Chapter 78 Unseen Madness
The sullen Instructor Wu was set up by An Xia to the point of losing face, and she shouted angrily, “An Xia, this is a juvenile detention center, how dare you cause trouble?”
“I dare not, I’m just asking for guidance. Why? Is it because you knew that you didn’t teach well, so you have a guilty conscience and don’t dare to demonstrate?”
It was enough just to listen to threats once. Listening again was tasteless and frustrating!
“If you don’t want to teach, then I will have to ask Instructor Shu to demonstrate. I think Instructor Shu would be more than happy to.”
Instructor Shu was one of the few female teachers in the juvenile detention center. She and Wu Wen Yue were rivals. Every time both of them met, the atmosphere would turn tense.
Inviting her over was a huge slap to Wu Wen Yue. She would only make Wu Wen Yue more embarrassed and unable to get off the hook.
“Okay, you pay attention! If you don’t perfect your stance, you will be punished with 500 squats!” Wu Wen Yue gritted her teeth and stared at An Xia, who dared to challenge her. She shook off her hand and demonstrated what a standard stance was.
“Tuck in your abdomen, straighten your chest, raise your head, look ahead, press your shoulders back, hang your arms down naturally, straighten your legs…”
It was a simple stance, and the students usually don’t pay much attention. Now with An Xia at her side, the students were not blind, and they could see who was better.
Compared to An Xia, Wu Wen Yue was not as good!
“Incorrect! Instructor Wu, your lower abdomen is not tight enough, and your shoulders aren’t pressed…” An Xia said coldly, and personally corrected Wu Wen Yue. She stood behind Wu Wen Yue, straightened her left and right shoulders with her hands. She smiled before pressing hard.
Wu Wen Yue did not expect An Xia to dare correct her stance. She was caught off guard and wanted to avoid her but it was too late.
Her shoulders were suddenly pushed down, and her thoracic vertebrae and ribs made a “cackling” sound.
“An Xia…” Wu Wen Yue tried to stop her. Behind her, An Xia said again, “Why is your head tilted to the right? Why is your right shoulder higher than your left shoulder? Instructor Wu, your spine is misaligned and needs to be corrected.”
Pressing on her spine with one hand, a cold touch came, and Wu Wen Yue shivered severely. There was a horrible illusion that her neck would be broken by An Xia.
“Don’t move, the spine is very fragile.  If I twist it wrongly, I’m afraid that Instructor Wu will be bedridden for the rest of your life.”
Was that a threat?
Threats were merely just words.
Rather, action must be taken.
An Xia’s five fingers dug into Wu Wen Yue’s spine, and her fingertips penetrated into the deep layer of Wu Wen Yue’s skin. She only needed to use her five fingers to lift Wu Wen Yue’s spine and turned it off like a switch.
The flush on Wu Wen Yue’s face faded away, and she was now as white as paper.
Below, more than 20 students looked dumbfounded.
A student was teaching an instructor?
Only allowed on
She also scared the instructor till her legs became weak?
They couldn’t believe this was possible!
Just incredible!
Oh s***!
An Xia was awesome!
“Instructor Wu, I very much doubt that you came from a background of soldiers. How could a real soldier not even know the most basic stance?” An Xia let go of her fingers. In the cold wind, her voice was as shallow as a knife. “Are you even qualified to teach us?”
One stance was all she needed to know Wu Wen Yue was a cheap counterfeit good, and she dared to claim that she came from a background of female special soldiers.
Although she had never met Country Xia’s female special soldiers, she knew that they would never be of Wu Wen Yue’s level!
Wu Wen Yue, who had narrowly escaped death, was in cold sweat, and immediately took a few steps away from An Xia before shouting sternly without confidence, “An Xia, you give me 500 squats, no, hang upside down on the horizontal bar for two hours!”
With her head facing downwards, hanging upside down on the horizontal bar for 2 hours would be life-threatening!
An Xia sneered, with cold eyes, “As an instructor, you aren’t as good as your student, what qualifications do you have to be an instructor! Punish me? That’s only if you’re worthy.”
There was an uproar among the students. Oh s***! Provoking the instructor was an unprecedented madness!
She was their idol!
She did what none of them dared to!