Chapter 84 Losing In Aura
There was no reason why Chief Instructor Zhang shouldn’t agree.
His deep and sharp gaze darkened, and he nodded, “Very well, 6 hours.”
However, more exciting things were yet to come.
An Xia, with her shoulders open and her hands behind her, slowly scanned the face of each instructor, as if she was judging whether the instructors were qualified to compete with her.
That kind of sight, with a slight glance, was like a commander with outstanding war prestige conducting an inspection, which made the instructors feel pressured. Not only that, there seemed to be a strange sense of pride bubbling within them, as if it was an honor to be looked at by her.
The end result was, as long as An Xia gaze fell on them, they couldn’t help but hold their head high confidently, showing their fighting spirit when they were in their unit, without daring to relax at all.
Instructors, “…..”
The competition hadn’t started, and their aura was slightly lower than the student!
It was embarrassing.
Chief Instructor Zhang also felt a similar sense of weirdness. He looked at An Xia and his eyes became more surprised.
The thin and small girl was emitting an aura that was too powerful.
Confronted with 30 instructors alone, not only was she not intimidated, but rather calm and relaxed.
Who was she?
At such a young age, how did she achieve that?
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An Xia already finished sizing up the instructors, and she was very dissatisfied with the instructors’ formation, stance, and spirit, except for Mu Chen Yuan.
“First 500 squats to relax your bones, and then run 5 kilometers with a load to relax your muscles. We’ll finish off with 6 hours of standing at attention afterward.”
She was speaking to Chief Instructor Zhang. It was not a suggestion, but a necessity.
Only allowed on
Wu Wen Yue, who was the official representative for the instructors, was shocked. She wanted to object, but, without saying anything, Chief Instructor Zhang said, “As long as you can do it, the instructors will have no problem.”
No, she had a problem!
She couldn’t do it!
Wu Wen Yue, who had no power to oppose, turned black. She opened her mouth and summoned up the courage to raise objections. “Chief Instructor, An Xia has not received professional training at all. The regime she proposed isn’t valid.”
Chief Instructor Zhang’s face was obviously much colder, his eyes fell on the newly hired Mu Chen Yuan’s face, and he asked, “Instructor Mu, do you think there is a problem?”
“No.” Mu Chen Yuan answered indifferently. He obviously heard the instructors around letting out a breath in secret.
The competition required physical strength, endurance, and perseverance. It was a test for the instructors who had been away from their units for many years. It was very likely that some of the instructors would have to withdraw from the competition midway through the competition.
Could An Xia’s move intimidate all instructors at once?
Was it just to intimidate the instructors?
Her question to Chief Instructor Zhang flashed in her mind, “Businessmen value money highly and are blinded by greed, and in the end, they make contributions to the society to seek their own personal gain. Chief Instructor Zhang, I will ask you again, what’s your definition of what we are allowed to do?”
Chief Instructor Zhang’s eyes were dim, carefully pondering her intentions.
Soon, he seemed to guess An Xia’s real intentions. A faint light flashed across his dark and cold eyes, and his tight thin lips revealed a smile.
A pity that the smile was short-lived as it disappeared in a flash.
An Xia had her hands behind her back and her fingers twirled slightly.