Chapter 83 Unstoppable
Before they finished talking, they were discovered by Cheng Ming.
Speaking in formation was a violation of discipline!
“The two girls in the third row, fall out!” Cheng Ming solemnly raised his voice. Where was the easy-going person who spoke to An Xia just now? He was so stern that Huang Yi Qi and Lin Yin Ya were panic-stricken.
Oh no!
They were going to get punished!
On the other side, Mu Chen Yuan asked An Xia, “How sure are you to win?”
“Very much.” An Xia replied truthfully. “Just now, Cheng Ming said that I was in trouble. Did you investigate the identity of the four men?”
She did not take the following challenge to heart at all.
Seeing this, Mu Chen Yuan didn’t say much. Some things weren’t meant to be put to heart
Only allowed on
“Still investigating.” After a few seconds, a gloominess swept past his cold eyes. He seemed to have grasped something as he asked keenly, “Do you know the identity of the four men?”
“I don’t know.” She answered bluntly, “but I know that I did not cause trouble, instead I did a service.”
Mu Chen Yuan didn’t speak again, his handsome face was cold, his eyes gazed at An Xia dimly.
Did not cause trouble, but did a service instead?
At the time when General Xia Hou received his report, Mu Chen Yuan obviously felt his headache.
“You don’t believe me?” An Xia raised her lips and said unhurriedly, “Wait then, with your efficiency, there will be results in no time.”
The sound of the broadcast sounded, and Wu Wen Yue’s voice spread to every corner of the juvenile detention center and stunned all the students in an instant.
A student who was not afraid of death had challenged all the instructors!
Who was so awesome!
Was she rushing to die?
The students couldn’t believe what they heard.
The instructors couldn’t believe what they heard either.
They had been teaching for many years. For the first time, they had encountered a student who questioned the abilities of the instructors and challenged them!
She was courageous enough!
Soon, all the instructors put down their work and rushed to the drill ground.
After listening to the broadcast, An Xia invited Mu Chen Yuan, “Let’s go there together?”
3 minutes later, all the 30 instructors gathered in formation. Opposite, An Xia stood all by herself.
Chief Instructor Zhang walked to the middle. He got straight to the point and started the challenge immediately.
It was a simple competition of standing at attention, nothing else.
“It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. We will end at 11 o’clock. The timeframe for the challenge will be 5 hours long.”
5 hours!
Among the instructors, the first person whose face turned nervous was Wu Wen Yue. She really couldn’t stand still for 5 hours!
After Chief Instructor Zhang finished speaking, he asked An Xia, “Do you accept the challenge?”
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The eyes of all the instructors fell coldly on the girl standing opposite them.
They thought it was a boy who was arrogant.
Who knew it’d be a girl!
If An Xia was already this arrogant in the juvenile detention center, then she must have been lawless and arrogant outside!
They had to compete for 5 hours!
All the way until she obediently admits her mistake!
“Make it a whole number, end the challenge at 12 o’clock.” Under the gaze of 30 eyes, An Xia, with a smile on face, added another hour, “6 hours, 6 hours sharp, understood.”