Chapter 90 There’s A Reason Why He’s Single!
After a rational thought, the boys looked at each other and shook their heads.
They couldn’t do it.
They had experienced being locked in the small black house where countless people were scared half to death. They were pretty brave, but it still took them a day or two to recuperate after coming out. The timid ones were scared till they twitched and shrieked in the depth of the night.
As for An Xia, after being locked up for 3 days, she didn’t say anything about it. Insead she dared to challenge 30 instructors when she came out.
500 squats in the first round was an easy win for her.
The instructors suffered a crushing defeat.
They didn’t need to look at An Xia during the five-kilometer run with a load of ten kilograms competition to know that she would win as well.
The boy who spoke first thought for a while, and sighed, “I think we should just offer her a humble apology.”
“Screw you! You go offer her a humble apology yourself. Don’t drag me along.” The boy who bullied An Xia smacked his mouth. He was a sturdy man of 1.8 meters, and girls stood in front of him like little chicks. “No matter how amazing she is, she still has to call me uncle when she sees me!”
This guy learned mixed martial arts, injured his teacher at school, and hurt his dad when he went home. He was self centered and ruthless. After being sent in forcibly, only a few people dared to provoke him.
“Uncle, how about you and Huang Yi Qi join hands and sort her out the first time? I see Huang Yi Qi is not convinced by her. Look at her expression, she looks as if she wants to eat An Xia up.”
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A few people looked over, their description was very true!
It was decided!
An Xia won again!
She completed the sprint for the five-kilometer load-bearing race, but this time, she lost to Mu Chen Yuan.
It was not that her strength was inferior to Mu Chen Yuan.
Instead the physical strength of her current body was not up to the standard, and it needed to be strengthened.
Mu Chen Yuan, who was waiting at the end, watched her finish her sprint, her cold and dull black eyes gleamed slightly, and her thin lips straightened a lot.
Her physical strength was weak.
Her physical strength was far inferior to her perseverance, she would definitely suffer in some aspects.
For example, endurance running, even if her perseverance was strong, her lack of physical strength would hold her back.
But her skills don’t show that she was physically weak.
Is it possible that she belonged to the category where her explosive power was strong, but her stamina was not enough?
Only allowed on
It can be fixed with training!
“Your physical strength is not up to standard and needs to be strengthened.”
An Xia approached, and Mu Chen Yuan did not immediately send warm concerns such as “how are you”, but rather seriously pointed out An Xia’s shortcomings, “your lack of physical strength holds you back greatly.”
“Well, it is true.” An Xia controlled her breathing and accepted Mu Chen Yuan’s suggestion.
What he said was true, there was nothing to avoid.
The thunderous applause had not stopped. If it weren’t for the teaching assistants to control the crowd, there would be students rushing up, lifting An Xia and throwing her high.
Instead, their fiery gazes never left An Xia for a second.
“An Xia, you are my idol!”
“An Xia, you are amazing!”
“Instructor Wu, quickly step down!” The disharmonious voices drowned into the high cheers, and no one heard it. Of course, even if the instructors heard it, they would not complain.
She was as weak as garbage. How did she have the face to continue to stay?
An Xia and Mu Chen Yuan, the two of them actually heard it, but ignored them, and even had a tacit understanding to calm down those cheers together.
An Xia had never lacked applause, flowers, and honors. She had long been used to it, and she would not feel elated because of them.
It was the same for Mu Chen Yuan. He had never lacked, and he was accustomed to them. Therefore, he was very serious about pointing out the shortcomings he had seen.
He was a straight guy. If Xia Hou Yu was at the scene, he would be so angry that he vomited 3 bowls of blood.
There was a reason why he was still single!