Chapter 77 An Xia, You Are Presumptuous
At this moment, the four missing men had been delivered out of the juvenile detention center.
Cheng Ming squatted in front of the four men who were already cold and carefully examined their wounds before whispering, “Captain, the moves Miss An used are similar to ours.”
This time, even he could not be sure that there wasn’t something strange about An Xia.
The technique of breaking someone’s spine was impossible to succeed at once without experience.
“Are you going to report this matter?” Cheng Ming swallowed, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.
Only allowed on
Miss An, I hope there really isn’t anything wrong about you.
Mu Chen Yuan closed the zipper of the bag again. Seeing Cheng Ming’s muddled expression and cold eyes, he asked, “Can you take care of them?”
Were they going to remain silent and throw the corpses into the wilderness to wait for others to find out and report a case to the authorities?
Cheng Ming was stumped. This situation really couldn’t be handled cleanly.
They would surely have to report it.
After Xia Hou Yu learned about it, he took a long time before speaking, “Go back and keep watching her. I will find out their identities.”
Apart from the Song Family, who else would want to assassinate An Xia?
How much trouble did the little girl get into? Why does everyone want to kill her?
In the juvenile detention center, An Xia didn’t know what she had done last night had caused a Seven Star General to have a headache. Standing in formation, she was being singled out by Wu Wen Yue.
“An Xia, fall out!” Wu Wen Yue screamed, “Double up!”
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Beside her, Huang Yi Qi smiled as if watching a good show. She gloated, waiting for An Xia to be dealt with
Wu Wen Yue was a deadly pervert. She only knew how to target girls every day. All girls who fell into her hands would be tortured by her every day.
An Xia had caught her attention, hahaha, now there will be a good show to watch!
Her eyes flashed maliciously. Seeing An Xia walking past her, she quickly stretched out her foot to trip her. Wu Wen Yue’s punishment would definitely be heavier then.
An Xia, with her head up high, turned a blind eye. But as she passed by Huang Yi Qi, she kicked her ankle hard. It seemed she still wanted to play dirty tricks on her?
Then she would have to put her in order.
Huang Yi Qi, who was in pain till her expression changed, retracted her feet as her figure trembled slightly.
“Would you like to try to have your foot broken?” A soft, thorny voice floated into her ears. Huang Yi Qi gritted her teeth and glared angrily at the figure walking a few steps away.
Don’t be so proud!
There will definitely be a day to take care of you!
Lin Yin Ya saw everything. She curled her lips, and uttered two words silently, “You fool.”
Knowing what you couldn’t win, yet still try was stupid and foolish.
An Xia had already stepped out of formation and stood in front of Wu Wen Yue. She saluted, put down her hand, and halted. Her head was held up high, and she stood with an awe-inspiring grandeur.  20 or so students below gaped at her.
Her stance was even more on point and beautiful than Wu Wen Yue!
How could Wu Wen Yue not see it? In a split second, her face became even more ugly, and there was no way to nitpick.
But so what!
She was an instructor, so she could nitpick however she wanted!
The whip in her hand slapped An Xia’s thighs, making loud noises.The thighs of the students below tightened due to the sound, and their waists and backs became more upright
“Straighten your thighs!” Wu Wen Yue unreasonably nitpicked and went around to An Xia’s left, and was about to whip her. Instead, An Xia grabbed her wrist and she couldn’t move, “An Xia, how dare you!”
“Instructor Wu, you were the one who taught me how to stand in position. So now that you’ve taught me wrongly, you’re blaming me for not standing well?” An Xia asked with a smile, her eyes were ice-cold. “It would be better for Instructor Wu to demonstrate once. Let me see whether you taught me wrong, or did I learn it wrong?”
Her strength was so great that Instructor Wu’s wrist nearly got crushed.