cheers for An XIa.
Cheng Ming still took pictures and recorded the competition responsibly and diligently.
Who knew that he’d be so good at taking pictures. One of the photos happened to be Mu Chen Yuan passing by. His pace slowed down to encourage An Xia, but that exact moment was captured on camera.
Cheng Ming found that the captured angle was not right, and he wanted to withdraw it but it was too late.
“It’s over, it’s over, I don’t know how to explain it, my hands are really despicable! This is over, I’m going to be cut!”
With a gray face and a hard heart, Cheng Ming tapped his finger on the screen, trying to withdraw the picture of An Xia and Mu Chen Yuan’s faces side by side. His callused finger tried to remove the picture, however, it still remained in the group chat.
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While Cheng Ming left the chat!
If he left the group, thus, what remained unseen was deemed to be clean.
Only allowed on
As a result, what made him vomit blood even more was… Xia Hou Yu’s voice message that was sent.
“Your captain kissed An Xia?”
After hearing the voice message, Cheng Ming wanted to commit suicide immediately.
“Report! They didn’t kiss! It’s an angle problem!” Cheng Ming uttered a text with his fingers shaking, and he didn’t have the guts to reply through voice message.
After reading it, Xia Hou Yu frowned, “Really? It does not look like it.”
“It’s true, you also know Captain Mu’s character, how could he possibly kiss Miss An? It’s really an angle problem, you can find an expert to analyse.”
He sent the message while crying without tears, he felt restless while waiting to be criticised.
After a while, Xia Hou Yu sent a voice message, “Oh, you guys!”
With a sigh, it seems to sound like a regret?
Regret for the fact that Captain Mu didn’t kiss Miss An?
He clicked on the voice message and listened, listened, listened again. After listening for 5 times, Cheng Ming confirmed that his first feeling was correct.
General Xia Hou was really feeling sorry!
It was their fault. Mu Chen Yuan being single for too long made the big shot worry about him.
Still feeling melancholy, the phone vibrated again, and the lighted screen showed the text from Xia Hou Yu, “There is nothing too intimate between them right?”
Cheng Ming was in a mess, and his voice message reply was sonorous and powerful, “No! Absolutely not!”
Xia Hou Yu slowly replied to his voice message, “Even if there is, there’s nothing I can do.”
How come the more he explained it, the worse it got?
Turning his back to the yelling student behind him, Cheng Ming almost cried, “I swear by my integrity, really no! No one in the unit is intimate with An Xia! We crack jokes in the evening and talk about the girls we have seen. There’s nothing else, so you can rest assured!”
Finally, Xia Hou Yu didn’t reply to the voice message, and Cheng Ming didn’t know if he believed it.
Snow came again, accompanied by the strong cold wind. Cheng Ming shivered while holding the phone, only to realize that he was dripping with cold sweat and his back was cold.