Chapter 82 Lawless
They were all forcefully sent to the juvenile detention center by their families. At the beginning, they would yell and resist as they thought of themselves as the number one in the world. Whoever gave in first would lose.
A few days later, whoever was outrageous and ill-tempered, even if they were a dragon, could only give in.
The instructors inside were too ruthless, so ruthless that the students were not even treated as human beings.
“To be honest, I hope she can win against these instructors now.” Fang Si Ling said in a low voice, her expression bleak and lonely.
Shang Yu Jia pressed the corners of her mouth tightly and didn’t say more.
The other students’ thoughts were almost the same as Shang Yu Jia, and they hoped An Xia could beat the instructors who didn’t treat them as human beings.
Some instructors were pretty good, and some instructors were so sinister that they were afraid.
In the past when they were free, they could get what they wanted and do whatever they wanted.
But now?
After being sent here, they lived a life that was not meant for humans.
Boo hoo, they wanted to rebel a long time ago.
Sadly, they were not capable enough!
When Chief Instructor Zhang left, a few boys standing at the front of the queue clenched fists with one hand and whispered to An Xia, “You are a brave person, good luck! It’s up to you to defeat the villains!”
“Good luck! I’m rooting for you!”
“Beat them to death, I hope you win against them!”
The boys in the front spoke, and the students in the back also whispered in support.
However, they were no longer arrogant like before. Even if they supported An Xia, they only supported her in a small voice, and they didn’t dare to make a scene to support her.
They were really afraid of punishment.
From the side, there was a cold voice, “Stand properly!”
Only allowed on
It was like a knife was suddenly being held at their necks, scaring all the students pale, their whole bodies tight, and they didn’t dare to move anymore.
It was Mu Chen Yuan’s voice.
Cheng Ming approached An Xia and whispered, “You are too brave to challenge 30 instructors! I tell you, there are really a few instructors from special ops backgrounds. Although there are some who aren’t, they were still previously soldiers. None of them aren’t capable.”
“30 instructors, so that includes our captain, you…”
In that case, An Xia and the captain would also have to compete against each other?
Didn’t the captain say that An Xia’s level was close to a top quality soldier?
Could Cheng Ming personally see for himself today?
His worry had turned into anticipation.
“Good luck, If you are really not capable, I think the captain will still help you secretly.” Cheng Ming said, raising his hand to pat An Xia’s shoulder. As he was about to pat her shoulder, An Xia swept over with a cold gaze, and Cheng Ming embarrassingly pulled back his hand.
An Xia didn’t like having arms around each other’s shoulders, and no one in the Imperial Domain dared to treat her like that. She retracted her gaze and asked, “Is everything handled properly?”
“Yup.” Cheng Ming knew what she was referring to, his voice was extremely low, “You got into trouble again.”
Got into trouble?
An Xia smiled, “No, it was a meritorious service.”
What did she mean?
Wait, captain, don’t take her away, he still hadn’t figured it out!
Mu Chen Yuan had already taken An Xia away. He left Cheng Ming, who wanted to hold back An Xia but ultimately withdrew his hand and stayed back to reorganise the students.
The students watched An Xia leave.
Their eyes filled with respect.
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The instructors were all polite to her.
Huang Yi Qi clenched her teeth secretly, and turned her head to Lin Yin Ya, “No wonder she was so arrogant, she knows the new instructor!”
Lin Yin Ya rolled her eyes, “Can you use your brain? So what if she knows an instructor? Would she be so foolish to challenge the other 29 instructors if she knew an instructor?”