Chapter 91: Was It Always So Humane?
After being single for 25 years, Captain Mu, who still kept his first kiss, was particularly responsible for An Xia and said, “You lack strength in your limbs. In addition to long-distance running, climbing and mixed martial arts, you mustn’t forget to add sandbags. Understood?”
Those were what was used in training in the unit, and Captain Mu was really thinking for An Xia.
An Xia also listened carefully. Occasionally, she glanced sideways at him, and incomprehension swept past her eyes .
Was Country Xia’s surveillance so humane?
Were they not afraid that the person who they were monitoring so seriously to bite back?
After a slightly puzzled look at him, An Xia nodded and replied, “I understand.”
She knew what to do without him reminding.
In fact, An Xia had experienced all the training he had received, and even trained earlier than him.
At least, when she saw Mu Chen Yuan that year, he didn’t have the majestic fighting power that belonged solely to the soldiers, indicating that Mu Chen Yuan did not enter the unit at that time.
He joined the unit after his older brother died.
As for her, she had been training every day since she was 3 years old, and she had spent over 12 hours training each day.
They were all special training for her, which was extremely difficult.
Mu Chen Yuan also saw that An Xia understood everything in her heart, and he didn’t need to remind her specifically. He didn’t speak any more, and the two of them were silent again.
On the drill ground, applause and screams continued.
After Cheng Ming led the group and shouted “Good Luck, An Xia” 3 times, he looked at the two people walking side by side in the drill ground, then silently took out his phone again, took the video, and sent it to the group chat.
The captain was not in this group chat!
“Calling my brothers, look at the captain and Miss An, aren’t they an ideal couple?”
“Our captain might end up being the first one in the unit to be in a relationship.”
“What a beast, Miss An is only 18 years old!”
“Oh, she’s an adult at the age of 18, and she can find a boyfriend. The old cow eats tender grass! The captain is 25 years old! 7 years older than her, too old!”
“The captain is accompanying Miss An, can he speak? Don’t think he will say the first sentence before taking 10 steps. It is very possible that silence is golden for our captain.”
Without a reply from the brothers, Cheng Ming sent out several text messages when he took a video by himself.
What he didn’t know was that he would be mercilessly “sold out” by the other soldiers. After returning to the unit, he would start a month-long of cruel training.
Mu Chen Yuan discovered that Cheng Ming was taking a video of him without his permission, and caught Cheng Ming holding up his phone again, his eyes narrowed, and they shot out like a cold arrow which horrified Cheng Ming and he almost trembled.
Just as he was about to put away the phone, Xia Hou Yu sent a picture and Cheng Ming opened it. A few seconds later, Cheng Ming’s face was tight, and the expression in his eyes changed again when he looked at An Xia.
He admired her even more!
He walked quickly towards Mu Chen Yuan.
“Captain.” Cheng Ming passed over the phone, zoomed in on the picture, “Look at this.”
At this moment, Cheng Ming finally understood why An Xia said that she settled the 4 men, and did a service.
The 4 men who were sent to assassinate Miss An turned out to be Red A criminals, with human lives on their hands!
Only allowed on
Mu Chen Yuan had seen it, his cold eyes dimmed, and asked An Xia, “How were you so sure about them.”
Had Country Xia confirmed the identities of the 4 men?
The speed was really fast enough.
An Xia thought for a while, and then said, “Watch, distinguish and think.”
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Originally she wanted to add a sentence of “experience”. Thinking of her current identity, it was a bit abrupt.
She was only 18 years old, and she had the ability to distinguish between good people and bad people in advance. It didn’t sound credible.
Cheng Ming was dumbfounded when he heard, “Is it a legendary innate skill?”
He really couldn’t tell.
Chief Instructor Zhang’s low voice came from behind, interrupting their conversation.