Chapter 93 Damn It!
The expression on the instructors, who had just finished running, immediately turned black.
It was starting again!
An Xia had enough rest and was ready to go, while the instructors were dog-tired.
“Chief instructor, I…” An instructor came out and wanted to ask for a break. He only said the word ‘I’ and stopped as there was no way to say the rest.
He saw An Xia, staring at him with cold eyes, and her narrow eyes were filled with contempt towards him. How he wished to find a hole to hide.
Below, the students began to jeer.
Only allowed on
“What’s the matter, the instructors want to act shamelessly, and not compete?”
“It’s possible, they lost all the way to the end, they will lose their reputation.”
“They already have no reputation. They always scold us for being unqualified, ha, now are they even qualified?”
The voices executed the instructors standing on the stage, they were criticised but they could not refute.
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Fine, they had to carry on!
Standing at attention for 6 hours, they had to compete even if there was a blizzard today.
Mu Chen Yuan returned to the formation. After passing by An Xia, he encouraged, “Good luck.”
He was sure that 6 hours was not a problem for her.
The encouraged An Xia moved her finger slightly, and then replied without emotion, “You too.”
If there was a chance, she must ask the other Country Xia soldiers if they were particularly friendly to every person they monitor!
1 minute later, the instructors stood in line, and An Xia, who was standing opposite them, began to look around them.
All the instructors were tight, as if they were facing an enemy.
Hope she won’t have any new ideas!
“Where’s instructor Wu? I don’t see her?”
Did she escape?
How naive.
The instructors collectively breathed a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, fortunately, they had gotten through a daunting experience without mishap…
Wu Wen Yue trying to contact Mrs. Song with her mobile phone in the lounge, and she was shocked when she learned that she still had to compete!
She was already sick, yet she still had to compete?
She didn’t want to go out.
She did not want to continue competing!
“I’m really unwell. If I keep competing, my life will be lost!”
She wanted to pretend to be sick to escape, the instructor who came to call her had a black face. She gave her a cold look, turned around, and left.
If she had the capability, she should say it in front of all the students.
Chief Instructor Zhang did not give her a chance to escape, and ordered the teaching assistant to take her back to the drill ground.
What a f****** humuliation!
The dignified Wu Wen Yue, who had lost half a life, stood back to her position again-the middle position of the first formation.
She happened to stand face to face with An Xia. Knowing that An Xia ordered her out, she glared at her with resentment in her eyes.
How come the four men who went in that night didn’t kill her!
It just so happened that An Xia didn’t plan to let her go either.
Defeating the enemy was not simply crushing of strength, but also a complete destruction of the spirit. It was the best strategy to defeat the enemy!
Destroying the spirit would make the enemy fear her even more!
Looking directly at Wu Wen Yue, she said in a cool tone, “Instructor Wu, I heard that you have a record of standing for 12 hours without eating or drinking. Let’s go for 12 hours together.”
The instructors were desperate.
Whether they could survive the 6 hours was a problem, now she added another 6 hours?
Wu Wen Yue wanted to faint again, but her arrogance couldn’t allow her to shrink back.
“We came to an agreement that it was 6 hours this time, next time…” She gritted her teeth and said, with a cold face, trying to make herself look less bullied, “Next time if I have a chance,we’ll compete again!”
Next time… that would have to depend on whether you can survive until next time!