Chapter 87 An Xia Caused Trouble
At this moment, none of the instructors dared to look down on the girl who challenged them.
500 squats had given them a glimpse of her strength!
Those few instructors who had a background in special warfare gave An Xia a generous thumbs up.
She was really amazing!
An Xia nodded lightly and began a 5 kilometer load-bearing run.
They were all the backpacks used to punish students, weighing 10 kilograms, and students were often punished to run 5 kilometers with a weight. Some dark-hearted instructors would even demand 10 kilometers.
An instructor like Wu Wen Yue deserved to be tormented!
An Xia carried her backpack as fast as she could, and began to carry 5 kilometers of weight around the drill ground, with Mu Chen Yuan beside her.
Together, their breathing was smooth and they kept the same pace as the competition started.
None of them spoke, but they were secretly competing with each other.
For An Xia, this was a competition.
For Mu Chen Yuan, it was a consideration.
Only allowed on
He represented the generals, especially General Xia Hou, to observe how outstanding An Xia was.
Both of them quickly overtook the instructors who were behind, and after a lap, the glances of the instructors who were chasing An Xia had changed!
“Damn! Where did this student come from? She came here to cause trouble!”
“She’s not like a student at all! How could a student dare to challenge the instructors?”
“If you lose the 5 kilometers load-bearing run competition again, be prepared to resign.”
If they lost to a student who caused trouble, what qualifications do they have to stay and train the students?
After repeating a few sentences, the instructors resigned to their fates and ran.
What else could they do besides repeating over and over again!
With a weight of 10 kilograms, the instructors didn’t feel anything at the beginning. The more towards the end, the more they felt as if they were carrying a mountain on their backs. They simply wished to throw the “mountain” and run to the finish line.
An Xia ran until the third lap, and after the second lap, Wu Wen Yue lived up to her expectations and fainted!
Next to her, the doctor on duty wanted to rush over for treatment. An Xia quickly caught up to stop him. She bent over and squated. Grabbing a handful of snow with one hand, she pulled Wu Wen Yue’s collar with the other hand.
“Hey hey, what are you doing! What are you doing!” The doctor stopped, trying to slap away the snow in An Xia’s hand.
An Xia’s gaze was sharp, and she glanced at the doctor coldly, “Isn’t it the same treatment for students who fainted before? Why can’t this treatment be used on an instructor? Double standards?”
Her sentence made the two doctors speechless.
This, this… was different.
They wanted to say something but were pressured by An Xia’s gaze till they couldn’t open their mouths.
The dazed Wu Wen Yue was woken up by the piercing cold snow. She opened her eyes, and before she could see the surroundings clearly, a group of black shadows ran past her face, and her face was muffled by the snow.
An even stronger coldness came, and Wu Wen Yue was so cold that she screamed.
“Look, she’s awake now.”
An Xia patted her hands, got up, and stared, her voice was colder than the snow, “Instructor Wu, carry on when you wake up, don’t pretend to be dead.”
An Xia said to Wu Wen Yue using the same words used to scold An Xia before.
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Wu Wen Yue was still getting rid of the snow on her face. When she heard An Xia’s voice, she raised her voice and screamed, “An Xia, you b*tch!!”
“Since you can scream, then there shouldn’t be any problems to carry on.” An Xia chuckled, with a beautiful face and a hostile temper. “More preposterous things are yet to come, Instructor Wu, I wish you good health.”
Chief Instructor Zhang blew his whistle to remind An Xia to continue running.
The cold wind was raging, and An Xia ran against the wind, running past several instructors in a row as she chased Mu Chen Yuan’s figure.
Behind her, Wu Wen Yue was angry and filled with hatred. Her legs trembled softly as she stood up, and set off again.