Chapter 88 Showing Off
After running for 3 out of 5 kilometers with a load, An Xia’s breathing became a little quicker against the cold wind, but she did not slow down at all. Her thin figure resembled the tenacious pine growing amidst the rock. The heavier the wind and snow, the more resilient.
The video footage shot by Cheng Ming was shaky due to being overly excited.
“You must watch the video! Really! Miss An definitely surpasses those who had just joined the team! The weight is 10 kilograms, she makes it so easy it makes me suspect that she is actually holding a rag doll!”
“Oh my God! She has always been on par with our captain! Look, look, the captain overtook her by a few meters, but she immediately overtook him again!”
“Miss An is so amazing! You guys will be shocked later! Hahaha, envy it, I watched the whole scene while you guys are only fit to watch the videos in the group.”
In the group, no one responded.
They had no time as they were busy training and busy performing tasks!
Xia Hou Yu had watched the video sent to him separately, and severely criticized Cheng Ming, “You haven’t been training for a few days, and you have no strength in your hands? Hold the camera steady! If I see another shaky video, I will cut your whole team!”
If one person made a mistake, the whole team was punished, it was the traditional virtue of the army.
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Cheng Ming’s heart trembled, he took a deep breath, and then breathed again, he was no longer overly excited.
What he didn’t know was that Xia Hou Yu clicked on the video at this moment, he was very calm and serious, and showed off to the other soldiers with different colors, but they were all seven-star generals. “This girl is not bad right, she easily completed 500 squats, ran 5 kilometers with a load of 10 kilograms without any pressure. She’s one seedling in a million.”
The seven-star generals didn’t really like to watch it at first as what was the point of showing off? Who doesn’t have a sharp team in their hands?
They were after all soldiers in the air force and the navy!
The only difference between them and the army was simply the number of people, where the numbers greatly exceed theirs.
The seven-star general from the air force in the sky-blue regular uniform took a polite glance. They were all colleagues. He should give some face and take a look, huh?
The seven-star general from the air force took a look, his eyes were interested, he reached for the mobile phone, and was ready to take a look.
“Fu Ling Yuan, are you a bandit? Watch the video properly, why are you snatching my phone?” Xia Hou Yu patted the back of the hand of the seven-star general from the air force. The mobile phone was tightened to prevent it from being snatched. “You are not shortsighted. Are you afraid that you can’t see clearly?”
The seven-star tiger general from the air force, Fu Ling Yuan’s right hand was patted red, and he retracted his hand and hummed, “So what? I know at first sight that she hasn’t joined your ground force.”
The secret meaning was: There was a chance for the air force to poach her!
At this moment, the seven-star general from the navy saw clearly. He didn’t snatch the phone. He was afraid of being beaten by Xia Hou Yu. He commented earnestly, “You can see she’s extraordinary through the screen. She must have practiced.”
Everyone wanted a good seedling.
Where was this place?
They had to remember it.
Later they would ask their soldiers to find out the address, avoid Xia Hou Yu, and secretly bring the application materials.
Xia Hou Yu didn’t wait for the seven-star general from the navy to identify the buildings in the video. He retracted the phone, pretended that he didn’t know much, and replied, “I don’t know, she’s a good seedling, and she can be trained if she’s recruited to the team.”
“You must be proud.” Fu Ling Yuan pulled on his cuffs which were as white as new cuffs, shot a glance, and said unhurriedly: “You also have to see if she is willing to go to the ground force.”
Only allowed on
“According to our latest statistics, more young people like to join the air force and become an eagle that can soar in the blue sky.”
Xia Hou Yu smiled, and did not believe in the survey of the air force at all. “According to the latest survey done here, more and more young people want to join the ground force and become a member of the ground force.”