Chapter 85 A Smile, Surpassing The World
The short-lived smile was just like the one from a young man, who was on the helicopter together with her, as he bowed deeply to thank her.
Even verdant mountains and lush clouds were no match for Mu Chen Yuan’s smile.
Although it was sad and cold, it surpassed the world.
Seeing it again now, as if it was engraved in An Xia’s heart, it was hard to forget.
“Smile less.” An Xia slowly retracted her gaze, muttering something that only she could hear, “Excellent soldiers don’t need troublemakers.”
The whistle sounded, and Chief Instructor Zhang kicked off the contest between the student and the instructors.
Under the whole team of teaching assistants, the students of the juvenile detention center all stood in formation in the drill ground and looked at the stage as the competition kicked off.
They couldn’t wait!
That girl even increased the bargain!
Did she underestimate the instructors, or overestimated herself?
Huang Yi Qi curled her lips and hummed, “She boasted so much, isn’t she afraid of boasting too much!”
Only allowed on
No one agreed, all the attention was focused on the stage. Who was still thinking about cynical remarks?
“Good luck, instructors! Good luck, instructors!”
At the beginning, the students only dared to shout “good luck, instructors”, but wanted to support the brave girl. However, they were timid and scared, so they could only support silently in their hearts.
However, the students didn’t know which team it was, but suddenly, they could hear a shout from somewhere “Ready, start.” and the students in the team raised their voices and yelled, “Good luck, An Xia! Good luck, An Xia!”
Oh f**k!
Which team said that?
They were remarkably brave!
It was easy once somebody started, especially when you saw the speed of An Xia’s squats, which was like a pile driver on a construction site. Up, down, up, down, and again, she quickly got up and squatted, her rhythm was much faster than the instructors. Then… how about we cheer for her?
After all, she’s one of us!
“Good luck, An Xia!”
“Good luck, An Xia!”
They were all a group of students with an average age of over 18 years old. Despite being arrogant before, they were thoroughly educated. After shouting “good luck, An Xia”, they immediately shouted “good luck, instructors.”
They distributed their favourites evenly so that the instructors would not settle scores with them at an opportune moment.
500 squats were not an easy task, but they were often used by instructors to punish students. 300 was the minimum and 500 was habitual.
An Xia deliberately asked for 500 squats, not for anything else, just for the former An Xia.
In her memory, An Xia had just been sent to the juvenile detention center on the first day. She failed to stand in attention properly and was punished with 500 squats.
Halfway through, An Xia fainted due to lack of physical strength, Wu Wen Yue ordered Huang Yi Qi to take snow and stuff it into An Xia’s neck. After she was woken up forcibly, she continued to squat.
From today onwards, An Xia would definitely get her back for all the things she had done!
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“Good luck, An Xia!”
“Good luck, instructors!”
“Ah, instructor Wu fell down!!”
Representing the instructors, Wu Wen Yue hadn’t reached 200 squats, and she lost her balance, she staggered, and fell forward.
Wu Wen Yue had lost her balance and her head happened to hit the butt of the instructor in front of her who was squating. Who would have thought that Wu Wen Yue was so useless? The fall forward caused the instructor ahead to lose balance and almost sat on Wu Wen Yue’s head.
It was a small incident but some of the onlooking students did not hold back their laughter and laughed out loud.
Their laughter was like a slap in the face, slapping Wu Wen Yue’s face fiercely. She hurriedly stood up in a hurry to save her reputation, and continued to squat to save her reputation.
Unfortunately, her reputation had been lost.
Not only did she embarrass herself in front of all the students, she had also embarrassed the instructors.
Chief Instructor Zhang gave her a cold glance, his expression cold and unpleasant.