Chapter 89 Brother, The Situation Isn’t Good
The Seven Star General from the Navy was not convinced, with his hands on his back, he said coldly, “Our attraction at the navy is not worse than yours! Don’t put gold on your face every day. According to our survey, more and more young people hope to join the navy and gain experience, guard the home and defend the country.”
The 3 seven-star generals were at the door of the conference room, arguing like children, and the big shots were arguing.  Even if others wanted to persuade them to make peace, they just ended up watching them.
Anyway, every time the three seven-star generals from the navy, air force and ground force met, there was not a time when they were not arguing.
Once they don’t argue, something must be definitely wrong!
Only allowed on
The more they argued, it meant that the situation was peaceful, and they still had the leisurely mood to bicker.
This time, Xia Hou Yu was the first one to stop bickering, and he said with a smile, “You guys continue your debate. I shall continue to watch the good seedling’s competition.”
“You guys continue, don’t call me, I’m very busy.”
He was a bastard. Obviously he was the culprit that provoked them, now he patted his butt and left?
Just wait and see!
Sooner or later they would poach An Xia!
Xia Hou Yu looked at the small facial expressions of the two colleagues from the corner of his eyes . He observed, recorded in his eyes, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.
Xia Hou Yu had a long-term plan. If An Xia didn’t choose to join the ground force, she could join the air force or the navy. There were 3 major forces, she could go wherever she wanted!
An Xia was still running, there was only 500 meters left in the five kilometers.
The finishing line was in front of her.
The students watched Wu Wen Yue leave the drill ground. If they weren’t afraid of the consequences, they would have all applauded.
How dare she call herself an instructor!
She was as weak as garbage!
They thought she was so amazing, who knew she only had looks but no capability. She only knew how to bully students, and if she really encountered someone as amazing as An Xia, she would become a scum in seconds!
Wu Wen Yue’s defeat caused the alarm bells to ring frantically in the hearts of several boys.
They were all boys who had bullied An Xia before.
Originally, they were not optimistic about An Xia’s ability to win against the instructors. At this moment, if they were not optimistic, they must be mentally retarded!
“It’s f**king strange, is she really that An Xia? No matter how I look, are they really the same person?” The boy who opened his mouth was a boy with a cut in his ear. He was 18 or 19 years old, with thick black eyebrows and jealousy.
While looking at the large figures of the instructors, he wondered, “The more I look, the less she looks like the same person. Her facial features look exactly the same, and when you look closely, it’s more impressive than An Xia.”
“Her aura is even more different. The former An Xia was trembling when she was bullied. No matter how much we insulted or bullied her, she didn’t dare to resist. Look at her now, is she still the same person?”
After the boy finished speaking, he sighed heavily, his voice was heavy as if a few iron stones were hung, “Brother, the situation isn’t looking good.”
The other boys were also not blind, there was no way they couldn’t see the difference in An Xia.
While everyone was watching An Xia’s skills, they gathered together and urgently discussed countermeasures, “Huang Yi Qi and the others were all put in order by her, and then if everything goes well for her, we will be next. If we don’t think of a solution, we’ll be in danger.”
Everyone had the same thought.
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On the day An Xia came back she put all the four girls in the same dormitory in order. She would definitely put the boys in order next!
“If she wants to put us in order, do we have leeway to resist? She was locked in the small black house for 3 days and nothing happened to her. Instead, she managed to f**k with Wu Wen Yue. Can you guys do such an awesome thing?”