Chapter 92 Paralyzed And Fell To The Ground, Panting Like A Cow
“Do you really have no professional training?”
As he asked, Chief Instructor Zhang looked at An Xia from head to toe several times. Obviously, he did not believe An Xia.
If he didn’t believe her, then so be it.
An Xia was never a person who cared about others’ opinions, let alone explain in order to convince.
Facing doubt, she said calmly, “No.”
Chief Instructor Zhang still wanted to ask again, but after experiencing An Xia’s cold and slightly impatient look, his words fluttered and swallowed back into his stomach.
Intuition told him that he shouldn’t ask any more.
If he asked again, he was afraid that he would end up being put in an embarrassing situation where he would be put on the spot.
“The instructors in the institute will have to walk around you when they see you in the future.” Chief Instructor Zhang sighed, rather helpless. “They are not even as good as the students they teach. It seems that while training the students, we must also strengthen the training of instructors. “
An Xia frowned, “Wrong, they will feel ashamed when they meet any student.”
Looking at some of the instructors who were still running, her eyes were completely cold, “Those over there, do they deserve to be an instructor? What a joke.”
Chief Instructor Zhang, “…” He wanted to speak up for the instructors, but he couldn’t say it.
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The facts were in front of them, and there was nothing to say.
The instructors were being teased by a student, and they felt a little uncomfortable.
Alas, she was right.
If they were not as good as students, how could they still be qualified to educate students?
Suddenly, a cold glance swept across. Before their heads could react, their bodies responded instinctively.
They immediately lined up in formation and stood upright while looking ahead.
Appreciation flashed in An Xia’s eyes, and it was a rare comfort for Chief Instructor Zhang, “There are also a few good ones, and they are not bad.”
Looking along the line of sight, Chief Instructor Zhang saw the 6 upright and firm figures. Inwardly, he was inexplicably proud of them, as if they had been praised by the leader!
The several instructors who were praised became excited!
It was as if they had returned to the year when they were still wearing their uniforms and were praised by the highest rank general.
They brought honor to their unit!
Their waists were straighter and motionless, letting the cold wind blow against their face as their bones clenched and their bodies towered like a mountain.
An Xia also praised Mu Chen Yuan, who was silent next to her, “You are better than them, the best.”
So why was his rank not enough?
Why did the superior make things hard for him?
Only allowed on
Mu Chen Yuan, the captain of the active special force unit, who was suddenly named, raised his eyes. She was not polite, but very sincere.
After a while, his thin lips moved slightly, and his voice was low, like the sound of a piano suddenly rising from the battlefield with bones of the dead, calm and eternal, “Thank you.”
Apart from thanking her, he didn’t know how to answer.
Chief Instructor Zhang patted him hard on the shoulder, his face which was always not so good, finally became sunny and cloudless, and smiled, “Xiao Mu, it’s good to have you.”
Mu Chen Yuan did not embarrass him!
“I did what I was supposed to do.” Captain Mu cherished his words like gold, and his sharp and handsome face made it impossible for Chief Instructor Zhang to say a few more words to him.
Simply put…
Chief Instructor Zhang, who is in his forties, had been a leader for many years, but his heart was very, very uneasy at this moment.
He had not been a junior for many years.
He was like a junior now!
He was the junior of a student named An Xia, and the junior of Instructor Mu who had only been employed for a few days.
Finally, the last instructor completed the run. He collapsed and fell to the ground, panting like a cow.
An Xia said indifferently, “Come now, let us begin the competition for standing at attention for six hours”