Chapter 86 The Punishment Had Just Begun
The students were secretly laughing to themselves.
She deserved it!
Every day, Wu Wen Yue only knew how to punish students, and now it was her turn to do squats. Wu Wen Yue was really useless as others who did 200 squats did not squat until they fell!
An Xia had already completed 300 squats!
Only Mu Chen Yuan could keep up with her rhythm.
Cheng Ming, who was among the audience, was already dumbfounded.
There was no special technique when it came to squatting.
The problem was that Mu Chen Yuan was a top quality soldier!
Miss An was just a girl, and her rhythm was the same as Mu Chen Yuan.
As for the other top quality soldiers of the “Broken Wolf” brigade, it was not a problem to keep up with the pace of Mu Chen Yuan for the first 300 squats. Towards the end, the gap would be visible to the naked eye!
But, An Xia did not have a problem!
Oh my lord.
The mobile phone was taken out, the video was recorded as evidence, and it was transmitted to the “Broken Wolf” group.
“Breaking! An Xia and the captain are having a competition of 500 squats, with the same rhythm, I can’t tell the winner!”
The video transmitted out and there was no response from the team members. Early in the morning, they had to do morning exercises. Who had time to look at their phones?
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The video was sent to Xia Hou Yu separately, and a reply was received one minute later. “Be sure to record everything.”
Cheng Ming finished his reply and took the video seriously.
At the same time, he led the students to shout together, “Good luck, An Xia!!!”
Only allowed on
He also led the team and was the first to cheer for An Xia.
Finally, An Xia and Mu Chen Yuan completed 500 squats together. The moment they got up, there was already a tide of applause below!
She was so amazing!
She actually beat the other 29 instructors!
The applause was thunderous, and the students were so excited as if they had beaten the 29 instructors themselves. Their hands were swollen red but they didn’t stop clapping.
An Xia had won!
Up until now, the other instructors had only completed an average of about 345 squats!
Wu Wen Yue was the worst!
With exactly 273 squats!
She was already out of breath, and the students’ opinions of her were rather huge.
Wu Wen Yue only knew how to punish them, but from this competition, she was useless!
The applause lasted long, and all the students cheered for An Xia.
Even Huang Yi Qi had no choice but to applaud no matter how much she hated An Xia.
“Do you see that? She can even beat the instructors, so why do you still want to get revenge on her, and embark on the path of destruction?” Lin Yin Ya applauded, and said to Huang Yi Qi, “A wise man submits to circumstances, and you have to give in when it’s time to give in.”
Huang Yi Qi glared at Lin Yin Ya, her gaze stuck on her cheeks, not knowing what she was thinking.
She was still in denial.
Fine, keep being in denial. You will suffer in the end.
Lin Yin Ya rolled her eyes, applauded, and said loudly, “An Xia, you are awesome!”
Huang Yi Qi was so angry that her gaze was like a knife that flew over as she cursed, “Opportunist!”
Lin Yin Ya’s voice grew louder, for fear that An Xia could not hear her, the difference was she didn’t jump up and shout, “An Xia, An Xia! Good luck!”
So what if she was an opportunist!
In the juvenile detention center the weak depended on the strong to survive!
Wu Wen Yue actually couldn’t carry on anymore. But the moment the applause sounded, she was deeply irritated, and she had to grit her teeth to continue.
She didn’t want to lose, but unfortunately she had already lost the squat competition.
15 minutes later, Wu Wen Yue finally completed 500 squats. At this time, she was dizzy and her knees were weak. She wanted to withdraw from the competition.
Unfortunately, An Xia’s faint voice came in coldly, “Instructor Wu’s complexion looks very bad, but we still have to carry a load for 5 kilometers next, Instructor Wu, good luck.”
An Xia did not want to give Wu Wen Yue any route to retreat. She wanted to roast Wu Wen Yue until she begged for mercy…although begging would have been useless!
She wanted to harm her?
The punishment had just begun!
Wu Wen Yue no longer had the strength to reply to An Xia. What made her even more despaired was that An Xia said again, “Chief Instructor Zhang, let’s begin the competition for running with a load.”